Internships and Training
As a training agency for psychology and counseling students, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) affirms the value of research in contributing to the field of psychology and in evaluating the effectiveness of the program. CAPS offers an excellent model for students interested in conducting research. CAPS’ affiliation with various departments facilitates opportunities for research and access to research expertise and resources.

APA Accredited Doctoral Internship Program
Welcome to Clemson University’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Psychology Internship program. Thank you for your interest in our training site. We offer a wide range of training opportunities for doctoral interns. The training program is an integral part of the mission of CAPS and Redfern Health Center. The entire clinical and support staff is involved in the supervision and training of our trainees. Our overarching goal is to help develop clinicians who are competent, highly ethical, and culturally sensitive and responsive. The program follows a practitioner-scholar model of professional training, which emphasizes experiential learning. In addition, the training staff embody a wide variety of clinical and supervision orientations which are utilized in training.
We are seeking candidates who are enthusiastic about their last formal year of training and recognize the importance of the experience as it pertains to their personal and professional development. We are also seeking candidates who are willing to engage in growth while serving a diverse public, which is a tenet espoused by both the American Psychological Association and the Commission on Accreditation. As lifelong learners we appreciate candidates who have a sincere appreciation of multiculturalism and who recognize that the development of competence is a lifelong process. We believe this is vital to all aspects of a therapist’s development and competence. As such, issues related to access and belonging are incorporated across all domains of supervision, training seminars and professional activities.
We expect that candidates will have growth edges as well as strengths and look forward to assisting candidates in exploring both. Overall, we strive to provide a growth-enhancing environment that allows interns to challenge themselves with new experiences as well as receive reflections and feedback about their functioning which will propel them toward further growth.
The website is structured in such a way that it will allow you to learn about Clemson, both the university and surrounding area. In addition, you will find information about the internship and the opportunities available to you. Although we are a generalist program, we do offer opportunities to focus on such areas as substance abuse, trauma-focused interventions and Dialectal Behavior Therapy (DBT).
I hope this letter has been helpful in your decision-making process regarding your application to our site. Please see our materials for specific application guidelines as well as the deadline for submission. If you have any questions about our program, please feel free to e-mail me. We recognize that the search for an internship can be a stressful and exciting process. We wish you the best in your search and thank you for your interest in Clemson CAPS.
Debra Crisp, Ph.D.
Training Director
Associate Director

Living in Clemson
The City of Clemson is located in the northwest corner of upstate South Carolina near the borders of Georgia and North Carolina. Nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and adjacent to Lake Hartwell, the area provides an excellent view of the mountains to the north and west. Nearby are a number of other scenic lakes, cascading waterfalls and mountain vistas. Residents enjoy a number of outdoor activities such as hiking, kayaking, white-water rafting, sailing, rock climbing, camping, mountain biking, as well as fishing and boating.
Learn More About Things to Do in Clemson
Although Clemson is considered rural, there are a number of small and larger cities close by. The City of Anderson (population 28,000) is located about 20 minutes away and offers a wide variety of services, dining and shopping. Greenville, S.C. is about 40 minutes away and has a population of about 70,000. The city is home to a number of dining options and community activities. In addition to residing in the Clemson-Central area, recent interns have made their homes in Anderson, Easley, Seneca and Greenville.
Learn more about:
For those longing for larger cities, Atlanta is located two hours south of Clemson while Charlotte, N.C. is located about two-and-one-half hours north of the area. Both are easily accessible via I-85. Finally, for those craving the mountains, Asheville, N.C. is located less than two hours away to the east.
Introduction and General Aspects
The Psychology Internship year is the culmination of a formal educational process through which trainees learn to apply the breadth of their psychological knowledge to their professional roles in the field. Interns receive scholarly training and supervision while participating in a broad range of activities that typically occur in university counseling centers. These training experiences are designed to help interns hone their clinical skills, ethical discernment and decision-making abilities, ability to attend to diversity issues, supervisory skills, and professional identity development to prepare them to function as generalists in applied settings. To facilitate their growth, interns are trained and supervised as they provide clinical services, supervision, crisis intervention, consultation, and community outreach while learning to function as psychologists within a larger organizational system.
CAPS staff members realize that providing the opportunity to pursue individual interests and abilities is an important part of the internship experience. As a result, interns are encouraged to individualize some elements of their training to meet goals they have set for their internship year. During the initial weeks of the Internship year, interns are provided additional information about the requirements of the Internship, CAPS services and the role interns have in providing these services. As the training year progresses, the interns, training director, supervisors and the CAPS staff collaborate to identify the professional goals, interests and training needs of the interns. Plans and activities are then developed collaboratively with the intern to meet their needs and goals as they complete the required elements of the Internship. These interests are balanced with the site’s needs and ability to provide these experiences.
Interns work collaboratively with medical professionals in a multidisciplinary health care setting. CAPS is housed geographically and administratively within Student Health Services at Redfern Health Center. Student Health Services is an integrated health care facility that offers a range of services to students and is accredited by The Joint Commission. This distinction reflects our commitment to uphold high standards of quality in both our delivery and administration of health care services.
While many elements of training occur in the context of supervision and service delivery, interns experience professional growth by participating in and contributing to interdisciplinary committees, professional consultations and discussions, the internship match process, administrative activities, staff development activities, seminars and consultation/treatment teams. These training activities are important in preparing interns to become early career psychologists. The CAPS staff believes that personal development and maturity are cornerstones of professional competence and identity. An extended effort is made to provide a safe, supportive environment that models, promotes, and attends to self-reflective practice and personal growth.
Mission and Training Philosophy
Mission Statement: The CAPS Psychology Internship Program aims to serve the Clemson University community and the public while contributing to the discipline of psychology by providing exemplary training experiences to prepare responsible, knowledgeable, and skilled health service professionals for entry-level practice as psychologists.
The Psychology Internship at CAPS is constantly evolving alongside the discipline of psychology. CAPS is committed to maintaining the highest standards of our profession as we facilitate the professional and personal growth of our interns. We employ the Practitioner-Scholar Model of training to guide our program’s structure and functioning to achieve our mission, with the charge of training psychology interns to practice at an intermediate to advanced level of skill and knowledge within our discipline.
CAPS provides a wide range of services and activities that give the interns a realistic view of the practice of psychology, and prepare interns to serve as generalist practitioners. The training process is enhanced and facilitated by the dedication of our staff to provide support and training from their diverse perspectives, histories, and professional backgrounds. Directed by our mission, the missions, visions and values espoused by Clemson University and the Division of Student Affairs, and the values, principles and guidelines set forth by our profession, our training philosophy is best described by the beliefs and values outlined below.
We believe optimal Internship training must provide interns with a wide range of professional activities to ensure a well-rounded training experience that fosters the versatility required of generalist practitioners.
We believe optimal Internship training must provide interns with a learning environment that offers safety, support, opportunity, collaboration, collegiality, challenge, respect as a person and professional, and the modeling of appropriate professional behavior.
We believe optimal Internship training must promote the integration of the science of psychology and the professional practice of psychology and foster the mutually influential relationship between the two.
We believe optimal Internship training must integrate scholarship, skill development, and the understanding of client context by both modeling and teaching interns to engage in evidence-based practice in psychology.
We believe optimal Internship training must increase the interns’ awareness, appreciation and understanding of individual and cultural differences within themselves and others, in order to improve their multicultural competency as they serve a diverse public.
We believe optimal Internship training must nurture the development of a reflective psychologist identity that integrates each intern’s personal values, self-concept, and sense of purpose with their role as a health service professional.
We believe optimal Internship training must support the development of ethical integrity and social responsibility in our interns as future psychologists.
We believe optimal Internship training must nurture the interns’ professional development by fostering a balance between self-confidence and self- evaluation, commitment to self-care, and commitment to lifelong learning.
We believe optimal Internship training must be carried out by health service professionals who are dedicated to the education and growth of trainees, and who reflect the highest standards of all health service professions by consistently striving to grow in the knowledge, skills, beliefs, and behaviors that reflect their own evolving personal and professional identities.
Counseling Psychology Model Training Values Statement Addressing Diversity
CAPS Psychology Internship program adheres to:
Counseling Psychology Model Training Values Statement Addressing Diversity
Respect for diversity and for values different from one’s own is a central value of counseling psychology training programs. The valuing of diversity is also consistent with the profession of psychology as mandated by the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct (2002) and as discussed in the Guidelines and Principles of Programs in Professional Psychology (APA, 2005). More recently there has been a call for counseling psychologists to actively work and advocate for social justice and prevent further oppression in society. Counseling psychologists provide services, teach, and/or engage in research with or pertaining to members of social groups that have often been devalued, viewed as deficient, or otherwise marginalized in the larger society.
Academic training programs, internships that employ counseling psychologists and espouse counseling values, and post-doc training programs (herein “training programs”) in counseling psychology exist within multicultural communities that contain people of diverse racial, ethnic, and class backgrounds; national origins; religious, spiritual and political beliefs; physical abilities; ages; genders; gender identities, sexual orientations, and physical appearance. Counseling psychologists believe that training communities are enriched by members’ openness to learning about others who are different than them as well as acceptance of others. Internship trainers, professors, practicum supervisors (herein “trainers”) and students and interns (herein “trainees”) agree to work together to create training environments that are characterized by respect, safety, and trust. Further, trainers and trainees are expected to be respectful and supportive of all individuals, including, but not limited to clients, staff, peers, and research participants.
Trainers recognize that no individual is completely free from all forms of bias and prejudice. Furthermore, it is expected that each training community will evidence a range of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Nonetheless, trainees and trainers in counseling psychology training programs are expected to be committed to the social values of respect for diversity, inclusion, and equity. Further, trainees and trainers are expected to be committed to critical thinking and the process of self-examination so that such prejudices or biases (and the assumptions on which they are based) may be evaluated in the light of available scientific data, standards of the profession, and traditions of cooperation and mutual respect. Thus, trainees and trainers are asked to demonstrate a genuine desire to examine their own attitudes, assumptions, behaviors, and values and to learn to work effectively with “cultural, individual, and role differences including those based on age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status” (APA Ethics Code, 2002, Principle E, p. 1063). Stated simply, both trainers and trainees are expected to demonstrate a willingness to examine their personal values, and to acquire and utilize professionally relevant knowledge and skills regardless of their beliefs, attitudes, and values.
Trainers will engage trainees in a manner inclusive and respectful of their multiple cultural identities. Trainers will examine their own biases and prejudices in the course of their interactions with trainees so as to model and facilitate this process for their trainees. Trainers will provide equal access, opportunity, and encouragement for trainees inclusive of their multiple cultural identities. Where appropriate, trainers will also model the processes of personal introspection in which they desire trainees to engage. As such, trainers will engage in and model appropriate self-disclosure and introspection with their trainees. This can include discussions about personal life experiences, attitudes, beliefs, opinions, feelings, and personal histories. Assuming no one is free from biases and prejudices, trainers will remain open to appropriate challenges from trainees to their held biases and prejudices. Trainers are committed to lifelong learning relative to multicultural competence. Counseling psychology training programs believe providing experiences that call for trainees to self-disclose and personally introspect about personal life experiences is an essential component of the training program. Specifically, while in the program trainees will be expected to engage in self-reflection and introspection on their attitudes, beliefs, opinions, feelings and personal history. Trainees will be expected to examine and attempt to resolve any of the above to eliminate potential negative impact on their ability to perform the functions of a psychologist, including but not limited to providing effective services to individuals from cultures and with beliefs different from their own and in accordance with APA guidelines and principles.
Members of the training community are committed to educating each other on the existence and effects of racism, sexism, ageism, heterosexism, religious intolerance, and other forms of invidious prejudice. Evidence of bias, stereotyped thinking, and prejudicial beliefs and attitudes will not go unchallenged, even when such behavior is rationalized as being a function of ignorance, joking, cultural differences, or substance abuse. When these actions result in physical or psychological abuse, harassment, intimidation, substandard psychological services or research, or violence against persons or property, members of the training community will intervene appropriately.
In summary, all members of counseling psychology training communities are committed to a training process that facilitates the development of professionally relevant knowledge and skills focused on working effectively with all individuals inclusive of demographics, beliefs, attitudes, and values. Members agree to engage in a mutually supportive process that examines the effects of one’s beliefs, attitudes, and values on one’s work with all clients. Such training processes are consistent with counseling psychology’s core values, respect for diversity and for values similar and different from one’s own.
This statement was endorsed by the Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies (ACCTA), the Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs (CCPTP) and the Society for Counseling Psychology (SCP) in August of 2006. The joint writing team for this document consisted of members from ACCTA, CCPTP and SCP, including Kathleen J. Bieschke, Ph.D., Chair, (SCP), Arnie Abels, Ph. D., (ACCTA), Eve Adams, Ph.D., (CCPTP), Marie Miville, Ph.D., (CCPTP) and Barry Schreier, Ph.D., (ACCTA). This statement is intended to serve as a model statement for counseling psychology training communities and we encourage sites to adapt the CPMTVSD to reflect their particular environment. The writing team for this document would like to acknowledge Laurie Mintz, Ph.D. and her colleagues at the University of Missouri-Columbia; the values statement for their program served as the starting point for the current document. Correspondence regarding this document should be directed to Kathleen J. Bieschke, Ph.D., 306 CEDAR Building, University Park, PA, 16802.
Categories of Professional Functioning and Competency Areas
The ultimate goal of a doctoral internship in health service psychology is to prepare interns to serve a diverse public which requires interns to develop the professional competencies to do so. Our internship adheres to the documents, “Preparing Professional Psychologists to serve a Diverse Public: A Core Requirement in Doctoral Education and Training” and "Professional Psychologist Competencies to Serve a Diverse Public" which were developed by the Education Directorate of the American Psychological Association. The nine (9) Profession-Wide Competencies are:
Competency 1: Research
Dissertation/Doctoral Project
Intern Research Project/Program Evaluation
Competency 2: Ethical and Legal Standards
Ethics (weighted in all areas)
Competency 3: Individual and Cultural Diversity
Multicultural Practice (weighted in all areas)
Competency 4: Professional Values, Attitudes and Behaviors
Professional Development
Integration of Professional Identity
Competency 5: Communication and Interpersonal Skills
Health Service Consultation/Referral (weighted in all areas)
Competency 6: Assessment
Assessment Skills and Knowledge
Assessment of Psychological Disability
Personality Assessment
Expanded DSM-5/DSM-5 TR Diagnostic Assessment
Competency 7: Intervention
Initial Assessment (individuals and couples)
Identification of Psychopathology
Treatment Planning
Crisis Intervention
Group Services (includes process, psychoeducational and support groups)
Health Service Consultation/Referral
Competency 8: Supervision
Supervision Skills and Knowledge
Supervise a Trainee from the CAPS Counselor Internship/Psychology Practicum Program (CIPPP)
Competency 9: Consultation and Interpersonal/Interdisciplinary Skills
Program Development
Presentation Skills
Attainment of Skill Competency
The program has created operational definitions for each competency area under its respective category. Interns are required to demonstrate proficiency in each competency area. Although the attainment of multicultural practice competency is a process that extends throughout a psychologist’s career, competency will be evaluated relative to the developmental status of the intern throughout the Internship year.
Program Requirements
The general requirements listed below are both manifestations and outcomes of the nine (9) Competency Areas defined within the CAPS Internship and do not include the various supervisory, administrative and agency-related requirements that interns are also expected to complete (e.g., completion of all documentation in a timely manner, attendance at and participation in supervision and training seminars, etc.). This list is subject to change during the course of the Internship year, depending upon agency demands and the individual progress of each intern.
2000 hours of overall service, full-time, 40 hours per week
Satisfactory performance in the internship activities listed below, as indicated by the consistent formal and informal evaluation of interns completed throughout the year
A minimum of 500 hours of Direct Clinical Service, including individual, couples and group counseling, initial assessment, crisis intervention, on-call contacts, outreach, consultation and provision of supervision
Completion of any assessment requirement
Completion of at least seven (7) requested Outreach Activities. Outreach activities include, but are not limited to, tabling events, screening days, presentations and debriefings.
Creation and implementation of an Original Outreach Project in addition to the seven requested outreach activities. Interns are encouraged to deliver the original program as early in the internship year as possible.
Completion of an Intern Research/Program Evaluation Project
Supervision of a Counselor Trainee
Delivery of a Training Seminar to the CAPS staff during the spring or summer semester
Participation in the Internship Match process to select the following year’s Psychology Interns
Active membership and participation in a Student Health Services interdisciplinary committee as a representative of CAPS
Active membership in and participation with a Consultation/Treatment Team
Completion of at least two (2) on-call service rotations. These rotations typically occur during the spring and summer semesters
Internship Admissions, Support and Initial Placement Data -
Direct Clinical Service Training Activities
Individual/Couples Counseling and Psychotherapy: Interns accrue experience in treating students with a wide array of presenting issues, from adjustment and developmental concerns to more severe psychopathology. The intersectionality and uniqueness of each client’s experience is affirmed and valued. Interns maintain a caseload of 14 to 17 individual and couples' clients.
Group Counseling: Interns co-facilitate at least one counseling group with a licensed senior staff member who provides supervision to the intern. Group offerings vary from semester to semester, and groups vary from general process groups to themed groups (i.e., trauma issues, sexual identity, substance misuse issues, anxiety, depression, etc.). Interns may also co-lead psychoeducational workshops that help students build coping resources and develop mindfulness skills.
Provision of Supervision: Interns supervise graduate level counselor trainees from the CAPS Counselor Internship/Psychology Practicum Program (CIPPP). This typically occurs during the fall and spring semesters. Supervision assignments are dependent on the number of CIPPP trainees accepted into that program. Interns are expected to meet with their supervisee for one-and-a-half (1.5) hours per week of individual face-to-face clinical supervision, provide written feedback on notes and review recordings of their supervisees' counseling sessions. Interns also evaluate their supervisee at the mid-term and end of each semester.
Outreach Programming and Consultation: Outreach programming aims to provide preventive psychoeducation or early intervention to students. Interns initially complete outreach presentations with a senior staff member. Later in the year, an intern may conduct outreaches on their own. Interns are required to complete a minimum of seven (7) requested outreach presentations and one (1) original outreach project. CAPS regularly provides valued consultation services to the University community, and this role is integrated into the Internship experience.
Crisis Intervention: CAPS provides 24-hour on-call emergency service. Staff members, including interns, are responsible for providing initial assessment services to students during regular office hours. Each CAPS staff member is responsible for working weekly shifts during which they meet with students who access our center. In addition to initial assessments, each staff member offers at least one crisis hour per week that students may access on an as needed basis.
CAPS also has a staff member available after hours to take emergency calls from students, faculty/staff or parents. Interns are included in this on-call experience in the spring and summer semesters, after they have accrued experience with crisis services in the fall.
Crisis Debriefing: From time to time, a traumatic incident on campus requires CAPS staff members to conduct debriefings or other types of interventions for groups of students, faculty and/or other University employees involved. Interns may co-facilitate these activities with senior staff members.
Professional Training Activities
Individual Supervision: Each intern is matched with a primary supervisor for two (2) hours of individual supervision per week. Primary supervisors are Licensed Psychologists who have been licensed for at least three years. Interns work with three (3) different primary supervisors during the year. In addition, interns may elect to receive secondary supervision from other CAPS staff members related to a specific treatment issue (i.e., substance use, eating concerns). Supervisory assignments are based on intern requests and the training staff's assessment of each intern's developmental needs.
Supervision of Supervision: Interns will receive one-and-one-half (1.5) hours per week of group supervision focused on their primary supervision of CIPPP trainees. Readings may be assigned to assist learning. The seminar is led by the coordinators of the Psychology Internship and CIPPP programs.
Group Counseling Supervision: Supervision of group counseling is provided by the senior staff member with whom the intern co-facilitates a group.
Consultation/Treatment Teams: Interns become members of at least one consultation/treatment team each semester. As a member of the team, Interns, senior staff members and other CAPS trainees present cases on a rotating basis. Discussion centers on case conceptualization, diagnostic and treatment concerns.
Intern Peer Support and Intern/TD Meetings: Interns gather one (1) hour every other week to share their experiences and offer mutual support. Interns have significant input into how this time will be spent. On alternate weeks, interns meet for one (1) hour with the Training Director. The structure of these meetings may be informal or formal depending on intern interest or need, but they typically focus on professional development and clinical issues.
Orientation: The interns spend the first few weeks of the Internship learning the policies and procedures of CAPS, Student Health Services and Clemson University. Interns also participate in activities designed to assist them in becoming familiar with the University at large. A variety of workshops and presentations are included in orientation.
Training Seminar: Senior staff members, interns and special guests present seminars on professional and clinical issues for two (2) hours each week. The seminars combine didactic and experiential learning, and focus on current clinical and professional issues. Examples of seminar topics include, but are not limited to, multicultural issues in counseling, group techniques, diagnosis, case conceptualization, bereavement, legal and ethical issues in counseling, suicide, and working with clients with eating disorders. Training seminars frequently offer opportunities for self-exploration and personal growth as part of a holistic learning process that continues throughout one's professional career.
Elevating Inclusive Excellence Seminar: Interns participate in a weekly seminar series that centers on inclusive excellence and belonging. The seminar meets for two hours and combines didactic with experiential learning. The goal of the seminar is to encourage increased cultural humility and understanding. Examples of seminar topics include, but are not limited to, intersectionality, issues related to belonging, barriers to access, privilege and Greek life. As with the training seminar series, Elevating Inclusive Excellence Seminar frequently offers opportunities for self-exploration and personal growth as part of a holistic learning process that continues throughout one's professional career. It should be noted that this seminar series is consistent with requirements for APA-accreditation.
Administrative Activities: Interns participate in staff meetings, committee meetings, and staff retreats throughout the year. CAPS provides time for these and other administrative responsibilities.
Research/Program Evaluation: Interns spend two (2) to four (4) hours per week on research projects. Interns are expected to use this time for the dissertation or doctoral project during fall semester and participate in a CAPS-related research project during spring and summer semesters. Projects will be developed in conjunction with the Coordinator of Research Services and may include working with a senior staff member for an ongoing project, developing a project with fellow interns or working on an independent project. Examples of previous intern research includes examining the efficacy of group therapy for alcohol and drug related issues; evaluation of CAPS programs; client satisfaction survey research; and the development of treatment outcome-oriented research.
Additional Training Opportunities
Training Emphases: CAPS offers generalist training, however, there are opportunities to develop deeper competency in one of three areas of emphases: trauma-informed treatment, addictive behavior treatment or Dialectal Behavior Therapy (DBT). Specific requirements are delineated below.
- Trauma-Informed Treatment: The CU CARES team recognizes and treats a wide range of trauma (i.e., sexual trauma, developmental trauma, etc.). The team conceptualizes cases based on the triphasic model developed by Judith Herman. Team members provide individual counseling as well as lead groups aimed at processing trauma. Examples of past CU CARES group foci include sexual assault processing, developmental trauma processing, and addressing safety and stabilization skills. Team members are expected to attend weekly consultation team meetings, maintain a caseload that includes clients whose primary issues are related to trauma, and develop or enhance an understanding of trauma treatment.
- Addictive Behaviors Treatment: The ACTT Program team provides assessment, intervention and treatment services to reduce the risk associated with substance use disorders, other addictive behaviors and recovery. Addictive behaviors may include gambling, gaming, internet use, sexual activity including pornography, substance use including nicotine, etc. The treatment team uses a range of theoretical orientations such as ACT, CBT, DBT, and Motivational Interviewing. Treatment modalities such as individual counseling, Therapy Assisted Online (TAO) modules, substance use education group, substance use skills group, and substance use process group are also used. Team members are expected to maintain a caseload that includes clients whose primary issues are related to addictive issues, consult regularly with ACTT treatment team, and develop or enhance an understanding of addictive behaviors treatment.
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Team: The DBT team provides the most intensive form of treatment at CAPS. Clients participating in the program meet with a counselor once a week for individual DBT informed treatment and once a week for a 1.5-hour DBT Skills Training Class. Clients appropriate for DBT include those with a history of chronic suicidal ideation, self-harm, trauma, moderately to severely dysregulated emotions, volatile relationships, eating disorders, or ineffective “treatment as usual.” Most DBT clients will be assessed as experiencing moderate to severe distress at the time of referral to DBT. Team members are expected to maintain three to four DBT clients on their caseload. Team members are also expected to attend a weekly, one-hour DBT consultation team meeting.
Summary of Weekly Activities During Internship
Based upon the information given above, an Intern’s weekly schedule is summarized in the table below.
1. Service Delivery
a. CU Now/Triage (or “Individual Assessment”)
b. Diagnostic Interviewing, Individual and Couples Counseling, Assessment, ACTT Clients ( minimum of 2 per week)
c. Group and/or Workshop
d. Supervision Provided by Intern
e. Optional Rotation, Consultation and Outreach, and/or Crisis/On-Call Contacts
(0.5 – 8.0)
= 19.0
2. Supervision Provided to Intern
a. Primary Individual Supervision
b. Supervision of Supervision
c. Secondary Supervision
0.5 – 1.0
d. Optional Rotation Supervisor
e. Group Supervision ( depending on group type)
0.5 – 1.0
f. Intern/TD Consult or Peer Intern Meeting
= 5 – 6
3. Training/Professional Development/Research
a. Training Seminars
2.0 – 3.5
b. Consultation Teams
c. Dissertation/Research Time**
= 6.5 – 7.5
4. Administrative Activities**
a. Meetings: Staff, RHC Committees, etc.
b. Paperwork/Report Writing
7.5 – 8.5
= 8.5 – 9.5
TOTAL Hours Per Week = 40.0
* These time allocations are approximate and are subject to change.
**During the spring and summer semesters, dissertation hours are re-allotted to 2–3.5 hours for Intern Research Project time in Section 3. Interns may contract to spend part of their research hours continuing to work on dissertation if not completed but must be engaged in the Intern Research Project in spring and summer semesters.
Evaluation and Feedback
Evaluation of Interns: All CAPS staff members provide feedback to assist with the evaluation of interns. Primary supervisors and some program coordinators formally evaluate each intern's progress at the end of each supervision pairing. Evaluators assess current strengths and areas for growth, and evaluations are used to focus the next semester’s supervision. The Training Director provides each intern with a complete description of the evaluation procedures at the beginning of the year. Less formal evaluations are scheduled mid-semester in the fall and spring. At the end of fall semester and at the end Internship, a summary of each intern’s progress is sent to the intern’s graduate program to document the intern’s participation in training activities and to note each intern’s developmental achievements over the course of the Internship.
Evaluation of Supervisors and Internship Program: Interns are asked to evaluate their supervisory experiences and the Internship program at the same time they are being evaluated. This information is used to make agreed-upon adjustments in the methods of supervision and training to better meet intern needs and to improve the quality of our training program.
CAPS Staff
Each CAPS staff member, clinical and administrative, possesses valuable skills, abilities, experiences and cultural backgrounds that contribute to and enrich the Internship journey.
CAPS Leadership Team:
Birmagidra M Gainor, Ph.D., is a Licensed Psychologist and the Director of CAPS. Dr. Gainor earned her doctorate in counseling psychology from the University of Georgia in 2010. She arrived at Clemson in Spring 2013 after working as the Director of Counseling Services at Columbia College, Columbia, SC. Dr. Gainor works from an interpersonal theoretical orientation with emphasis on the relationship. Her professional interests include use and misuse of technology, LGBTQQIA+ issues, alternative lifestyles, relationships, alcohol and other drug issues, and training/supervision.
Debra Crisp, Ph.D. (she/her), is a Licensed Psychologist and Associate Director. She is also the Director of Training. She earned her doctorate in counseling psychology from the University of Memphis. Dr. Crisp arrived at Clemson in August 2016 after serving as the Training Coordinator of the Counseling and Testing Center at the Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, KY for eight years. Dr. Crisp works from an integrative theoretical orientation which emphasizes person-centered, existential, psychodynamic and multicultural psychology. Her professional interests include training and supervision, issues related to first generation college attendance and multicultural competence.
Andrea (Andie) Eaton, Psy.D., is a Licensed Psychologist and Assistant Director. She is the Coordinator of the Eating Disorders program, and previous Coordinator of the DBT program. Dr. Eaton earned her doctoral degree from Mercer University’s Clinical Psychology program and completed her doctoral internship at Georgia Southern University's Counseling Center. She arrived in Clemson in the summer of 2019 after working as a fulltime staff member at her internship site for two years. Dr. Eaton is involved in both state and national leadership in the field of psychology. Her clinical interests include perfectionism, eating disorders, anxiety, and co-occurring mental health and medical conditions. Dr. Eaton’s supervision interests include professional identity development, helping supervisees find their theoretical voice, and refining interventions while utilizing a developmental approach. Her theoretical style is informed by psychodynamic, person-centered and third wave cognitive behavioral therapies.
Amy Massingill, M.Ed., LPC-S, is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Associate Director. She also serves as the Director of Clinical Services. Mrs. Massingill earned her graduate degree from Clemson University and is a native of the Clemson area.
Kelly Bollinger, M.Ed., LPC, LAC, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Licensed Addiction Counselor and Assistant Director. She is the Coordinator of Assessment, Choices, Training and Transitions (ACTT) Program—Substance Abuse Services. ACTT provides clinical services for Clemson students who have alcohol and other drug-related issues. The program includes assessment, group and individual counseling, and prevention education. Ms. Bollinger earned her graduate degree from Clemson University.
CAPS Senior Staff: CAPS senior staff members have different training backgrounds; thus, they will provide different types of training experiences. Interns may receive secondary supervision from licensed senior staff members.
Hussain Alhashem, Psy.D., is a Psychologist Under Postdoctoral Supervision for Licensure. Dr. Alhashem earned his doctoral degree from Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine’s Clinical Psychology program and completed his doctoral internship at Torrance State Hospital in Pennsylvania. His experience has primarily been with adults in inpatient settings, in the US and internationally, but he has also worked with adults and adolescents in outpatient settings and elderly at nursing home facilities. His clinical interests include serious mental illnesses, substance use and co-occurring disorders. His theoretical style is informed by cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing and recovery approach.
Sarah Allen, Ed.S., M.Ed., CCTP, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Clinical Trauma Professional and the CAPS Coordinator of CU CARES–Trauma Treatment Program. She also serves as the CAPS Coordinator of Counseling Internship and Psychology Practicum Program (CIPPP). The CU CARES Program serves Clemson students by assisting sexual assault and relationship violence survivors. She works with students to ensure safety and caring for them as they process traumatic events. Mrs. Allen utilizes a cognitive-behavioral method to work with students to improve thinking patterns and increase positive coping. Her professional interests include trauma, working with college students and self-care.
Channing Anderson, M.S. LPC (he/him), is a Licensed Professional Counselor and staff counselor. He leads one of the ACT workshops and works with wide range of mental health concerns. He also works in partnership with MVE (Military Veteran Engagement) serving student veterans, active military students, ROTC and students who are family of military service members. He earned his master’s degree from Radford University in 2011. His professional interests are trauma, eating disorders, drug and alcohol, grief counseling, life coaching, treatment for depression and anxiety symptoms, and safe zone counseling. His clinical approach is combination of CBT and Person-Centered Counseling.
Michelle Bertrand, LPC-A (she/her), is currently under supervision and works as the Groups Coordinator at CAPS. She earned her master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Walden University. Mrs. Bertrand works from an integrative theoretical orientation which is informed by cognitive behavioral, acceptance and commitment, and existential therapies. Her professional interests include working with issues related to substance use, anxiety, depression and trauma.
Cassidy Boyle, M.A., LPC, is a Licensed Professional Counselor and staff counselor embedded in Clemson Athletics. She earned her master’s degree in counseling from Gonzaga University. Ms. Boyle arrived at Clemson in December 2022 after serving as a clinical case manager and readjustment counselor for the Department of Veteran Affairs. Ms. Boyle works from an acceptance and commitment orientation, which focuses on values-based behaviors. She is trained in CBT, ACT and EMDR. Her professional interests included working with sports performance, treatment of depression and anxiety, and issues arising from trauma.
Annette Carpenter, M.A., LPC, is a Licensed Professional Counselor with an assessment emphasis at CAPS. Ms. Carpenter earned her Masters of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Appalachian State University in 2019. She recently joined CAPS after several years with the Department of Mental Health as a mental health counselor at Oconee Mental Health Clinic. Through her work with families, children and young adults, Ms. Carpenter has honed skills in management of severe and persistent mental illness with an integrative and varied approach to providing therapeutic services, including incorporation of mindfulness, the body/mind connection and person-centered therapy to collaborate with and empower clients to live their most fulfilled lives.
Timothy (Tim) Campbell (he/him), M.S.Ed, LPC , is a Licensed Professional Counselor and staff counselor, with a certification in Expressive Arts therapy and trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. He earned his master's degree in mental health counseling with an emphasis on children and adolescents from Youngstown State University. Tim came to Clemson in August 2022 after working in Northeast Ohio as a University Counselor at Mount Union for three years. Tim works from a holistic lens addressing the "whole" person mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Integrating cognitive behavioral therapy's emphasis on cognitions that impact one's mood and behavior, with alternative approaches such as narrative, movement, meditation and visual arts. Professional interests include working with issues related to trauma, depression, anxiety, self-exploration, multicultural issues and providing LGBTQ+ affirming care.
James (Jay) Cooley, LMSW, CTP, is a Social Worker Under Supervision for Independent Practice and CU CARES Case Manager. Mr. Cooley earned his Master’s in Social Work degree from the University of South Carolina in 2023. As a seasoned Case Manager and Social Worker, Jay works to support students through their toughest times. With a focus on grief, trauma and crisis intervention, Jay provides a safe space for individuals to navigate their emotions and determine their path forward. Jay's journey into this role has been shaped by diverse experiences, including a tenure in the hospice realm, where he witnessed firsthand the profound impact of loss and the resilience of the human spirit. Prior to his career in Social Work, he served in county government, honing skills in case management, community support and advocacy. Drawing from these experiences, he is dedicated to empowering students to overcome challenges, discover their strengths, and thrive in both their academic and personal lives.
Sara Dawson, M.A., LAC, CCTP, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Addiction Counselor, Certified Clinical Trauma Professional and staff counselor. She also serves as CAPS Coordinator of the CUI (Clemson Undergraduate Internship) program. She earned her master’s degree in counseling from Webster University. Ms. Dawson arrived at Clemson in March of 2018 after serving as the Services Coordinator at Anderson Oconee Behavioral Health Services for two years. Ms. Dawson works from a cognitive behavioral theoretical orientation, which emphasizes the effects of cognitions on mood and behavior. Her professional interests included working with issues arising from trauma, drug and alcohol counseling, treatment of depressive and anxiety symptoms, and neurological basis for depression, anxiety and addictions.
Karen Dekle, RN, is a registered nurse who works with CAPS Psychiatry. She earned her nursing degree from Tri-County Technical College in 2009. She joined Clemson’s Student Health Services team in 2022 following tenures with Prisma Health and Oconee County School District. Ms. Dekle is also an alumna of Clemson University’s secondary education program.
Alyssa (Aly) Enck, Psy.D. (she/her), is a Psychologist Under Postdoctoral Supervision for Licensure. She works within the DBT program and sees clients with a wide range of presenting mental health concerns. Dr. Enck also aids in helping to coordinate mood disorder services for students. She recently earned her doctoral degree from Marywood University’s Clinical Psychology program and completed her doctoral internship at Clemson’s University Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). Her clinical interests include working with individuals identifying within the LGBTQIA+ community, identity development, increasing self-awareness and self-compassion, and gradual behavioral and cognitive changes to promote a healthier outlook on life and to better manage expectations. Dr. Enck operates from an integrative orientation, aligning the interventions and focus with what the student is experiencing and reporting. Many of these interventions are derived from cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic and interpersonal psychotherapy.
Jennifer Esker, ARNP, is an ANCC certified Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner with more than 20 years of experience in Young Adult and Adolescent health. She is a 2002 graduate from the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire. Prior to starting at Clemson University, she worked within a large multidisciplinary clinic in central Wisconsin specializing in Behavioral and Preventative healthcare. She provides medication management along with a holistic approach to behavioral wellness utilizing personalized and integrative methods. Her professional interests include anxiety disorders, depression, mood disorders and neurodevelopmental disorders.
Logan Hartnell, Psy.D., HSPP (He/Him), is the Director of Student-Athlete Wellness and licensed Clinical and Sport Psychologist. Logan earned his doctorate in clinical psychology from Adler University in Chicago, IL. He joined Clemson in the fall of 2023 after serving as the sport psychologist for the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Prior to these experiences, Logan was a post-doctoral scholar in sport psychology at Ohio State University and a doctoral intern at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. Logan believes that the largest catalyst for change and well-being is an authentic, trusting relationship, which he emphasizes in his work with individuals and teams. He loves bringing humor into his work and has experience working with a wide variety of mental health and performance concerns including, but not limited to, identity development, trauma, relationships, self-confidence, mindfulness, emotion regulation and sleep.
Christian Konhaeuser-Lopez, M.E., LPC, is a staff counselor. He earned his Master’s degree in counseling from Lindsey Wilson College in 2020. Konhaeuser-Lopez arrived at Clemson in August 2022 after his work at Wakulla Correctional Institution’s Residential Continuum of Care Crisis Stabilization Unit in Wakulla, FL. Mr. Konhaeuser-Lopez works from an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy orientation, which emphasizes helping clients cultivate psychological flexibility through behavior change, mindfulness and well-being that is based on functional contextualism. Mr. Konhaeuser-Lopez works from an integrative approach to providing therapeutic services, including person-centered therapy, solution-focused therapy, DBT and mindfulness to support clients in addressing mental health issues in a way that is authentic to how they desire to engage in their lives.
Brooke Lankford, M.Ed., LPC-S, is a Licensed Professional Counselor and CAPS Coordinator of Case Management Services. She earned her graduate degree from Clemson University in 2008. Ms. Lankford worked in community mental health prior to coming to work at CAPS. Her primary theoretical orientations are Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Ms. Lankford’s clinical interests include mood disorders particularly anxiety, depression and adjustment disorders.
Christopher Pelic, M.D., is a physician certified as a Diplomate in the specialty of Psychiatry and subspecialty of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN). He earned his medical degree from the University Toledo in 2000 and completed his residency in psychiatry at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) in 2004. Dr. Pelic is a full tenured Professor of Psychiatry and serves as both the Health, Wellness and Human Performance I.C.C.E. Chief and Director of Telepsychiatry at MUSC. Prior to joining CAPS in 2019, he was Associate Dean of Student Affairs in the College of Medicine at MUSC. His professional interests include mood disorders, substance use disorders, anxiety disorders and personality disorders.
Dempsey (Nick) White, Ph.D., is a licensed staff psychologist and Coordinator of Research Services. Dr. White earned his doctoral degree from Georgia State University and completed his doctoral internship at Wichita Collaborative Psychology Internship Program. His primary theoretical orientation is an integration of client centered, mindfulness and a multicultural approach to CBT. His professional interests include trauma, relationships, research methods and measurement, and dialectical behavior therapy.
Primary Clinical Supervision: Primary clinical supervision for doctoral interns is provided by licensed psychologists with at least three years post-licensure experience. Current supervisors are:
- Debra Crisp, Ph.D.
- Andrea (Andie) Eaton, Psy.D.
- Birmagidra Gainor, Ph.D.
2024-2025 Psychology Interns:
Loren Carmichael, M.A., is a doctoral student working towards a Psy.D in Clinical Psychology from Marywood University. Ms. Carmichael earned a Master of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology from Marywood University in 2022. She primarily operates from an integrative theoretical orientation, incorporating aspects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Interpersonal Therapy. Ms. Carmichael has a background in working with a variety of clients and issues, including those experiencing difficulties with eating disorders, LGBTQIA+ issues, anxiety, depression, mood disorders and personality disorders. Ms. Carmichael also enjoys working with individuals from diverse backgrounds, with a special interest in working with individuals of color. Ms. Carmichael considers maintaining a strong therapeutic alliance to be one of the most important steps toward making change and instilling growth.
Savannah Miller, M.S., is a doctoral intern working towards a Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of San Francisco. Ms. Miller earned a Master of Science degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of San Francisco in 2023. She primarily operates from psychodynamic, humanistic and existential theoretical orientations. Ms. Miller has extensive experience collaboratively working with trauma survivors, grief and bereavement, personality disorders, mood disorders, and those navigating familial strain or estrangement. Ms. Miller enjoys helping clients explore their identities and values and what their version of a good life is. Ms. Miller believes in addressing underlying causes of dysfunction which ultimately leads to more resilience down the line, as opposed to only focusing on symptom reduction. Ms. Miller believes that the therapeutic relationship, when attended to often and well with care and respect in mind, is the primary context for healing and insight-oriented growth.
Sean Noe, M.A., is a doctoral intern working towards a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Fuller Seminary School of Psychology. Mr. Noe earned a Master of Psychology and Master of Theology degree from Fuller Seminary School of Psychology in 2022. He primarily operates from psychodynamic, relational and humanistic theoretical orientations. Mr. Noe has experience with a range of client experiences and issues, including anxiety, depression, identity development, relational conflict, grief, life adjustment and trauma. He likes to facilitate a collaborative therapeutic environment that can feel safe, welcoming, curious and explorative. He believes that the relationship is at the heart of therapeutic experience that leads to meaningful growth, insight and change.
CAPS Administrative Staff and Part-Time Clinical Staff: The CAPS administrative staff plays a vital role in the day-to-day functioning of our agency, and they provide invaluable support and assistance to interns throughout the Internship year. In addition, CAPS employs part-time clinical staff members who have diverse training backgrounds and can also contribute to the Internship experience by providing support, consultation and feedback.
CAPS Trainees: In keeping with our dedication to training mental health professionals, CAPS offers three levels of training, and we consider our trainees integral members of our staff. The CAPS Psychology Interns have opportunities to supervise, mentor, support and consult with our other trainees. Our levels of training include the following:
CAPS Psychology Interns:
CAPS CIPPP Trainees (Counselor Intern/Psychology Practicum Program) are masters’ students completing their practicum or internship requirements and/or doctoral students completing their practicum requirements. CAPS Psychology Interns provide clinical supervision to these trainees.
CAPS Undergraduate Interns (CUIs) are undergraduate students at Clemson seeking more exposure to the field of mental health services. Although they do not see clients, they assist with outreach, prevention, research and program development.
Application Qualifications and Requirements
Applicants for the CAPS Psychology Internship program are evaluated in a holistic way, with consideration given to appropriate fit with our agency's culture, and values. In addition to evaluating applicants based on our minimum requirements and preferred qualifications, we consider each applicant's career goals and how our agency could provide the requisite experience the applicant seeks. We also consider how each applicant could contribute to our staff.
CAPS Minimum Requirements for Applicants:
Doctoral Candidate from an APA-Accredited program in Counseling or Clinical Psychology who has successfully completed all course work.
Successful completion of the Comprehensive Exams by the CAPS application deadline.
Endorsement of the applicant’s readiness for Internship by the doctoral program’s Director of Clinical Training.
Completion of the dissertation proposal prior to the start date of Internship.
CAPS Minimum Preferred Qualifications of Applicants:
Completion of 450* direct service hours upon submission of the Internship application, with 400 hours devoted to individual counseling and at least 50 hours devoted to initial assessment or intake interviews. Direct service hours accrued during doctoral practica and direct service hours pursuant to a terminal master’s degree are both counted in this total.
Experience in conducting group counseling.
Experience in and/or interest in providing outreach services.
Coursework and/or experience in providing clinical supervision to trainees.
Experience and interest in working in a university counseling center or working with emerging adult clients, and/or experience in community mental health.
Experience in the assessment of personality and mood, including the administration, scoring and interpretation of various instruments.
*Many of our applicants meet all of our requirements and preferred qualifications, and some do not, but all applicants are given equitable and respectful consideration in our application review process. We do not expect interns to come to us as finished products, since we consider ourselves to be “works in progress.” Intern applicants who also view themselves as “works in progress” tend to be a good fit for our agency. We appreciate applicants who believe in the value of self-reflective practice and regularly engage in it. Applicants who are motivated to learn, who value teamwork, and who are flexible and able to adjust to the changing demands of working in a university counseling center also tend to be a good fit with CAPS.
To apply, please submit the APPIC Application for Psychology Internship (AAPI) by 11:59 p.m. EST on November 1, 2024.
Selection Process
The CAPS Intern selection process occurs in four (4) stages: initial screening; detailed review; interview and follow-up; and final ranking. All CAPS staff members, including interns, participate in various stages of the selection process.
Initial Screening: The Training Director completes the initial screen by reviewing all submitted applications to evaluate whether each applicant meets the minimum application requirements and minimum preferred qualifications set by CAPS for further consideration. Applications which do not meet these criteria are removed from further review at this stage.
Detailed Application Review: The remaining eligible applicants are evaluated by CAPS staff members who complete a detailed review of the application materials. After the detailed review results are compiled, approximately thirty (30) qualified applicants are chosen for a video interview. All applicants will be notified of their interview status no later than December 15.
Interview, Follow-up and Final Ranking: Applicants selected for the video interview will receive an e-mail invitation along with scheduling instructions. Interviews typically occur in late December and early January. The interview period is one hour. Approximately 45 minutes of that time will consist of interview questions, and multiple CAPS staff members participate and evaluate each applicant. Applicants are encouraged to ask questions about our site, and time is allotted for that purpose. After the interview, applicants are given the option of being contacted by a current CAPS Psychology Intern or Staff Member to address any remaining questions. The follow-up contact is done out of courtesy and is not evaluative. Applicants may decline follow up contact if they wish. Once all interviews are completed, the CAPS Training Director will compile all evaluation scores from the review and interview processes and rank the interviewed applicants still under consideration. Rankings are then submitted to National Match Services. Occasionally, an applicant will be removed from consideration after the interview is completed. If an applicant is removed from consideration, that applicant will be notified via e-mail.
Site Visits and Open House Events: While CAPS does not conduct on-site interviews, we do host an Open House event once interviews have been completed, usually the Friday prior to the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. The event is designed to provide applicants with additional information about CAPS and the Clemson area. As with the follow-up contact, the Open House is not an evaluative process. Applicants who wish to visit CAPS, but are unable to attend the Open House, are welcome and encouraged to make separate arrangements. Applicants should contact the Training Director well in advance of their proposed arrival to ensure that we will have staff available to conduct a tour and/or answer questions. Please note that site visits and Open House attendance in no way affect applicant ranking decisions. CAPS abides by all APPIC Match Policies (see below).
After the Match Results: Upon a successful match, entry into the CAPS Psychology Internship Program is contingent upon completion and acceptance of the Clemson University employment application. As a part of this application process, matched Internship candidates are required to undergo a Pre-Employment Investigation, which will include a criminal records check, a loan default check and a national sex offender registry check. Matched Internship candidates will be accepted into the CAPS Psychology Internship Program pending favorable application and background investigation results. For more information or questions about this policy, please contact Clemson University's Office of Human Resources at 864-656-2000.
Dates and Benefits
The 2024-2025 Internship Year will begin on Monday, July 15, 2024 and end on Monday, July 14, 2025.
The 2025-2026 Internship Year will begin on Tuesday, July 15, 2025 and end on Tuesday, July 14, 2026.
The stipend is $30,000, and interns receive health, dental and life insurance benefits, as well as retirement planning options.
As full-time University and state employees, interns accrue 9.37 hours of paid annual and 9.37 hours of paid sick leave per month. They also receive 13 paid official University holidays.
Accreditation Status and Professional Affiliations
Counseling and Psychological Services is housed within Student Health Services which is an integrated health care facility accredited by The Joint Commission. CAPS is a member of the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) and the Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies (ACCTA). The Psychology Internship Program is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA), and was first accredited by the APA Commission on Accreditation (CoA) in 2004. CAPS was reaccredited in 2016 for seven (7) years and will undergo reaccreditation review in 2023.*
*Reaccreditation site visits were delayed due to the recent pandemic. CAPS expects to undergo a site visit during early 2025.
Questions related to this program’s accredited status should be directed to the APA Commission on Accreditation.
Contact information is as follows:
Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002
Telephone: 202-336-5979. TDD/TTY: 202-336-6123
Internship Matching Program: Our site is registered to participate in the APPIC Internship Matching Program. To be considered for our site, applicants must be registered with National Matching Services.
Our APPIC member number is 1720.
Our APPIC Internship Matching Program code is 172011.
APPIC Match Policies: We follow APPIC Internship Matching Program policies for the Internship selection process. As such, this Internship site agrees to abide by the APPIC policy that no person at this training facility will solicit, accept, or use any ranking-related information from any Intern applicant (APPIC Match Policies, 2019-20, Items 7a and 7c). CAPS adheres to any updates to these policies as well, even if they are not directly listed on our website. APPIC Match Guidelines and Organizational Guidelines are available.
- Current and Former Interns
For additional information about the CAPS Psychology Internship Training Program, please contact:
Debra Crisp, Ph.D.
Training Director
Phone: 864-656-2451
Fax: 864-656-5034
Counselor Training Program
The Counselor Training Program (a.k.a. Counselor Intern/Psychology Practicum Program) is designed to provide professionals-in-training the opportunity to apply knowledge gained in the classroom to a real-life work setting. Trainees engage in direct client contact utilizing individual and group modalities under close clinical supervision. Participants in the Counselor Training program are expected to participate in the training and diversity seminar series as well as become members of at least one consultation team. The experience is designed to assist trainees in developing and honing their professional identities.
The Counselor Training Program accepts three levels of trainees:
- Doctoral practicum students are expected to be on-site 20 hours per week. Tasks include direct client service, supervision, training and other administrative duties. Doctoral practicum students are expected to be enrolled in counseling or clinical psychology doctoral programs.
- Master’s interns are expected to be on-site 20 hours per week. Tasks include direct client service, supervision, training and other administrative duties. Master’s interns are expected to be enrolled in counseling, clinical psychology or social work master’s programs. Master’s interns should have completed at least one practicum experience.
- Master’s practicum students are expected to be on-site 10 hours per week. Tasks include observation, psychoeducation workshops, clinical skills training, supervision, training and other administrative duties. Practicum students are accepted from master’s programs in counseling, clinical psychology or social work.
Application Process
Potential trainees should write a cover letter detailing their interest in placement at CAPS and provide a resumé/vita. An interview will be scheduled with the Interview Committee. Selection and admission to the Counselor Training Program will be conducted on a rolling basis. However, the training period typically begins within a week of the first day of fall or spring semester.
For additional information about the Counselor Training Program, contact:
Sarah Allen, LPC
Coordinator of the CIPPP Program
Phone: 864-656-2451
Fax: 864-656-5034