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Deposits, Balances, and Transactions


TigerStripe deposits can be submitted online. Deposited funds will be available within 15 minutes.

If you have not yet opened a TigerStripe or account, click the Open Account button on the link above.

Guest Deposits

Guest deposits of TigerStripe on behalf of the cardholder can be submitted online .

You will need the cardholder’s CUID and username. 

Deposited funds will be available within 15 minutes. 

Balances, History, and Statements

Balances, transaction history and statements can be reviewed online.

If you have a transaction dispute, please print or present the disputed transaction to the location of sale.

Balances of TigerStripe, Paw Points, and Meal Plans can also be viewed in real time on your TigerOne Mobile ID in the Apple Wallet or in the GET app for Android devices.