Medical Services
Redfern Health Center is open to meet students’ health care needs. Visits can be in-person or virtual. Please call before walking-in without an appointment: 864-656-1541.
Learn More Medical ServicesCounseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), the mental health department of Student Health Services, offers a wide array of services along a continuum of intensity for various psychological issues. You are encouraged to be an active participant in your medical and mental health care. Which service is the optimal treatment for you hinges your Individual Assessment. A diagnostic interview is conducted at the initial point of contact.
Learn More About CAPSHealthy Campus
Aspire to Be Well is a 90-minute peer-led health- and safety-focused dialogue. The dialogue covers key areas to maintaining a healthy and safe campus including overall well-being, alcohol and other drug misuse prevention, mental health and suicide prevention, and interpersonal violence prevention.
Learn More About Healthy Campus