Graduate Track Faculty and Guidelines
Research Contacts
Course offerings and research projects lie in the following areas: in vivo performance of biomaterials; biological response to implanted biomaterials; biomechanics of tissue, implants and the tissue/implant interface; wear and lubrication of joints; spinal mechanics; visualization techniques; CAD/CAM-based custom prostheses design; and biomolecular modeling.
Graduate Track | Track Chair | Track Faculty |
Biomaterials Track | ||
Regenerative Medicine Track |
Aggie Simionescu |
Bioinstrumentation Track | ||
Biomechanics Track | ||
Cellular and Biomolecular Engineering |
Guidelines and Checklists
Graduate Program
Information on Bioengineering Courses for Clemson University Graduate Programs can be found in the Graduate Course Catalog. For answers to commonly asked questions, please view the Graduate School FAQ page.
Our Departmental Forms page lists needed forms for travel, supply and mileage reimbursements, and order tracking. You will also find information on safety information pertaining to training and lab policies.