Profile Information
Rachel Anne Moore

Associate Professor
Department of History
Office: 112 Hardin Hall
Phone: (864) 656-3153
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (2006)
Latin America
Professor Moore is a specialist in the history of Mexico. Her interests include the postal system in Mexico, print culture, the impact of infrastructure on society, and the Atlantic world.
She received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, where she was named a Bancroft Library Fellow. Her first book, Transient Loyalties: the Atlantic World and the Public Sphere in nineteenth-century Veracruz (in revisions with University of Arizona Press), explored the symbiotic yet conflicted relationships that bound the inland town of Jalapa and and the port of Veracruz to the larger Atlantic world and considered the impact these affiliations had on the formation of a Mexican identity. Currently she is at work on a history of postal workers in Mexico. For this work, she has received a fellowship from the National Postal Museum in Washington, D.C. She has presented her work on this project at the Postal History Symposium, held in October 2009. Her presentation, titled "From the Pulpit to the Post: Anti-clericalism and Communication in Orizaba, Mexico, 1857-1867," will be published by Smithsonian University Press in a collection of essays to be released in 2010.
Professor Moore has received both Clemson University's Gentry Award for Teaching Excellence (2008-2009) and the Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching (2007-2008). Her current work in the classroom includes classes on Colonial Latin America, Modern South America as well as a historical methodology class examining the experiences of American soldiers serving in the U.S.-Mexican War (1847-1848).
Selected Professional Works
Conference Presentations (Delivered)
“The City in Your Pocket: Printed Guides during Times of Turmoil in Mexico, 1815-1869,” delivered at 2005 Conference of the American Printing History Association.
“Cavalry, Cads and Convicts: The Restless Residents of Jalapa, Mexico, 1812-1835,” delivered as Bancroft Fellow Lecture, February 2005.