Faculty and Staff Directory
Chair; Professor; Carol K. Brown Scholar in the Humanities Email: sbarcze@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin Hall 106 Phone: 864/656-3153 Interests: European History; Britain; Cultural; Empire |
Professor; Alumni Master Teacher Email: jrandre@clemson.eduOffice: 12 Hardin Hall Phone: 864-656-3153 Interests: U.S. History; U.S. South; Military; Cultural |
Lecturer Email: ahbaker@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin Hall 023 Interests: U.S. History; U.S. 1945-1975; U.S. since 1975; U.S. South; Political, Urban, Jewish, Economic/Business; Religion |
Professor Email: abartly@clemson.eduOffice: 108 Hardin Hall Phone: 864-656-5372 Interests: U.S. History; US 1945-1975; US since 1975; African American history |
Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Affairs; Professor of Modern Middle East History Email: abein@clemson.eduOffice: 126 Hardin Hall Phone: 864-656-3153 Interests: World History; Middle East/North Africa since 1800; Diplomatic/International |
Assistant Professor Email: cburd@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin Hall 014 Interests: U.S. History; U.S. History 1877-Present; U.S. Midwest; Environmental History; Capitalism; Digital Methods |
Professor and Director of the Humanities Hub Email: burnsj@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin Hall 127 Phone: 864-656-5373 Interests: World History; Africa since 1850; Empire; Transnational history; Global History; Film Studies; Popular Culture |
Professor of History; Director of the Clemson Cyberinstitute Email: vburton@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin Hall 120 Phone: 217-649-0608 Interests: U.S. History; U.S. South; African American history; legal and political history; quantitative methods; digital methods |
Assistant Professor; Public History Coordinator Email: catala4@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin Hall 002 Interests: U.S. History, Early America, Public, Digital Methods |
Associate Professor Email: cdunn@clemson.eduOffice: 110 Hardin Hall Phone: 864/656-3153 Interests: European History; British Isles, 1000-1500; Women, Gender and Sexuality; Social; Political |
Assistant Professor Email: stphanh@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin 104 Interests: World History; Africa, 1500-1850; Empire; Slavery; Indian Ocean Studies; Religion |
Lecturer Email: jhepwor@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin Hall 023 Interests: U.S. History; U.S. History 1877-1920; Religion; Historiography/Historical Theory and Method; Memory Studies; Capitalism |
Assistant Professor Email: rhillia@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin 018 Interests: European History; Early Modern Europe; France, 1500-1800; Social history; Urban history; Women, Gender, and Sexuality; Cultural; Legal history |
Assistant Professor Email: ehoge@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin Hall 118 Interests: European History; Soviet Union and Russia since 1945; disability; gender |
Lecturer Email: lichihh@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin Hall 203 Interests: Biogeography; Biogeomorphology; Landscape dynamics; Coastal environments; Resilience theory; Geospatial Analysis; GIS and Remote Sensing applications |
Principal Lecturer (Native American Religions) Email: jjeffri@clemson.eduOffice: 28 Hardin Hall Phone: (864) 656-5377 Interests: U.S. History; Colonial Period Native American and Indigenous; Enthnohistory; Religion |
Assistant Professor Email: klangen@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin 008 Interests: Roman Empire; Mediterranean World; World History; Historiography/Historical Theory & Method; Archaeology; Art and Architecture; Material Culture |
Associate Professor; M.A. Program Director Email: mmeng@clemson.eduOffice: 116 Hardin Hall Phone: (864) 656-3153 Interests: European History; Central Europe; Intellectual History; Religion; Philosophy |
Associate Professor Email: rchico@clemson.eduOffice: 112 Hardin Hall Phone: (864) 656-3153 |
Professor Email: jbm9@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin Hall 114 Phone: (864) 656-3153 Interests: South Carolina History, History of the South, Slavery and Abolition |
Professor Email: eemoise@clemson.eduOffice: 102 Hardin Hall Interests: Vietnam War; Vietnam; Modern China; Military History |
Assistant Professor Email: aeregan@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin Hall 004 Interests: US 1877-1975; Digital Methods; Women; LGBTQ; Cultural history |
Associate Professor; Ph.D. Program Director Email: wseefel@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin Hall 006 Phone: 864-656-3153 Interests: U.S. History; U.S. West; Digital Methods; Memory Studies; Cultural history; Environmental history |
Assistant Professor Email: rstoil@clemson.eduOffice: 010 Hardin Hall Phone: 864-656-3153 Interests: U.S. History |
Professor; Coordinator of the Undergraduate Program in History Email: msilves@clemson.eduOffice: 122 Hardin Hall Phone: (864) 656-3153 Interests: European History; Britain and Ireland since 1750; Empire; Transnational history |
Associate Professor Email: casmith@clemson.eduOffice: 10 Hardin Hall Phone: (864) 656-3153 |
Assistant Professor Email: steelm2@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin Hall 028 Interests: U.S. History; U.S. History 1877-Present; Legal; Intellectual; Religious; Political; Social Movements |
Assistant Professor Email: dswails@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin Hall 116 Interests: U.S. History, U.S. History 1877-present, African American, Cultural, Intellectual, Pop Culture |
Professor Email: terry2@clemson.eduOffice: 121 Hardin Hall Phone: (864) 656-3153 Interests: Economic Geography, Labor Migration, Tourism, GIS |
Assistant Professor Email: archanv@clemson.eduOffice: 016 Hardin Hall Interests: World History; Modern South Asia; Modern India; Empire; Gender, Women, and Sexuality; Oral History; Public History; Medical history |
Associate Professor Email: wilson1@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin 123 Interests: Early North America and the Caribbean; Legal History; African American History |
Affiliated Faculty
Affiliated Scholar, 2022-2024 Email: peisenst@gmail.com |
Affiliated Scholar, 2022-2024 Email: opicket@clemson.eduOffice: STI 116 in Archives and Special Collections Interests: Southern Religious History; Clemson History; Race in the U.S. South |
Affiliated Scholar Email: nrichbe@clemson.eduInterests: Modern British, Spirtualism, Global, Gender and Family |
Lecturer Email: tswood2@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin Hall 203 Interests: European History; British Isles, 1000-1500; Print Culture/History of the Book; Digital Methods; Gender, Women, and Sexuality |
Emeritus Faculty
Alumni Master Teacher and University Historian Email: pcander@clemson.eduOffice: 127 Hardin Hall Phone: 864-656-8719 |
Professor Emeritus of Geography and Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management Email: karlosk@clemson.edu |
Professor; Carol K. Brown Endowed Scholar in Humanities Email: elizab@clemson.edu |
Associate Professor Email: agrub@clemson.eduPhone: 864-656-5360 |
Professor (Protestant Reformation) Email: tjkuehn@clemson.eduOffice: 116 Hardin Hall Phone: (864) 656-5361 |
Associate Professor Email: pammack@clemson.eduOffice: Hardin Hall 014 Phone: (864) 656-3153 Interests: U.S. History; United States 1945-1975; Science and Technology; Environmental; Digital Methods; Gender, Women, and Sexuality |
Alumni Professor Email: msteven@clemson.eduOffice: 106 Hardin Hall Phone: (864) 656-3153 |
Class of '41 Memorial Professor of Humanities Email: mckaled@clemson.eduPhone: 864/656-3153 |
Associate Professor of Geography Emeritus Email: miller3@clemson.edu |
Professor Emeritus and Alumni Master Teacher Email: airedal@clemson.edu |
Professor Emeritus of American History Email: Suggs314@aol.com |
Professor Email: mshockl@clemson.edu |
Professor of History Emeritus, Dean of Liberal Arts College Emeritus |
Accountant/Fiscal Analyst II Email: Jeannec@clemson.eduPhone: 864/656-3153 |
Administrative Coordinator Email: ssheri@clemson.eduPhone: 864/656-7538 |