Advising FAQ
The Department of History and Geography offers programs leading to a Bachelor of Arts. The department also offers minors in History and in Geography, an interdisciplinary minor in Pan African Studies, and Public History and Digital History emphases.
Q: How do I get an advisor?
A: The coordinator of undergraduate advising assigns each new advisee to one of our departmental advisors. If you would like to change your advisor, ask the coordinator to make the change. You can email the coordinator of undergraduate advising, Dr. Michael Silvestri (email: msilves@clemson.edu )
Q: Who is my academic advisor?
A: First-year (freshman) History major are advised by staff advisors in the College of Arts and Humanities. Sophomores, juniors and seniors, including new transfer students, are advised by History faculty.
If you’re unsure who your advisor is, you can find out by logging into iROAR > Student Self-Service > Student Records > Advising Student Profile. Every History major should have an assigned advisor, but if you do not, or cannot find out who your advisor is, please contact the History Undergraduate Studies Coordinator, Professor Michael Silvestri, at msilves@clemson.edu
If you are a double major and History is your second major (for example, you are a Political Science and History B.A.), you can contact Professor Silvestri with any advising questions at msilves@clemson.edu. -
Q: What do academic advisors do?
A: The primary task of the academic advisor is to help the student make sure that students meet the various requirements of the major and the university. Advisors do offer some help about career choice and applications to graduate or law school. More generally, advisors can also help students make academic choices and function as advocates for advisees in terms of the university as a whole.
Q: Who is the Department's prelaw advisor?
A: Dr. Wilson is the Department's prelaw advisor. She meets with students individually to discuss law school applications and choosing a legal career; she also holds occasional workshops on subjects related to the application process.
Q: What is the non-literature humanities requirement and what courses fulfill it?
A: Students take 3 credits in non-literature humanities. Check general education list.
Q: What counts as an advanced humanity?
A: Students need to take 9 credits of advanced humanities courses. Generally advanced humanities courses are courses at the 3000 or 4000 level, but ART 2100, THEA 2100, and Music 2100 count for fulfillment of the advanced humanities requirement. The following fields are considered humanities areas: Art and architectural history, English (except 3040, 3120, 3140, 3160, 3330, 3340, 3350, 4850, 4900, 4950), languages, music, philosophy, religion, communications (except Comm 3640 and 3680), theater (except Theater 3770, 4870, 4970), women’s studies, as well as courses entitled “humanities.”
Q: Can my minor, if it is a humanity, count to fulfill the humanities requirements?
A: Yes, it can. Typically minors in humanities areas would meet the requirement for 3 upper level courses in the humanities but not necessarily the non-literature Humanities requirement. Some courses that fulfill the requirement for two literature courses might also be part of a minor.
Q: Can I use courses required for my minor to count for my major, too?
A: You can use courses required for the minor to meet the History major’s Advanced Humanities requirement.
Q: What credit can I get for a three or better on an A.P. history exam?
A: If you took A.P .US, then you get credit for History 1010 and History 1020. These courses can count toward your major. If you took A.P. Modern European, then you get credit for History 1730. This course does not count toward your major, but it does fulfill one of the general education requirements. Students who have credit for this exam will still need to take History 1720 in order to complete the Gen. Ed. Social Science requirement.
Q: Why doesn't my AP language credit show in the degree progress report?
A: It won’t show until you have completed 2020 in whatever language you are studying.
Q: What do I need to do to keep my Life Scholarship?
A: Go to CHE Life Scholarship Program for the latest information. Basically, you need to maintain a 3.0 by the end of the academic year (this includes summer school, if courses are taken at Clemson or other SC school), having taken at least thirty hours. If you lose your scholarship, you can reapply if you meet those standards for the next year. So a student who lost a Life scholarship at the end of his/her freshman year might be able to get one back for junior year.
Q: Who can evaluate transfer credit in history?
A: Dr. Bein, the department chair and Dr. Silvestri, the undergraduate coordinator.
Q: How do I get credit approved for courses I plan to take at another university during the summer?
A: You need to get a course approval form from the Registrar’s web page. Your advisor will need to sign the form, but so will someone in the department at Clemson that teaches the course. They will probably want a description from a catalogue or web site of exactly what the course is. Check the CU Transfer Equivalency List for most domestic and some international colleges. Once the form has been filled out and the courses approved, turn it back in at Sikes. Once you’ve completed the course, you will still need to arrange to have the other university send Clemson the record of your course. Clemson will then give credit for the course but it will not record the grade and the grade will not become part of your average. It’s a good idea to check after a month or so to make sure that the transfer credit has been recorded; always keep a copy of the form and give one to your advisor.
For other advising questions please contact:
Department of History and Geography
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Department of History and Geography | 126 Hardin Hall, Clemson, SC 29634