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College of Education

Teacher Education Field Experience

teacher education

Teacher Education

Clinical experiences are an integral part of teacher preparation. We are committed to providing candidates with purposeful, challenging and diverse clinical experiences. It is through a range of diverse, carefully constructed and challenging field-based experiences, in conjunction with classroom-based instruction, that candidates will recognize the inherent dignity and value of all individuals, value social justice and equality of opportunity and advocate on behalf of children and families.

Candidates will have clinical experiences throughout their four years, gradually increasing in scope and responsibility, with placements in classrooms, schools and districts that have longstanding commitments to high quality educational experiences for all children. Beginning with early tutoring experiences during their freshmen year, and continuing with a variety of early field observations throughout the sophomore and junior years, students are prepared for the culminating practicum and student teaching.

By the end of student teaching, candidates recommended for certification will have a strong base of disciplinary/content knowledge, classroom management skills, pedagogical skills and a deep understanding of foundational issues related to academic success and educational fairness.

College of Education
College of Education | 101 Gantt Circle