Responsible Conduct of Research

The Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) is more than a compliance requirement. Nearly all of the topics covered in RCR training are interdisciplinary and provide guidance to ensure our research output reflects an honest representation of our work; is conducted transparently, respectful of our colleagues, subjects and resources; and serves as an example of our world class research at Clemson University.
RCR training is intended for more than discussing the professional norms, guidelines and policies around research practices. It should enable you to identify and respond to research practices that are detrimental to promoting the honest and accurate reflections of your work, your peers, the university, and your field.
We invite you to explore our resources for discussing RCR topics with your students and peers, and attend the many offerings that focus on RCR issues and their applicability to our work at Clemson.
Upcoming ORC sponsored RCR workshops
The Office of Research Compliance (ORC) hosts an RCR “Brown bag” series in spring and fall semesters on various RCR topics. Attendance will count towards 1 credit hour of Advanced RCR training, but you must register. Click here for the latest workshops and register.
Upcoming campus RCR workshops and other learning opportunities
Other colleges on campus offer workshops that can provide Advanced RCR credit hours. Proof of attendance must be provided.
More in-depth RCR training is offered by departments across campus. Please see the RCR Advanced Training Events listing below for opportunities.Please access this link for a list of Non-Office of Research Compliance RCR workshops.
RCR Topics...
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training is comprised of the following topic areas:
- Acquisition and Analysis of Data (such as tools for analyzing data and creating or working with digital images)
- Secure and ethical use of data; confidentiality, management, sharing and ownership
- Animal Welfare
- Authorship/Plagiarism
- Collaboration, including industry and investigators and institutions in other countries
- Conflict of Interest and conflict of commitment
- Human Subject Protections
- Mentor/Mentee relationships and responsibilities
- Peer Review, including maintaining the confidentiality and security in peer review
- Research Misconduct
- Lab Safety
- Safe research environments (inclusion; free of discriminatory harassment)
- The scientist as a responsible member of society, contemporary ethical issues in biomedical research, and the environmental and social aspects of scientific research
Blue denotes updated topics from the NIH as of February 17, 2022.
Research Misconduct
Research Misconduct is defined as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. Click here for more information on Research Misconduct and how to report.