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Clemson University
college of agriculture, forestry and life sciences clemson university

Bulent Koc, PhD

Agricultural Mechanization and Business
Agricultural Sciences Department

Office: 252 McAdams Hall
Phone: 864-656-0496



Educational Background

PhD Agricultural and Biological Engineering
PennState University

MSc Agricultural and Biological Engineering
PennState University

BSc Agricultural Machinery Engineering
Ankara University

Courses Taught

AGM 8710 Advanced Precision Agriculture Science and Technology
AGM 4730 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Agricultural Production
AGM 4060 Mechanical and Hydraulic Systems
AGM 4520 Mobile Power


Bulent Koc is an Associate Professor in Agricultural Mechanization and Business program at Agricultural Sciences Department. He specializes in precision agriculture, agricultural power machinery, UAVs, UGVs, and high and low intensity ultrasound. The goal of his research program is to develop technologies and concepts in agricultural machine systems to increase crop yield, lower production costs, and reduce waste while minimizing the impact of agricultural production to the environment. He applies sensors, instrumentation and field robotics for sustainable crop production, and low and high intensity ultrasound for biomass processing operations. His recent and current research projects are related to the use of unmanned aerial systems for assessment of water quality, monitoring pasture quality and quantity using field robotics, and mechanizing root collar excavation of peach trees in part of mitigating the effects of Armillaria root rot. His current research projects as PI and Co-PI have been funded by USDA-NIFA, USPDA, and SC Peach Council.

POSITIONS: Dr. Koc is currently hiring MSc and PhD level graduate students/research assistants for Spring or Fall 2022 to work on his federally funded projects related to agricultural field robotics, agricultural machinery systems and variable rate nutrient applications. If interested, send a copy of your CV or resume, transcript and a written statement of research interests to For Clemson Graduate School requirements, see "Agriculture: M.S. or Ph.D." link provided under Links below.

Research Interests

Precision agriculture, sensors and control in machinery systems
Agricultural mechatronics
Unmanned aerial and ground vehicles, field robotics


List of Dr. Koc's publications can be found by following his Google Scholar profile link provided under the Links below.


Dr. Koc's Google Scholar Profile
Agriculture: M.S. or Ph.D.
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences |