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Emeritus College Purpose Statement
As the Emeritus College celebrated twenty years of service to the University and Clemson family, in 2023, we reaffirmed our role in support of Clemson University and the essential Land Grant mission of teaching, research, and service. The College encourages and enables its members’ meaningful engagement in University affairs and champions their continuing role as a resource for faculty, staff, and students.
The College advances the interests of the University and emeritus faculty by intentionally infusing core values of Belonging, Collaboration, Engagement and Well-Being throughout its programs and services. We foster a healthy environment of genuine concern for the well-being and continuing success of all involved.
Practice mutual respect and value for the distinguishing characteristics of each person.
Ensure fair and equal access, opportunities, resources, and promotion.Regard every person fairly and respectfully and as a valued voice.
Provide the experience of inclusion.
Foster an atmosphere of genuine discovery and exploration across disciplines and viewpoints.
Nurture the life of the mind through fostering the exchange of ideas and social interaction and support mutual welfare.
Foster ideals of health, self-esteem, volunteerism, and self-worth.
Model the highest individual, societal, and professional ethical standards.
Pursue and celebrate high standards of achievement.
Cultivate tolerance in furthering a more egalitarian, accepting, and generous society.