Profile Information
Abel A. Bartley

Department of History
Office: 108 Hardin Hall
Phone: 864-656-5372
Ph.D., Florida State University (1994)
African-American, Urban, & Civil Rights History, History of Sports
Research Interests
U.S. History; US 1945-1975; US since 1975; African American history
Professor Bartley is a native of Jacksonville, Florida. He came to Clemson in 2004 from the University of Akron, where he taught for ten years and helped build a vibrant Pan-African studies program. He is also the author of several essays on race, politics, and the Civil Rights movement. Professor Bartley's most recent book, Keeping the Faith explores race, politics, and social development in Jacksonville between 1940 and 1970.
Selected Professional Works
Books (Published)
Akron (Black America Series: Ohio) (2004).
Keeping the Faith: Race, Politics, and Social Development in Jacksonville, Florida, 1940-1970 (2000).