Upcoming Workshops
Brown Bag Series
The Brown Bag Seminar Series is an opportunity for the Clemson University community to better understand research integrity and research compliance related topics.
We will identify whether the workshop is on Zoom, in person, or hybrid. If we offer in person, bring your lunch and snacks will be provided. These seminars DO qualify for one hour or RCR advanced training credit hours.
Questions? If you have any questions about RCR training, or have suggestions about future topics, please CONTACT US.
Other Campus Offerings
In addition to the ORC Brown Bag Seminars, other campus offerings may qualify for RCR advanced training credit. We will promote them here when we can, but attendees may be asked to provide evidence of attendance to the ORC to receive the credit. Listings will be marked with a
The library regularly offers courses on plagiarism and data management that qualify for one hour of RCR advanced training credit. Please see the course schedule and register.
The Graduate School Professional Development office offers additional courses related to research, teaching, ethics, career development, leadership and wellness.
Departments may offer academic courses on RCR and Research Integrity. The RCR advanced training may vary per class but may be up to 6 hours.
If you see an offering that you think may cover an RCR topic, please let us know by contacting us using the link below!
Still More Opportunities...
The Office of Research Compliance has expert staff available for class or lab visits to discuss many of the RCR topics. Please. CONTACT US if you are interested in a guest speaker.