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Office of Research Compliance

Institutional Review Board

Institutional Review Board

A researcher doing research

The IRB (Institutional Review Board) is a federally mandated body established under the DHHS regulations for the Protection of Human Subjects (45 CFR 46). Its purpose is to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects recruited to participate in research activities conducted under the auspices of Clemson University (CU).

University policy requires that all research involving human subjects be reviewed and approved by CU's IRB office prior to initiation of the research. This requirement applies to all human subjects research conducted by faculty, staff, and students, on- and off-campus, regardless of the funding support, if any, for the project.

  • IRB Office Hours

    No office hours March 24-28, 2025

    The IRB office hours are on Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm, and Wednesdays and Thursdays 2:30-3:30pm.

    • Office hours are through Zoom and available to CU users only (faculty, staff, and students).
    • During the office hours sessions, you have an opportunity to meet privately with an IRB staff. The sessions are not group sessions.
    • A passcode is not required to join the Zoom sessions. You must login with your Clemson account to join the session.

    If you are having issues logging into the Zoom sessions, try the following:

    • Visit and login with your “” address, not a “” address.
    • Download Zoom Workplace at
    • Contact if you have issues accessing the Zoom web address, downloading Zoom Workplace, or logging into Zoom with your “” address.
    • E-mail the IRB Office if you continue to have issues logging into the sessions.
  • What are the IRB federal registration numbers?

    Federal Wide Assurance: FWA00004497
    Expires: 7/15/2025

    DHHS IRB Registration Number: IRB00000481
    Expires: 9/09/2025

  • What needs IRB review?

    University policy requires that all research involving human subjects be reviewed and approved by CU's IRB office prior to initiation of the research. This requirement applies to all human subjects research conducted by faculty, staff, and students, on- and off-campus, regardless of the funding support, if any, for the project.

    Please visit our "What Needs Review" page for more information on which studies meet the federal definition of "Human Subjects Research."

  • What IRB training is required?

    The IRB office accepts the human subjects training courses offered through Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI).

    Please see the training page for more information on the required courses and the course titles.

  • What IRB documents are required for review?

    Some of the documents required are listed below but does not include an inclusive list. Please follow the instructions provided on the InfoEd eForm for each application type.

    • Information that will be used for recruiting participants (advertising messages).
    • Data collection tools/instruments.
    • Informed consent documents (use IRB template).
    • Site support letters, if applicable.

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