Academic Advising

Laura Kinard
Student Services Program Manager
Graduate & Undergraduate
Sirrine Hall
(864) 656-1512

D.P. Aidhy
Undergraduate Coordinator
Sirrine Hall
(864) 656-4307

Olga Kuksenok
Graduate Coordinator
Sirrine Hall
(864) 656-5956
Academic Events

Academic advising is a partnership based on open dialogue that requires the consideration of academic, personal and professional goals, plus information about student resources, careers and university policies. Open-ended questions by the advisor help craft the advice to explore each student's interests and utilize the resources available at Clemson University. While academic advising is a collaborative process, the responsibility for each student's educational experience and success ultimately rests with the student.
Undergraduate Student Services
Materials Science and Engineering students receive individual advising each semester from a departmental advisor prior to registration. During these sessions, planned coursework for the next semester and overall curriculum completion are discussed. Additionally, plans post-graduation, options for full-time employment, co-op, internship, REU, and study abroad opportunities available based on the student's goals may be considered.
Graduate Student Services
The Graduate Student Services Coordinator provides guidance and support for graduate students from application to graduation. The coordinator manages and maintains student records, coordinates student service program needs for undergraduate and graduate students, and distributes graduate student forms and alerts for meetings, fellowships, and job opportunities. Also serves as the primary liaison with alumni and industry partners.
Undergraduate Students
Registration and Curriculum
All Clemson University undergraduate students must meet with an academic advisor at least once per semester. Most students will meet with an advisor the month before the start of registration to receive a PIN required to register for classes. To find your advisor, log in to iRoar, then select Student - Student Records - Degree Works - Academic Advisor. Students can make appointments with their advisor using CU Navigate.
The MSE curriculum consists of 128 credit hours. For a schedule of classes, please visit iROAR. You can also register for classes and see past schedules.
Graduate Students
Registration and Curriculum
The Materials Science and Engineering M.S. and Ph.D. degrees each require a minimum of 30 credit hours. For a schedule of classes, please visit iROAR. You can also register for classes and see past schedules.
Registration for new students: Prior to registration for the first semester of study, beginning graduate students must report to the Graduate Program Director, who will be their initial academic advisor and help plan their initial program of study.
Registration instructions: Graduate students do not need a PIN code to register for classes. To browse the schedule and register for classes, go to iRoar >- Student Self-Service > - Student Registration > - Add/Drop Classes, Plan Ahead and View Schedule. The iRoar Student Training Materials page provides students with video tutorials on how to register, drop the course, request an audit, waitlist a course, adjust variable credits, and more. Please note that some of the tutorials, such as Academic Forgiveness, Undergraduate Change of Program, Course Substitution, Degree Works, and CU Navigate, do not apply to graduate students.
Selecting an Advisor
All beginning graduate students are asked to confer with each MSE faculty member in whose general area they may have an interest. Upon having done so, the student selects an academic (option for non-thesis) or research advisor subject to the consent of the selected faculty member. The student subsequently begins to formulate research plans with the advice of their advisor.
For the non-thesis track: The MSE Graduate Director will serve as the Academic/Research advisor during the first month of study.
For Ph.D. students: The student subsequently begins to formulate research plans with the advice of their advisor. The student should have determined their research advisor by the beginning of their second semester in the program.
Students are advised to submit a GS2 form by the deadlines specified in the graduate manual and update it on a semester basis to ensure that planned courses will meet their degree requirements.
Advising Forms
- Academic Forgiveness - requests are submitted via iRoar (iRoar > Student Self-Service > Student Records > Request Academic Forgiveness).
- Approval of Credits to be Earned at Another School - the course will only count towards your degree requirements if approved as transferable to Clemson.
- FERPA Release - students may choose to complete and submit a FERPA Release form to allow access or release of their educational record to a third party (e.g., parent or guardian).
- Program Fee Waiver - students who are no longer pursuing engineering or computing degrees and cannot declare their intended major may apply for a Program Fee Waiver.
- GS2 Committee Selection: The GS2 Committee Selection form allows students to create an Advisory Committee.
- GS2 Plan of Study: The GS2 Plan of Study lists classes that a student plans to complete throughout their program. Students should update them on a regular basis, as some courses might be offered differently than intended.
Change of Major
To declare your major into MSE, you must have a cumulative GPA of 2.00 and meet the required curriculum with a C or better.
If you would like to change your major, you are encouraged to meet with an advisor in the intended program before making the change. You may be able to make an Explore appointment in CU Navigate. You can submit an Undergraduate Change of Program request in iROAR.
Change Major InformationGraduate
GS-14 Request for Change of Degree or Major: GS-14 Request for Change of Program/Major allows students to convert from M.S. to Ph.D. and from Ph.D. to M.S. within the department, as well as transfer to another department at Clemson University.
The change can be requested in iROAR under the Student Self-Service area.
GS-14 Instructions