Profile Information
William Terry

Department of History
Office: 121 Hardin Hall
Phone: (864) 656-3153
Ph.D., University of South Carolina (2009); M.A., Miami University (2004); B.A., Xavier University (1999)
Economic Geography, Food and Society, GIS for Humanities and Social Science, Tourism Geographies, World Regional Geography
Research Interests
Economic Geography, Labor Migration, Tourism, GIS
Professor Terry is an economic geographer with core interests in labor and tourism. His recent book Be Our Guest: Guestworkers in Tourism and Hospitality in the United States, the 10th volume in the De Gruyter Studies in Tourism series , examines the use of international guest workers and the role of temporary work visas in meeting labor shortages in the hotel and resort industry around the Carolinas. His past work has detailed the recruitment and treatment of seafarers in the cruise industry as well as the use of tourists as volunteers on local/organic farms through the organization WWOOF-USA.
Selected Professional Works
Books (Published)
Terry, W. (2022) Be our Guest: Guestworkers in Tourism and Hospitality in the United States. DeGruyter Press. Volume 10 in the series De Gruyter Studies in Tourism.
Journal Articles & Book Chapters (Published)
Terry, W.C. (2017). Flags of convenience and the global cruise labour market. Cruise Ship Tourism 2nd ed. Eds. Ross K. Dowling and Clare Weeden. CABI.
Terry, W. (2017). Precarity and guest work in US tourism: J-1 and H-2B visa programs. Tourism Geographies, 1-22.
Terry, W.C. (2016) Solving seasonality in tourism? Labour shortages and guest worker programmes in the USA. Area. 48(1): 111-118.
Terry, W.C. (2016) Workers on the move: Global labor sourcing in the cruise industry. in Tourism and Leisure Mobilities: Politics, Work and Play. Eds. Jillian M. Rickly, Kevin Hannam and Mary Mostafanezhad. pp 121-133. Routlege.
Terry, W.C. and Smith, C. A. (2015) Charleston, South Carolina: From Holy City to Static City–Historic Preservation, and the Cruise Ship Controversy. Focus on Geography. 58(3): 121-137.
Terry, W.C. (2014) The Perfect Worker: Discursive makings of Filipinos in the workplace hierarchy of the globalized cruise industry. Social and Cultural Geography. 15(1): 73-93.
Terry, W. (2014) Solving labor problems and building capacity in sustainable agriculture through volunteer tourism. Annals of Tourism Research. 49: 94-107.
Terry, W. C. (2011) “Geographic limits to global labor market flexibility: The human resources paradox of the cruise industry”. Geoforum. 42 (6): 660-670.
Mitchell, J. T. and W. C. Terry. (2011). "Contesting Pisco: Chile, Peru, and the Politics of Trade." The Geographical Review. 101 (4): 518-536.
Terry, W.C. (2009) “Working on the Water: On Legal Space and Seafarer Protection in the Cruise Industry”. Economic Geography. 85 (4): 463-482.