- Academics Overview
- Undergraduate Overview
- Agricultural Education
- Early Childhood Education, B.A.
- Elementary Education, B.A.
- Middle Level Education, B.S.
- Mathematics Teaching, B.S.
- Modern Languages Education, B.A.
- Special Education, B.A.
- Secondary Education, B.A.
- Science Teaching, B.S./B.A.
- Athletic Leadership Minor
- Human Capital Education and Development
Master's and Specialist Programs
- Master's and Specialist Programs Overview
- Athletic Leadership (Online)
- Counselor Education
- Educational Leadership
- Human Resource Development
- Learning Sciences
- Literacy (Online)
- Middle Level Education, MAT
- Modern Languages, MAT
- Secondary Education, MAT
- Special Education (Online)
- Student Affairs
- Teaching and Learning (Online)
- Teaching and Learning, Ed.S.
- Doctoral Programs
- Certificates | Endorsements | Licensure
- Expressway to Tiger Town
- Bachelor's To Master's | Teacher Residency
- Teaching Fellows
- Research
- Programs
- Students
- About
CAEP Reporting
The following educator preparation programs are reviewed by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP):
- Initial Level – Agricultural Education, B.S., Early Childhood Education, B.A., Elementary Education, B.A., Modern Languages, B.A., Modern Languages, MAT, Middle Level Education, B.S., Middle Level Education, MAT, Mathematics Teaching, B.S., Special Education, B.A., Secondary Education, B.A., Secondary Education, MAT., Science Teaching, B.S./B.A., Teacher Residency, MAT
- Advanced Level – Educational Leadership, M.Ed./Ed.S.
For additional data about Clemson University or the College of Education please visit the Fact Book.
Annual Accountability Measures 2022-2023
Measure 1 – Completer Effectiveness
The South Carolina State Department of Education provides annual evaluation results for EPP graduates employed in SC schools. Teacher effectiveness is measured in the form of Student Learning Outcomes which are part of the expanded ADEPT system. The following table shows results for first year (induction) completers, annual 1 contract completers, and continuing contract completers. More information about the expanded ADEPT evaluation process can be found in the SCDE website: SCDE Teacher Evaluation Resources
Total No Data Met Not Met Incomplete Induction 1 Teachers N=134 0 | 0.00% 132 | 98.51% 1 | 0.75% 1 | 0.75% Annual 1 Contract N=116 0 | 0.00% 113 | 97.41% 0 | 0.00% 3 | 2.59% Continuing Contract N=2678 12 | 0.46% 2553 | 97.52% 3 | 0.11% 50 | 1.91% *Expanded ADEPT evaluation includes student impact rating in the form of SLOs. The State Department provides a recommended SLO template however, SLOs are set locally, and districts have the option to adopt their own rubric.
Additionally, the State Department of Education provides evaluation results for Annual 1 contract level completers using the South Carolina Teaching Standards 4.0 rubric. The following table shows completer results compared to state averages. Clemson graduates scored higher or equal to state averages on all rubric criteria. More information about the SCTS rubric can be found here: South Carolina Teaching Standards 4.0
South Carolina Teaching Standards 4.0 Evaluation Scores for Annual 1 Contract Level Graduates
Ruberic Criteria Provider Avg. State Avg. Domain 1: Planning Instructional Plans 3.27 3.21 Student Work 3.10 3.08 Assessment 3.04 3.00 Domain 2: Instruction Standards & Objectives 3.25 3.21 Motivating Students 3.32 3.24 Presenting Instructional Content 3.36 3.22 Lesson Structure & Pacing 3.29 3.16 Activities & Materials 3.19 3.16 Questioning 3.08 3.01 Academic Feedback 3.11 3.06 Grouping Students 3.13 3.07 Teacher Content Knowledge 3.50 3.40 Teacher Knowledge of Students 3.41 3.31 Thinking 3.05 3.01 Problem Solving 3.10 3.04 Domain 3:Environment Expectations 3.36 3.30 Engaging Students and Managing Behavior 3.39 3.28 Environment 3.56 3.46 Respectful Culture 3.58 3.52 Domain 4: Professionalism 1. The educator is prompt, prepared, and participates in professional development meetings, bringing student artifacts (student work) when requested. 3.73 3.41 2. The educator appropriately attempts to implement new learning in the classroom following presentation in professional development meetings. 3.66 3.38 3. The educator develops and works on a yearly plan for new learning based on analyses of school improvement plans and new goals, self-assessment, and input from the teacher leader and principal observations. 3.56 3.34 4. The educator selects specific activities, content knowledge, or pedagogical skills to enhance and improve his/her proficiency. 3.61 3.35 5. The educator makes thoughtful and accurate assessments of his/her lessons’ effectiveness as evidenced by the self- reflection after each observation. 3.63 3.33 6. The educator offers specific actions to improve his/her teaching. 3.57 3.29 7. The educator accepts responsibilities contributing to school improvement. 3.59 3.32 8. The educator utilizes student achievement data to address strengths and weaknesses of students and guide instructional decisions. 3.53 3.28 9. The educator actively supports school activities and events. 3.58 3.40 10. The educator accepts leadership responsibilities and/or assists in peers contributing to a safe and orderly school environment. 3.57 3.32 -
Measure 2 – Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement
A case study was conducted with close partner districts to determine initial completer employer satisfaction. The employers were asked to rate their satisfaction with preparedness of teachers in the four inTASC domains, technology, working with diverse learning, and implementation of standards. The results are disaggregated by program area.
The Learner and Learning Content Knowledge Instructional Practice Professional Responsibility Technology Diverse Learners College and Career Standards InTASC Domains Please indicate how prepared your Clemson alumni teacher(s) is(are) in these critical areas aligned to InTASC and SC Teaching Standards: Understanding how learners grow and develop and how to create environments that support individual learning differences allowing each learner to achieve a high level of success Mastery of content that allows me to connect concepts and engage students in problem solving and critical thinking Skills to design and implement effective instruction, align assessments with student learning outcomes/standards and use assessment results to monitor and improve student progress Professionalism and ethical practices allowing me to be an excellent collaborator and leader in the learning community Utilization and application of technology resources and digital media to increase professional skills and improve student learning outcomes Understanding the strengths and needs of diverse learners and ability to plan and present instruction that allows all students the opportunity to succeed Implementation of college and career readiness standards
satisfaction percentage (number selecting prepared or very prepared in respective area) Early and Elem Principals
(n=17)76% (13)
82% (14)
71% (12)
82% (14)
100.00% (17)
71% (12)
82% (14)
Middle Level Principals
(n=3)100% (3)
100% (3)
100% (3)
100% (3)
100% (3)
100% (3)
100% (3)
Secondary Principals
(n=6)100% (6)
100% (6)
100% (6)
100% (6)
100% (6)
100% (6)
100% (6)
Total* (n=27) 81% (22) 85% (23) 78% (21) 85% (23) 100% (27) 78% (21) 85% (23) All survey respondents indicated that they would hire another candidate prepared by Clemson programs.
A case study was also conducted to determine advanced program completer employer satisfaction. Employers were asked to rate completers level of preparedness based on CAEP professional skills for education leaders.
Please rate how prepared Clemson graduates are in the following critical areas aligned to CAEP professional skills
Applications of data literacy Use of research and understanding of qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed methods research methodologies Employment of data analysis and evidence to develop supportive school environments Leading and/or participating in collaborative activities with others such as peers, colleagues, teachers, administrators, community organizations, and parents Supporting appropriate applications of technology Application of professional dispositions, laws and policies, codes of ethics and professional standards satisfaction percentage (number selecting prepared or very prepared in respective area) Total (n=13) 76.92% (10)
84.62% (11)
76.92% (10)
96.31% (12)
69.23% (9)
76.92% (10)
The EPP has a strong partnership network that allows stakeholders regular opportunities to interact and provide feedback resulting in mutually beneficial relationships. The list of stakeholder feedback channels the EPPs regularly engages includes but is not limited to:
- Office of Field and Clinical Partnerships Advisory Board
- Teacher Residency Steering Committee
- Clemson Leadership Collaborative Steering Committee
- CoE Advancement Board
- Hispanic Alliance
- Meetings with partner districts
- Meeting with individual partner schools
Measure 3 - Candidate Competency at Completion
To ensure candidates are meeting expectations and ready to be recommended for licensure upon completion, they progress through the following transition points during their time in the program –
To be recommended for certification, completers much successful pass state required Praxis licensure exam per program area. The first table below compares EPP completer pass rates with state-wide results. The second table shows pass rates by certification exam for all students enrolled in education preparation programs from the past academic year.
Title II Results – Completer Praxis Pass Rates
Institution Results State Results Group Number
Pass RateNumber
Pass RateAll program completers 2022-23 177 168 95% 1455 1286 88% All program completers, 2021-22 170 166 98% 1718 1552 90% All program completers, 2020-21 162 161 99% 1744 1641 94% All Test Taker Results AY 22-23 (disaggregated by state required licensure exams for individual programs)
Test Name Testing Year: SEP-2020 TO AUG-2021 Total N # Pass % Pass Agriculture (5701/0701) 10 9 90.00 Biology (5236/0236) 1 * * Biology: Content Knowledge (5235/0235) 8 5 62.50 Chemistry: Content Knowledge (5245/0245) 1 * * Core Academic Skills for Ed: Math (5733/0733) 98 83 84.69 Core Academic Skills for Ed: Reading (5713/0713) 85.39 76 85.39 Core Academic Skills for Ed: Writing (5723/0723) 95 58 61.05 Early Childhood Education (5025/0025) 47 46 97.87 Ed Leadership: Admin and Supervision (5412/0412) 22 22 100.00 Education of Young Children (5024/0024) 2 * * Elem Ed: CKT Mathematics Subtest (7813/2813) 66 61 92.42 Elem Ed: CKT Reading/Lang Arts Subtest (7812/2812) 65 61 93.85 Elem Ed: CKT Science Subtest (7814/2814) 67 65 97.01 Elem Ed: CKT Social Studies Subtest (7815/2815) 67 65 97.01 Elem Ed: MS Mathematics Subtest (5003/0003) 31 26 83.87 Elem Ed: MS Reading Lang Arts Subtest (5002/0002) 28 23 82.14 Elem Ed: MS Science Subtest (5005/0005) 26 20 76.92 Elem Ed: MS Social Studies Subtest (5004/0004) 21 16 76.19 English Lang Arts: Content & Analysis (5039/0039) 3 * * English Lang Arts: Content Knowledge (5038/0038) 16 14 87.50 General Science (5436/0436) 3 * * General Science: Content Knowledge (5435/0435) 3 * * Mathematics (5165/0165) 22 22 100.00 Middle School English Language Arts (5047/0047) 16 12 75.00 Middle School Mathematics (5164/0164) 18 17 94.44 Middle School Science (5442/0442) 13 10 76.92 Middle School Social Studies (5089/0089) 11 9 81.82 Physical Education: Content and Design (5095/0095) 5 2 40.00 Physics: Content Knowledge (5265/0265) 1 * * Principles of Learn Teach: Early Child (5621/0621) 52 28 92.31 Principles of Learn Teach: Grades 5-9 (5623/0623) 11 11 100.00 Principles of Learn Teach: Grades 7-12 (5624/0624) 66 63 95.45 Principles of Learn Teach: Grades K-6 (5622/0622) 94 91 96.81 Principles of Learn Teach: PreK-12 (5625/0625) 2 * * Professional School Counselor (5421/0421) 3 * * School Counselor (5422/0422) 14 14 100.00 School Leaders Licensure Assessment (6990/1990) 2 * * School Superintendent Assessment (6991/1991) 1 * * Social Studies: Content & Interpretation (5086/0086) 27 22 81.48 Spanish: World Language (5195/0195) 1 Special Ed: Core Know Mild/Moderate App (5543/0543) 29 29 100.00 Special Ed: Core Knowledge & App. (5354/0354) 1 * * World and US History: Content Knowledge (5941/0941) 1 * * *No data are displayed because the test taker count is fewer than 5
Measure 4 – Ability of Completers to be Hired
The State of SC Department of Education provides the Annual 1 contract year SCTS 4.0 evaluation results of Clemson prepared graduates. The following number of graduates evaluated per year, and certification areas represented prove the ability of EPP completers to be hired in positions for which they were prepared. With a significant percentage of cohort completers obtaining teaching positions within the state, The College of Education strives to fulfill the land grant mission of Thomas Green Clemson to create “a high seminary of learning” that improves the opportunities and outcomes for the people of South Carolina.
Evaluation Year 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 N=110 N=95 N=94 Certification areas represented:
Certification areas represented:
Certification areas represented:
- Agriculture
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Early Childhood
- Elementary
- English
- History
- Mathematics
- Middle Level
- Social Studies
- Special Education
- Agriculture
- Biology
- Early Childhood
- Elementary
- English
- History
- Mathematics
- Middle Level
- Physics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Special Education
- Agriculture
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Early Childhood
- Elementary
- English
- History
- Mathematics
- Middle Level
- Social Studies
- Special Education
*As additional evidence of completers ability to be hired in positions for which they were prepared, of the 67 graduates who completed an exit survey in spring of 2023, 30 indicated they had already signed or were finalizing a teaching position contract for the upcoming school year.