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College of Education

Office of Research Services

Starting Your Proposal

The College of Education is committed to research that addresses critical needs. Our work is interdisciplinary in the truest sense. In collaboration with our partners, with colleagues across the Clemson campus and with researchers in peer institutions, we are conducting research that impacts education, business and communities. From teacher education and student affairs to counselor education and human resources, our research is making a difference in the lives of South Carolinians as well as people in the U.S. and beyond. Our students work alongside faculty as partners in this work, giving them valuable experience that will take them far in their futures as teachers, administrators, professors and other professionals. 

The Office of Research Services serves as the college-based pre-award office, providing both research development and research administration services to faculty. ORS staff also advise and support the ADRGS on initiatives to expand the college’s scholarship and research activities and impacts.

Contact Us

C.C. Bates, Ph.D. Interim Associate Dean for Research and Graduate StudiesCeleste C. (CC) Bates, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies
400 Gantt Circle

Jean E. McKendry, Ph.D.Jean E. McKendry, Ph.D.
Director of Research Development
G-04C Gantt Circle

Melinda Fischer, CRA, CPRA Grants Administrator & ManagerMelinda Fischer, CRA, CPRA
Grants Administrator & Manager
G-04B Gantt Circle

College of Education
College of Education | 101 Gantt Circle