Obtaining and Submitting IACUC Forms

The InfoEd electronic protocol submission system is now available. All new requests for IACUC review must be submitted through InfoEd.
Protocol Forms
Please use InfoEd to obtain and submit Animal Use Protocol (AUP) forms. It automatically generates the shortest electronic eform you require.
For more information about requesting the use of animals please see the Clemson University Guidelines on Which Activities Require an Animal Use Protocol Policy 2.1 (PDF).
- Initial Applications - Also known as an AUP (Animal Use Protocol), this is the first form you will submit to start the approval process.
- Amendments - If you need to amend an AUP, submit an amendment using InfoEd. With Amendments you can:
- Add personnel
- PI changes
- Request more animals
- Modify the originally submitted AUP
- Annual Reviews - IACUC requires that you submit an annual review form for each year your AUP is approved. Use InfoEd to do this.
- Developmental Protocol - Submit a Developmental Protocol using InfoEd. No animal work can be completed under this type of protocol.
- Incidents and/or Unexpected Outcomes - If there is an incident please submit one using InfoEd.
Clemson and Non-Clemson Personnel
All Clemson and Non-Clemson personnel information is submitted and modified using InfoEd.
Hazardous Chemical Use in Vertebrate Animals
All hazardous materials, including radioactivity, Biological Hazards, and Chemical Hazards that will be used in Vertebrate animals need to be reviewed.
For Radioactivity, contact the Radiation Safety Officer. Konstantin Valentinovich Povod (kpovod@clemson.edu).
For Biological Hazards, you will need to submit an IBC protocol for IBC review. Contact Hope Smith-Sielicki smith@clemson.edu or Kerri Kwist (kkwist@clemson.edu) for more information.
For Chemical Hazards, these are reviewed as part of the Animal Use Protocol (AUP) process.
For the quickest chemical hazards review, it is recommended to be done before the AUP has been submitted. ALL chemicals should be listed and will be reviewed. The chemicals that are found to be particularly hazardous (Health Hazards, Environmental Hazards, or Toxic) may require extra safety measures including written Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Special Animal Safety Protocols (SASPs).
For submitting a chemical list for review, fill out this Chemical Use Review Form (XLS) and email to Anne Kogut (akogut@clemson.edu) or Kerri Kwist (kkwist@clemson.edu).
For more information about how the determination if extra safety measures are needed, click here for the Chemical Use Review Flow Chart (PDF).
A template for the chemical SOPs can be found at the bottom of this document (PDF).
Animal Concerns
If you have an animal welfare concern associated with any animal used in a Clemson University activity, you may Report a Concern to the IACUC Office and attach the Animal Concern Form (DOC).
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Clemson animal facility SOPs can be found on the Office of Animal Resources webpage under the University/Attending tab. Clemson University username and password is required.
SOP Template (DOC) - Example format for facility Standard Operating Procedures.
SOP Training Log (DOC) - Example format for facility Standard Operating Procedures training log.
SOP Guidelines (DOC) - Standard Operating Procedures Guidelines