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Emeritus College

Bylaws of the Emeritus College

Article I – Name

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Emeritus College.

Section 2. The Emeritus College shall function under the auspices of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost of Clemson University, hereafter referred to as the Office of the Provost.

Section 3. The Emeritus College shall hereafter be referred to as the College.

Article II - Vision and Purpose

Section 1.The vision of the College is to seek to enhance the relationship between the University and the emeriti faculty for the benefit of supporting Clemson University's teaching, research, and outreach missions and for the greater welfare of its emeritus faculty and the community at large.

Section 2. The purposes of the College include the following:

  1. Encourage and facilitate retired faculty's involvement with students, junior faculty, alumni, faculty governance, university administration, and the greater Clemson University community.
  2. Support the University through the continuation of research and scholarly pursuits including publications and external funding.
  3. Serve as an incentive for recruitment of senior faculty and for retiring faculty to remain affiliated with the University.
  4. Identify and advance the continuing intellectual interests of retired faculty.
  5. Facilitate the service of retired faculty to the University, community, and society.
  6. Help disseminate retirees' accumulated knowledge, wisdom, and expertise under the aegis of Clemson University.
  7. Provide a seamless transition for faculty into retirement as well as a focal point for activities and social interaction.

Article III - Membership

Section 1. Regular Members: All retired faculty of Clemson University who have received the title of emeritus or emerita faculty are regular members of the College. The College uses the official definition of regular faculty as defined in the University’s Constitution.

Section 2. Associate Members: Retired faculty of other colleges or universities who have received the title of emeritus or emerita may apply to be associate members of the College. Upon approval by the Director (with concurrence of the Advisory Board - See Article VI).

Section 3. Affiliate Members: Clemson University individuals with teaching, research, or service careers that are congruent with the mission of the University and the Emeritus College may be nominated to become affiliate members. With the approval of the Director and Advisory Board, the nominee will be invited to membership by the Director.

Section 4. Spouses and Partners: Spouses, partners, or guests of members of the College may be invited by the Director to participate in several activities during the year. Spouses or partners of deceased members of the College will also receive the College newsletter.

Section 5. Honorary Designee: An individual not reflected in the previous categories and who significantly contributes to the Emeritus College mission and whose importance and substantial contributions move the college forward.

Section 6. Meetings: There shall be at least one annual meeting of the membership. Business matters may be brought before the membership at that meeting or at other meetings which are announced at least 30 days in advance.

Section 7. Removal from Membership: Appointment to the Emeritus College as any type of Member is a privilege and not a right. It is also not equivalent to employment at Clemson University and does not include the associated rights and benefits of employment. All Members are expected to comply with local, state and federal laws. All Members are expected to comply with applicable Clemson University rules, policies and procedures especially as they relate to interactions with students, employees and the public and use of university property or systems.  Examples of policies include but are not limited to portions of the Clemson University Faculty Manual, HR policies, Research policies, CCIT policies, Title IX policies and/or other policies and procedures applicable to any activities being performed by the Member. The failure to meet these expectations can result in the removal of a Member from the College. A request to remove a Member from the College can be made to the Director in writing and will be reviewed by the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board will provide a written recommendation regarding a removal request to the Provost whether the Advisory Board recommends removal or not. A rationale for the recommendation must be included. The Provost will make the final decision regarding a request to remove an Emeritus Faculty Member from the College and will notify the Member of the decision in writing. The Provost is not required to wait for an outcome in a criminal proceeding or any other legal proceeding before making a decision regarding a removal request. 

Article IV – Organization

Section 1. The College is an entity operating within the administrative and budgetary purview of the Office of the Provost of Clemson University.

Section 2. The College and the members are subject to the regulations of the University.

Section 3. The College shall be administered by a Director.

Section 4. An Advisory Board shall provide both guidance and support for the activities of the College.

Article V – Director

Section 1. Appointment of Director and Staff:

  1. The Director shall be a tenured or emeritus faculty member of Clemson University.
  2. The Director shall be appointed by the Provost of the University and may be removed by the Provost.
  3. The Director shall be assisted by an administrative assistant and other appropriate staff provided by the University.
  4. The Director is an ex officio member of the College.

Section 2. Duties of the Director:

  1. Serve as the official representative of the College to the University Administration and as the spokesperson for the College.
  2. Provide leadership for College programs and activities and communicate College activities to the membership through a newsletter and a web site.
  3. Call all regular and special meetings of the College and preside over these meetings.
  4. Call meetings of the Advisory Board (see Article VI).
  5. Bring before the Advisory Board the names of individuals who are being considered to be associate members or special members of the College.
  6. Be responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the Minutes of the meetings of the College and of the Advisory Board.
  7. Appoint committees (including their chairs) as are necessary to implement the objectives of the College.
  8. Oversee all finances of the College and prepare an Annual Financial Report for the Office of the Provost and the Advisory Board.
  9. Prepare an Annual Report on the activities of the College for the membership and the Office of the Provost.

Article VI – Advisory Board

Section 1. Members of the Advisory Board:

  1. The Emeritus College Advisory Board (hereafter referred to as Advisory Board or Board) shall be composed of no more than twenty-five members of the College.
  2. Board members shall be recommended by the Director and approved by the Officers of the Advisory Board. Board members shall be appointed for two-year staggered terms and may be reappointed for one consecutive term. Additional terms may be served at a later time.
  3. As far as possible, the Board shall mirror the diverse population of the University and the surrounding community.
  4. Individuals who are not members of the College may be appointed to the Board for special purposes.

Section 2. Duties of the Advisory Board:

  1. Provide advice and counsel to the Director on the College’s programs, offerings, activities, membership, and operational issues.
  2. Provide opportunities for retired faculty to be involved within the academic community.
  3. Ensure the success of the College through active participation, recruitment, and stewardship activities.
  4. Prepare appropriate items of business to be brought before the membership.

Section 3. Operations of the Advisory Board:

  1. The Officers of the Advisory Board shall consist of a Chair, a Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, and an Immediate-Past-Chair. All Officers and members of the Executive committee shall be selected from the regular members of the Emeritus College. The Officers shall serve one-year terms in each position regardless of prior time on the Board. The Executive Committee, which will conduct the business of the Board between regular Board meetings, shall consist of five members including the three Officers of the Advisory Board, the Faculty Senate liaison of the Board, and the AROHE representative of the Board.
  2. The Board shall annually vote to select the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect from candidate(s) submitted by the Director in consultation with the Executive Committee. A candidate must have served at least one year on the board.
  3. If an Officer is unable to complete a term, the Director shall either appoint an alternate or propose an alternative solution. In either case this must be approved by the Board at its next meeting.
  4. The Board shall normally meet three times per year (fall, winter, and spring).
  5. Members of the Board shall serve on committees as appointed by the Director.
  6. Policy Statements which are proposed by the Director and approved by the Board shall serve to guide the operations of the College.

Article VII – Quorum and Voting

Section 1. Meetings of the Membership

  1. A quorum shall consist of the Director or the Chair of the Advisory Board and members present.
  2. A majority of votes cast by members present shall be necessary for the adoption of motions. This does not apply to motions concerning the Bylaws (see Article X).

Section 2. Meetings of the Advisory Board

  1. A quorum for business items shall consist of eight board members and one officer.
  2. A majority of votes cast by officers and board members present shall be necessary for the adoption of motions.  This does not apply to motions concerning the Bylaws (see Article X).

Article VIII – Ways and Means

Section 1. Finances

  1. University funding to cover ordinary expenses shall be requested by the Director and submitted to the Office of the Provost.
  2. Contributions from Friends of the Emeritus College through the Clemson University Foundation shall be solicited by the Director. These funds shall be used to cover extraordinary expenses.

Section 2. Facilities

  1. The University, through the Office of the Provost, shall provide appropriate office space for the use of the Director and the administrative staff to the director.
  2. The Director shall request the University to provide additional space and facilities (as space and finances permit) for use by members of the College to aid in achieving the goals of the College.

Article IX – Miscellaneous

Section 1. Rules of Order: Meetings of the College shall be conducted under the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.

Section 2. Insignia: The College shall have a distinctive identifying logo or symbol to use in its various communications.

Article X – Changes to the Bylaws

Section 1. The adoption of amendments to the Bylaws requires the approval of all of the following:

  1. The Advisory Board of the Emeritus College by two-thirds of the votes cast by officers and board members present at the time of the vote,
  2. The Director of the Emeritus College,
  3. The Membership of the Emeritus College by two-thirds of the votes cast by members present at the time of the vote, and
  4. The Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost of Clemson University.

Section 2. In the event that the College is not able to continue to make progress in accomplishing its purpose, the College may be dissolved.

Dissolution [initiated by emeritus faculty] requires the same approval procedure as amendments to the Bylaws (see Section 1 above).

Any discretionary funds remaining in the College’s account with the Clemson University Foundation shall be used to provide student scholarships.