Academic Eligibility
Academic Eligibility is the status that determines whether a student can remain enrolled. Several mechanisms are in place to promote academic progress, including the following policies.

College Advising Websites
At Clemson, we believe education is a collaborative effort, and we have multiple advisors who are trained to help you determine your path and complete your degree successfully.
See how advising works at Clemson or connect with a college advisor via the links below.
- College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
- College of Architecture, Art and Construction
- College of Arts and Humanities
- College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
- The Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business
- College of Education
- College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Science
- College of Science
- For other science majors advising information, connect with your specific department.
Academic Eligibility Criteria
Students have these options to avoid suspension or dismissal (only one of three must be obtained):
- Raise the cumulative GPA to a 2.0 or above.
- Pass at least 12 graded hours and earn a 2.4 or higher term GPA in each semester.
- If suspended or dismissed at the end of Spring semester, pass at least 12 graded hours and earn a 2.4 or higher GPA in the subsequent Summer terms. Students may enroll for fewer credits (6-11) and be subject to a higher term GPA criterion through a Part Time Agreement contract with Undergraduate Learning.
- Raise the cumulative GPA to the MCGPA listed below:
Attempted Hours | Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (MCGPA) |
1-89 |
1.85 |
90+ |
2.00 |
Attempted hours include all credit hours attempted at Clemson, plus any advanced standing received from transfer credits and credits based on approved examination programs.
Academic Status
Academic Alert
Students who earn a semester grade-point ratio below 1.5, regardless of their cumulative grade-point average, will be placed on Academic Alert and notification will be sent to their advisor. Evaluation of Academic Alert will occur on a semester-by-semester basis.
Academic Alert signals advisors to help a student before their academic record is adversely affected to the point where they cannot graduate in a reasonable time. A student will be placed on alert even if the student's cumulative GPA is above a 2.0. Academic Alert will not show on the student's transcript.
Note: Students on Academic Alert in their second consecutive semester of probation will be suspended for the subsequent semester.
Academic Probation
If a student is on academic probation (i.e. their cumulative GPA is below a 2.0), that student's grade record will be evaluated at the end of each semester unless otherwise indicated.
Students who fail to meet academic eligibility criteria will be subject to suspension or dismissal. The Academic Success Center works with students to help them remain eligible and recover their academic standing.
Academic Suspension
Students on probation are subject to suspension at the end of each semester if they do not meet academic eligibility criteria. Except for students on Academic Alert their second semester, students entering Clemson for the first time will not be subject to suspension until they have attempted coursework at Clemson for three semesters, excluding Summer terms.
Suspended students are ineligible to enroll in classes for the regular academic semester (Fall or Spring) immediately following the decision to suspend.
Suspension is for one semester only, and the student is eligible for readmission the following term.
Learn about the appeals process to avoid being suspended.
Academic Dismissal
Students reenrolling after a suspension are subject to dismissal at the end of the semester (Fall or Spring) in which they did not meet the academic eligibility criteria. Readmission after dismissal is by appeal only, after at least one calendar year has elapsed. If the appeal is denied, the student may file subsequent appeals for readmission after an intervening term.
Dismissed students who are readmitted and again fail to meet academic eligibility requirements will be permanently dismissed. Permanent dismissal may not be appealed. Learn about the appeals process to avoid being dismissed.
Academic Renewal
If a student has not been enrolled at Clemson University for two or more years and does not wish to have his/her poor academic record be a liability against him/her, that student may apply for readmission under special conditions known as Academic Renewal. Learn about the appeals process to apply for academic renewal.
Note: Academic Renewal can only be applied once.
FERPA Rights for Students
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Undergraduate Learning is prohibited from disclosing the student's academic record to third parties, including parents. If the student wants access granted to a third party, then the student must contact the Office of Undergraduate Learning at 864-656-3022 to receive information on how to process a release form.
NOTE: This waiver is for Undergraduate Learning’s use only, it will not apply to other departments on campus.
View more information on the FERPA law.
Note for Student Athletes
Please note that there is a difference between Academic Eligibility and Athletic Eligibility. Please visit the Nieri Family Student-Athlete Enrichment Center for Student-Athlete academic questions.