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Student Health Services


Stalking is any behavior that may cause a person to fear for his/her safety due to a pattern of behavior that is unwanted and/or an emotional/mental disruption of his/her daily life.

Stalking may often seem subtle and harmless at first.

Stalking may include, but is not limited to:

  • Following another person.
  • Meeting at classes, places of residence or work.
  • Sending and receiving multiple unwanted email or text messages, phone calls or letters.
  • Sending, receiving and/or posting sexually explicit messages or pictures to someone’s online profile/social media.
  • Fast Stats
    • 7.5 million women and men are stalked each year in the United States.
    • A stalker can be someone you know well or not at all. Most have dated or been involved with the people they stalk.
    • Stalking is generally defined as a pattern of behavior directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear and is a crime under the law in all 50 states, and U.S. territories.

    It is not a joke. It is not romantic. It is not okay. It is a crime.

  • What Stalkers Do
    • Repeatedly call you, including hang-ups.
    • Follow you and show up wherever you are.
    • Send unwanted gifts, letters, texts or emails.
    • Damage your home, car or other property.
    • Monitor your phone calls or computer use.
    • Use technology, like hidden cameras or GPS, to track where you go.
    • Drive by or hang out at your home, school or work.
    • Threaten to hurt you, your family, friends or pets.
    • Find out about you by using public records, online search services, hiring investigators, going through your garbage or contacting friends, family, neighbors or co-workers.
    • Other actions that control, track or frighten you.
  • How to Help Someone Who Is Being Stalked
    • Listen
    • Show support
    • Do not blame the victim for the crime
    • Remember that every situation is different, and allow the person being stalked to make choices about how to handle the situation
    • Find someone you can talk to about the situation
    • Take steps to ensure your own safety

    Being stalked? 8 ways to help a friend


  • If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

  • Trust your instincts. Don’t downplay the danger.

  • Take threats seriously. Contact a crisis hotline, victim services agency, or a domestic violence or rape crisis program. They can help you devise a safety plan, give you information about local laws, refer you to other services and weigh options such as seeking a protection order.

  • Develop a safety plan, including things like changing your routine, arranging a place to stay, and having a friend or relative go places with you. Tell people how they can help you.

  • Do not communicate with the stalker or respond to attempts to contact you.

  • It is important to remember that you should keep evidence of the stalking regardless of whether or not the police were contacted.

  • Remember, to be granted a restraining order, you must be able to provide documentation that stalking is occurring.

  • Consider getting a court order that tells the stalker to stay away from you.

  • Tell family, friends, roommates and co-workers about the stalking. 


Student Health Services
Student Health Services | Redfern Health Center, 735 McMillan Road, Clemson, SC 29634
P: 864-656-2233 | F: 800-747-3293 |