Academic Integrity
Undergraduate Academic Integrity Statement
As members of the Clemson University community, we uphold Thomas Green Clemson's vision for this institution as a “high seminary of learning.” At the heart of this vision lies our shared commitment to truthfulness, honor and responsibility, as these principles form the foundation of our academic community. Without them, we cannot earn the trust and respect of our peers, educators and society.
We recognize that academic dishonesty not only undermines our individual growth but also diminishes the value of a Clemson degree. It is a betrayal of the trust placed in us by the institution and our fellow students. As a result, we are resolute in our stance against all forms of academic dishonesty, including lying, cheating, and stealing.
To learn more about our academic integrity policies and procedures, please refer to the Academic Regulations section of the academic catalog.

Plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional, is prohibited by Clemson University. See additional information about plagiarism at the following link.
Instructions for Students and Faculty
Faculty members dealing with academic dishonesty who fail to follow procedures outlined in the Undergraduate Catalog and below may be subject to student grievances.
Note: Instructors charging a student with plagiarism may use the Plagiarism Resolution Form.
How to Make an Undergraduate Academic Integrity Charge
- Instructor contacts the Senior Associate Dean for Curriculum.
- Contact Dr. Jeffrey R. Appling via email at for instructions, with a possible follow up meeting to discuss charges.
- Provide the evidence.
- Receive and discuss procedures (for first time participants)
- Instructor does not communicate with student (recommended)
- Student is contacted by Director of Academic Processes.
- Students who do not respond within ten University working days of being contacted by our office will be found in violation.
- Student may not withdraw from the course unless the case is resolved in their favor.
- Student meets with the Director to receive charges, review the evidence, and discuss options.
- At any time, the student may have an advisor of their choosing (parent, friend, lawyer, etc.)
- Student is given the opportunity to request a hearing or waive their right to a hearing.
- Student has five working days to respond
- Students do not contact faculty member (recommended)
- Student chooses whether to waive their right to a hearing.
- Students who waive a hearing sign a memo to that effect; these students are found in violation of the academic integrity policy.
- For students who waive a hearing, the Director checks academic integrity status of charged student
- For first offenders who waive a hearing, the instructor is contacted for the penalty
- For multiple offenders who waive a hearing, the penalty is set by university policy: an F in the course and suspension for one or more long semesters, or possible dismissal. The Associate Dean of Undergraduate Learning determines the duration of suspension or dismissal, in consultation with the Dean of Undergraduate Learning.
- Students who do not waive their right to a hearing receive a copy of hearing procedures and proceed to step four.
- Students presents rebuttal to charges.
- Student provides a written rebuttal to the Director within five working days of the meeting to discuss the charges
- Director assembles charges, evidence and rebuttal into hearing packet
- Director schedules a hearing and sends packet to instructor, student, and hearing board members
- Student must respond/confirm hearing date and time within five University working days of being contacted by our office, or they waive their right to a hearing
- Hearing is held.
- Hearing proceeds according to procedures; student is found either in violation or not in violation of academic integrity policy
- Hearing board members are notified after rendering their decision whether the student has prior offenses.
- For a first-time offender, if student is found in violation of academic integrity policy, instructor is asked for penalty
- Penalty for multiple offenders found in violation of academic integrity policy is set by University policy: an F in the course and suspension for one or more long semesters, or possible dismissal. The hearing board sets the length of suspension or dismissal.