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Undergraduate Learning

Strategic Plan for the Division of Undergraduate Learning

Our Role

The modern land-grant research university has a tripartite mission of the discovery, dissemination, and application of knowledge to enrich the lives and livelihoods of our students, our state, and the world. This mission is realized through scholarship, teaching, and service. Undergraduate students grow through their participation in all aspects of this tripartite mission. They build a foundation of knowledge about themselves and the world around them through their classes. From this foundation, they engage in the discovery process, thereby contributing to the advancement of knowledge – artistic, cultural, scientific, and technical. They then take this knowledge and apply it – through internships and cooperative education, outreach events, and service through partnerships with our communities. In doing so, they “learn by doing.” For our undergraduates, their time at Clemson is an unparalleled opportunity for personal growth – social, emotional, academic, and professional. They engage in a process of self-discovery, build lifelong friendships, develop their aspirations, and acquire competencies that will allow them to thrive and serve their communities. The Division of Undergraduate Learning supports our students, staff, and faculty in this process as we collectively seek to deliver the #1 Student Experience.


Goal 1 – Accessibility and Academic Success

Provide exemplary accessibility and academic support services.

1.1 Design and deliver programming that affirms students’ potential, enhances their sense of belonging, and develops the habits of mind to be lifelong learners.

1.2 Enhance the student academic advising experience to be responsive to their academic and career aspirations, enhance their sense of belonging, and support timely degree progress.

1.3. Build the self-efficacy of students by teaching them to use resources available to them.

Goal 2 – Experiential Learning

Provide opportunities for all students to excel through experiential learning.

2.1 Increase the number and variety of experiential learning opportunities accessible to undergraduate students.

2.2 Reduce opportunity gaps in experiential learning among undergraduate students.

2.3 Enhance the quality and value proposition of experiential learning programming for all undergraduate students.

Goal 3 – Courses and Curriculum

Support sustainable, rigorous, and innovative courses and curricula that prepare students to be lifelong learners who are ready to take advantage of new opportunities in a rapidly changing world.

3.1 Support faculty in their reflection on and revision of courses and curricula to ensure more opportunities for students to engage in experiential learning within their major.

3.2 Support faculty in their reflection on and revision of courses and curricula to integrate high-impact practices and universal design pedagogies, improve accessibility to diverse learners, and mitigate undergraduate student success gaps.

3.3 Support faculty implementation of the Crossings General Education curriculum and development of Global Challenges courses.

Goal 4 – Academic Coherence

Protect the integrity of Clemson degrees and address the emerging demands of higher education.

4.1 Through continual review of the Academic Regulations, improve academic policies to meet the evolving needs of students and faculty. Work with faculty and academic advisors to better communicate and maintain academic policies.

4.2 Monitor internal procedures to implement academic policies in a fair and transparent fashion for the benefit of students and their supporters. Increase efficiencies in processes using technology and inter-departmental collaborations.

Goal 5 – Student Success

Drive and support implementation and expansion of data-driven, evidence-based academic success strategies across the curriculum.

5.1 Assess the efficiency of curricula to support timely degree progress.

5.2 Assess early intervention initiatives across the institution.

5.3 Support and assess enterprise-wide student success initiatives.