- Academics Overview
- Undergraduate Overview
- Agricultural Education
- Early Childhood Education, B.A.
- Elementary Education, B.A.
- Middle Level Education, B.S.
- Mathematics Teaching, B.S.
- Modern Languages Education, B.A.
- Special Education, B.A.
- Secondary Education, B.A.
- Science Teaching, B.S./B.A.
- Athletic Leadership Minor
- Human Capital Education and Development
Master's and Specialist Programs
- Master's and Specialist Programs Overview
- Athletic Leadership (Online)
- Counselor Education
- Educational Leadership
- Human Resource Development
- Learning Sciences
- Literacy (Online)
- Middle Level Education, MAT
- Modern Languages, MAT
- Secondary Education, MAT
- Special Education (Online)
- Student Affairs
- Teaching and Learning (Online)
- Teaching and Learning, Ed.S.
- Doctoral Programs
- Certificates | Endorsements | Licensure
- Expressway to Tiger Town
- Bachelor's To Master's | Teacher Residency
- Teaching Fellows
- Research
- Programs
- Students
- About
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best way to make an appointment to see an advisor?
Students can schedule an advising appointment through CU Navigate. If you do not have access to CU Navigate, you may call the office at (864) 656-3192 or email the individual advisor directly.
When is the advising center open?
The office is open from 8:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday. Appointments are recommended, but students are welcome to drop in daily from 9:00-11:30 a.m. and 1:30-3:30 p.m.
I will be visiting campus and would like to meet with an advisor in my intended area. Will someone be available?
Advisors are always willing to meet with prospective students. It is recommended that you schedule an appointment with the advisor at least two weeks in advance to ensure availability. Please note that advisors are available during office hours only and are not available on Saturdays, Sundays or University holidays.
Am I required to meet with an advisor to register for classes?
Yes. Students must meet with their assigned advisor to plan their schedule and receive their registration PIN, a six-digit code that must be entered to access your registration window. Students cannot access registration without their PIN and should, thus, plan their pre-registration advising meeting in advance of their assigned registration window.
I haven't heard from my advisor, and I know it is time to be advised. What should I do?
Feel free to reach out to your assigned advisor by emailing them, calling their campus phone number, utilizing CU Navigate, or visiting their campus office.
I am not certain who my assigned advisor is for this semester. How can I find this information?
All students can view their advisor in iROAR and in CU Navigate.
http://iroar.clemson.edu > Student > Student Records > Degree Works
https://clemson.campus.eab.com> Student Home Page, see “Your Support Team”
How can I track my academic progress?
Degree audits are available online at any time and are updated nightly for accuracy. You can check your degree audit by using Degree Works. You can read about how to access Degree Works here.
I am a new freshman. Must I attend freshmen orientation?
Yes. During orientation you will register for fall classes, learn about different University programs and services, and you will also meet faculty, staff, and new students within the College of Education. College of Education advisors will assist you in selecting courses.
Does it matter which orientation I attend?
There are special orientations for specific students. Refer to the orientation link for those sessions. Students not participating in these programs are not required to attend a specific orientation session.
I am a new student. What should I know about getting involved in the College of Education?
The College of Education’s Undergraduate Student Advisor Board (USAB) manages a mentor program that pairs new students with an upperclassman in their major who serves as an additional campus resource. Mentors can assist in questions about campus or classes and can become a new acquaintance on campus. Talk to your advisor about participating in USAB’s mentor program. There are also multiple student organizations associated with CoE majors that may be of interest to you.
How many hours do I need to keep my scholarship?
Every scholarship is different. You should always contact Financial Aid with any scholarship questions.
Is there financial aid for students studying to be teachers?
Students planning to teach in South Carolina may be interested in the South Carolina Teacher Loan and Forgiveness programs. Students studying certain majors designated as high-needs teaching fields may also be interested in the Federal TEACH Grant. Financial Aid can answer any questions students may have about these funding opportunities.
How do I change my major to education?
Some College of Education programs have competitive entry requirements. Please refer to the change of major page for information regarding your specific area of interest.
How do I declare a minor?
Check out the minor requirements in the academic catalog and work with your advisor to develop a graduation plan that incorporates a minor. Once you have determined that you meet all minor requirements, you will complete a request in iROAR to change your academic program by adding the minor.
I want to take a course at my local college. What is the process for this?
Clemson students that plan to take courses elsewhere should get approval in advance for each subject to be taken. See the Registrar’s information regarding transferring credits from other schools. Students can check Clemson’s Transfer Course Equivalency List (TCEL) to determine how courses taken elsewhere will be evaluated by Clemson.
I have transfer credit from another institution. Will that grade count towards my Clemson GPA/GPR?
Only credits transfer, not grades.
If I complete a Clemson teacher training program, can I teach in a state other than S.C.?
Yes. However, you should check with the State Department of Education in the state where you are applying to teach to determine specific requirements for certification in that state. Most states require paperwork verifying that you completed an accredited educator certification program in South Carolina. Dr. Jennifer Hall in the Office of Field and Clinical Partnerships and Outreach can assist in this verification process.
Where can I get Praxis information?
Students should speak with their advisor to confirm which Praxis exam they need to take for their educator certification. Students can visit the Educational Testing Services website to register for an exam, access preparatory materials, or to log-in to their account. Clemson students also have access to preparatory materials in the Canvas workgroup for Education undergraduates.