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Forestry and Environmental Conservation Directory
Name | Title | Phone | |
Caroline Abramowitz | M.S. Student - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology (SC Coop Unit) | cabramo@clemson.edu | |
Dorothy Aldridge | M.S. Student - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | dorotha@clemson.edu | 650-690-0952 |
Mustapha Alhassan | Adjunct Faculty | mustapa@clemson.edu | 864-656-3302 |
Crystal Anderson | Wildlife Biologist III | crhode2@clemson.edu | 864-634-2170 |
Emily Anderson | Watershed Project Scientist, Clemson University Center for Watershed Excellence | esa2@clemson.edu | 864-651-0819 |
James (Jim) Anderson | Director and Professor, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science | jta6@clemson.edu | 304-276-8956 |
Kavi Awasthi | MS in Forest Resources | kawasth@clemson.edu | |
Jordan Bailey | Lab Manager | jbb8@clemson.edu | 864-656-9766 |
Robert Baldwin | Executive Director Clemson Experiment Forest, Lloyd Endowed Chair | baldwi6@clemson.edu | 864-656-1776 |
Kyle Barrett | Interim Department Chair and Professor of Wildlife Ecology | rbarre2@clemson.edu | 864-656-1847 |
Toni Becker | Student Services Manager | tbecker@clemson.edu | 864-656-1645 |
Scott Binger | Graduate Research Assistant | sbinger@clemson.edu | 630-240-6732 |
Crystal Bishop | Ph.D. Student - Forestry & Environmental Conservation | cbisho5@clemson.edu | |
Ryan Bohannon | PhD Student - Forest Resources | gbohann@clemson.edu | |
Miriam Boucher | Doctoral Student and Graduate Research Assistant | mnbouch@clemson.edu | 864-247-8445 |
Luke Bower | Assistant Professor | lmbower@clemson.edu | |
Charlie Brill | PhD Student - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology (SC Coop Unit) | cbrill@clemson.edu | |
Rene Brown | Graduate Student | rene2@clemson.edu | 803-771-1350 |
Erin Buchholtz | Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology, Asst. Unit Leader - SC Cooperative Research Unit | ekbuchh@clemson.edu | 864-656-8558 |
Melissa Burnett | M.S. Student - Forest Resources | mburne4@clemson.edu | |
Vickie Byko | Administrative Assistant | vbyko@clemson.edu | 864-656-3303 |
Brenna Byler | Administrative Assistant | bbyler@clemson.edu | 864-656-0168 |
Michael Childress | Associate Professor | mchildr@clemson.edu | 864-985-2384 |
Angela Chuang | Postdoctoral Fellow | chuang2@clemson.edu | |
Lucas Clay | Research Assistant | clay9@clemson.edu | |
Kelly Coffin | Student Services Manager | kcoffin@clemson.edu | 864-656-4840 |
William Conner | Professor Emeritus | wconner@clemson.edu | 843-546-6323 |
Hallie Cowan Barrera | M.S. Student - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | hcowan@clemson.edu | |
David Coyle | Associate Professor | dcoyle@clemson.edu | 864-656-9766 |
LEONCIA CRUZ | Environmental Education Specialist | leoncic@clemson.edu | 610-715-2788 |
Jacob Daley | PhD Student- Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | jtdaley@clemson.edu | |
Caleb Davis | Research Technician | cmd7@clemson.edu | 803-553-8668 |
Allison Dawn | PhD Student - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | adawn@clemson.edu | |
Aruã Yaym de Castro Ferreira | M.S. Student - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | aruayad@clemson.edu | 847-961-8973 |
Kenneth De León Colón | PhD Student & RA - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | krdeleo@clemson.edu | |
Bryce DelaCourt | Ph.D. Student - Forestry & Environmental Conservation | bdelaco@clemson.edu | 864-656-3303 |
Jeremy Dertien | Post-Doctoral Researcher | jdertie@clemson.edu | |
Jamie Duberstein | Research Scientist | JDUBERS@clemson.edu | 706-410-6722 |
Maiya Duncan | PhD Student - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | maiyad@clemson.edu | 562-230-6534 |
Puneet Dwivedi | Professor | dwivedi@clemson.edu | |
Jared Elmore | Research Assistant Professor | NBGI Science Coordinator | jaelmor@clemson.edu | 864-656-2641 |
Brandon Fair | M.S. Student - Wildlife & Fisheries Biology | bfair@clemson.edu | |
Troy Farmer | Associate Professor of Fisheries Ecology | tmfarme@clemson.edu | 864-656-2932 |
Rafael Feijo de Lima | Postdoctoral Scholar | rfeijod@clemson.edu | 406-239-8986 |
Jeremy Forsythe | jdforsy@clemson.edu | 607-760-0330 | |
Keegan Foster | Wildlife Biologist I | keegan8@clemson.edu | 401-543-8259 |
Maggie Gaither | M.S. Student - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | magaith@clemson.edu | 803-553-8230 |
Gavin Gleasman | Post-Doctorate Research Fellow | ggleasm@clemson.edu | 843-251-9018 |
Reed Goodman | Assistant Professor of Environmental Social Science | rcgoodm@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Robert (Bobby) Greco | PhD Student - Wildlife & Fisheries Biology | rmgreco@clemson.edu | |
Donald Hagan | Associate Professor of Forest Ecology | dhagan@clemson.edu | 864-656-7333 |
R. Hanks | Adjunct Faculty | rhanks@clemson.edu | 186-420-0816 |
Stephen Harris | Lab Technician II | sh2@clemson.edu | 386-314-6370 |
Jess Hartshorn | Associate Professor of Forest Health | jhartsh@clemson.edu | 864-656-4861 |
W. Heaton | Extension Assistant Professor | heaton2@clemson.edu | |
Patrick Hiesl | Associate Professor of Forest Operations | phiesl@clemson.edu | 864-656-7293 |
Kathy Hixson | Research Associate | kmhixso@clemson.edu | |
Jennifer Hooper | CAFLS Payroll and Personnel Manager | jthoope@clemson.edu | 864-656-0626 |
Andrew Hopkins | Postdoctoral Researcher | aphopki@clemson.edu | |
Chloe Horton | Graduate Research Assistant | chorto8@clemson.edu | |
Althea Hotaling Hagan | Director: Online Masters of Wildlife and Fisheries Resources Program | shotali@clemson.edu | 864-656-4823 |
Peyton Hughey | Graduate Research Assistant | prh@clemson.edu | 864-656-3302 |
Kevin Hutcheson | M.S. Student - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | kghutch@clemson.edu | 859-619-9772 |
Cathy Jachowski | Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology & Conservation | cjachow@clemson.edu | 864-656-2849 |
David Jachowski | Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology | djachow@clemson.edu | 864-656-2138 |
Andrew Jamison | Graduate Research Assistant | awjamis@clemson.edu | 864-656-3303 |
David Jenkins | Forest Health Coordinator | dajenki@clemson.edu | 803-667-1002 |
Brett Jenkinson | Asian Longhorned Beetle Eradication Program Survey Coordinator | bjenki4@clemson.edu | 843-973-8329 |
Patrick Jodice | Professor of Avian Ecology, Leader - SC Cooperative Research Unit | pjodice@clemson.edu | 864-656-6190 |
Alan Johnson | Associate Department Chair | alanj@clemson.edu | 864-656-4390 |
Kacey Kai | M.S. Student- Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | kkai@clemson.edu | 864-656-3303 |
Meghan Keating | PhD Candidate - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | mpkeati@clemson.edu | |
Samantha Kennett | PhD Student | skenne7@clemson.edu | |
Bruce Kesler | Lab Technologist | bkesler@clemson.edu | 864-656-8589 |
Puskar Khanal | Associate Professor of Forest Economics and Management | pkhanal@clemson.edu | 864-656-3079 |
Charlie Kloppenburg | PhD student, Research Assistant | ckloppe@clemson.edu | |
Daniel Knapp | PhD Candidate - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | ddknapp@clemson.edu | |
Annika Kuleba | Graduate Research Assistant | akuleba@clemson.edu | |
Sara Lalk | Graduate Research Assistant | slalk@clemson.edu | |
Lillie Langlois | Lecturer and MWFR Faculty Advisor | llanglo@clemson.edu | |
J. Drew Lanham | Alumni Distinguished Professor of Wildlife Ecology | lanhamj@clemson.edu | 864-656-7294 |
Patricia Layton | Professor Emerita of Forestry | PLAYTON@clemson.edu | 864-505-5904 |
Steven H. Long | Assistant Director - Regulatory Services, Plant Industry | slong2@clemson.edu | 864-646-2140 |
Trisha Markus | Ph.D. Student | tmarkus@clemson.edu | |
Courtney Marneweck | Post-doctoral Researcher | cmarnew@clemson.edu | |
Catherine Masatani | M.S. Student - Wildlife & Fisheries Biology | cmasata@clemson.edu | |
Jordan McCall | Graduate Research Assistant | jmccal4@clemson.edu | 803-834-0193 |
Allison Melcher | Graduate Research Assistant | amelche@clemson.edu | |
Hannah Meredith | M.S. Student - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | hmered2@clemson.edu | |
Pamela Michael | PhD, Post Doctoral Research Associate | pemicha@clemson.edu | |
Dr. Elena Mikhailova | Professor of Soil Science | eleanam@clemson.edu | 864-656-3535 |
Jeffrey Mohr | Adjunct Professor | jmohr@clemson.edu | 864-644-5255 |
Breanne Moon | M.S. Student - Wildlife and Fisheries Resources | bnmoon@clemson.edu | 904-322-1884 |
Katy Moretti | Regional Forest Health Program Coordinator | kcrout@clemson.edu | |
Marzieh Motallebi | Associate Professor | MMOTALL@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Joseph Mruzek | Postdoc - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | jmruzek@clemson.edu | |
Htet Lin Naing | Graduate Research Assistant | hnaing@clemson.edu | 662-242-4806 |
Ben Neece | Southeast Bat Hub Coordinator | bneece@clemson.edu | |
Dana Nelson | PhD Candidate - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | dnelso2@clemson.edu | |
Eric Nelson | Adjunct Professor | ericn@clemson.edu | |
John Nettles | PhD Student - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology (SC Coop Unit) | nettle2@clemson.edu | |
Lydia O'Halloran | Research Assistant Professor | lohallo@clemson.edu | |
Tom O'Halloran | Associate Professor | tohallo@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Oluwatobi Olaniyi | Doctoral Student and Graduate Research Assistant | oolaniy@clemson.edu | |
Christopher Parkinson | Professor | viper@clemson.edu | 864-656-3058 |
Brandon Peoples | Associate Professor of Fisheries Ecology | peoples@clemson.edu | 864-656-4855 |
Christopher Pettengill | Graduate Research Assistant | cpetten@clemson.edu | |
Brunela Pollastrelli Rodrigues | Assistant Professor - Wood Utilization and Biomaterials | brunelr@clemson.edu | 864-656-3551 |
Dr. Christopher Post | Professor of Environmental Information Science | cpost@clemson.edu | 864-656-6939 |
Robert Powell | George B. Hartzog, Jr. Endowed Professor | rbp@clemson.edu | 864-784-7974 |
Sandi Priddy | Administrative Coordinator | priddy@clemson.edu | 864-656-3302 |
Christopher Pyles | PhD Student | capyles@clemson.edu | 229-254-6088 |
Thomas R. Rainwater | Research Scientist | TRRAINW@clemson.edu | 806-239-5472 |
Allison Rees | PhD Student Wildlife & Fisheries Biology | rees2@clemson.edu | 513-473-9300 |
Brian Ritter | Lecturer | britter@clemson.edu | 828-693-0259 |
Justin Robbins | Graduate Student | jarobbi@clemson.edu | |
John Rodgers, Jr. | Professor | jrodger@clemson.edu | 864-656-0492 |
Shari L. Rodriguez | Associate Professor, Human Dimensions of Wildlife | slrodri@clemson.edu | 864-656-0430 |
Yoseph Roman | yroman@clemson.edu | 843-683-2533 | |
Yvan Satge | Research assistant | ysatge@clemson.edu | 864-656-6190 |
Amy E. Scaroni | Assistant Professor of Watershed Management | ascaron@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Mark Scott | Adjunct Professor | scott8@clemson.edu | 864-986-6243 |
Samantha Smith | PhD Student- Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | sns4@clemson.edu | |
Bo Song | Associate Professor | bosong@clemson.edu | 843-545-5673 |
Katelyn Steen | ksteen@clemson.edu | ||
Lindsey Stone | M.S. Student - Forest Resources | lstone5@clemson.edu | 269-303-5150 |
Thomas Straka | Professor Emeritus | tstraka@clemson.edu | 864-986-1144 |
Brynne Sumner | Graduate Research Assistant | brynnes@clemson.edu | |
Akshit Suthar | PhD Student / Graduate Research Assistant | asuthar@clemson.edu | 321-417-6745 |
Nilesh Timilsina | Associate Professor, Forest Biometrics | ntimils@clemson.edu | 864-656-1305 |
Tyler Tobias | M.S. Student - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology (SC Coop Unit) | ttobias@clemson.edu | |
Lesley Twiner | M.S. Student - Wildlife and Fisheries Biology | ltwiner@clemson.edu | |
Joan Urquiola Ureta | Post-Doctoral Fellow | joanu@clemson.edu | |
Skip J. Van Bloem | Professor | SKIPVB@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
G. Geoff Wang | Professor | gwang@clemson.edu | 864-656-4864 |
Armin Weise | Graduate Research Assistant | aweise@clemson.edu | |
Jack Whetstone | Emeritus Professor | jwhtstn@clemson.edu | 843-546-6321 |
Rick Willey | Extension 4-H Shooting Sports Program Leader | rwlly@clemson.edu | 864-656-3090 |
Thomas Williams | Professor Emeritus | tmwllms@clemson.edu | 843-546-6318 |
Greg Yarrow | Associate Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences (CAFLS) | gyarrow@clemson.edu | |
Yuhua Zheng | Ph.D. Student - Forestry & Environmental Conservation | yuhuaz@clemson.edu | 864-765-4344 |
Marisa Zimmerman | PhD Student - Wildlife & Fisheries Biology | marisaz@clemson.edu | 864-656-3303 |
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College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
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College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences |