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CAFLS Staff Directory
Name | Title | Phone | |
Zenaba Abdissa | Agriculture/Animal Associate-ll | zabdiss@clemson.edu | 843-402-5362 |
Ray Adcock | Applications Analyst II | radcock@clemson.edu | 864-646-2141 |
Jessica Adkins | Program Manager | jeadkin@clemson.edu | 864-656-6208 |
Daniel Adkison | dadkiso@clemson.edu | 478-234-6558 | |
Madelyn Adkison | Technician | mhafer@clemson.edu | 706-871-9357 |
Brandi Anderson | EFNEP Nutrition Educator | banders@clemson.edu | 864-465-5033 |
Crystal Anderson | Wildlife Biologist III | crhode2@clemson.edu | 864-634-2170 |
Emily Anderson | Watershed Project Scientist, Clemson University Center for Watershed Excellence | esa2@clemson.edu | 864-651-0819 |
A. Denise Attaway | Communications | avaa@clemson.edu | 225-788-5245 |
Jordan Bailey | Lab Manager | jbb8@clemson.edu | 864-656-9766 |
Chase Baillie | Food Systems and Safety Agent | mcinto3@clemson.edu | 864-650-8602 |
Paul Baker | Agricultural Assistant | pdbaker@clemson.edu | 317-501-3713 |
Shanna Baker | Administrative Assistant | shanna4@clemson.edu | 803-697-1007 |
Della Baker Sprowl | Coordinator of Special Projects | dbaker@clemson.edu | 864-650-1955 |
Justin Ballew | Fruit and Vegetable Research Associate | ballew3@clemson.edu | 803-788-5700 |
Meghan Barkley | Beaufort County 4-H Youth Development Agent | mebarkl@clemson.edu | 843-473-6022 |
J. Barnes | Senior County Extension Agent- Distinguished- Colleton Agronomy Crops | jbrns@clemson.edu | 843-739-1004 |
Kathy Barnett | Administrative Coordinator for PLEAF | kabarne@clemson.edu | 864-656-3013 |
Lacy Barnette | Extension Associate | lmbarne@clemson.edu | 803-563-7223 |
Shannon Barrett | Assistant Director of Strategic Operations | sbarre3@clemson.edu | 864-656-2857 |
Ryan Bean | Fleet Manager & Research Associate - Sandhill REC | rbean@clemson.edu | 803-840-6124 |
Charles Beard | Research Specialist | cbrd@clemson.edu | 864-656-5070 |
Toni Becker | Student Services Manager | tbecker@clemson.edu | 864-656-1645 |
Lance Beecher | Extension Associate Specialist | lbeeche@clemson.edu | 864-650-7114 |
Paula Beecher | Director of W.B. Bookhart Student Services Center | pbeeche@clemson.edu | 864-656-6340 |
Brian Beer | Area Livestock and Forages Agent | bbeer@clemson.edu | 803-745-5001 |
Matheus Beger | Graduate Research Assistant | mbeger@clemson.edu | 864-499-6506 |
Tancey Belken | Forestry and Wildlife Agent: Florence, Marion, Horry, Williamsburg, Georgetown, Berkeley, Charleston | tanceyc@clemson.edu | 864-986-1302 |
Vicky Bertagnolli | Consumer Horticulture Extension Agent | vbertag@clemson.edu | 803-508-7735 |
Katie Black | Director of Advising & Registration | hulse@clemson.edu | 864-656-6662 |
Lauren Black-Venegas | Saluda County 4-H Youth Development Agent | lblack4@clemson.edu | 864-803-1124 |
Haven Blackwell | Cherokee County 4-H Youth Development Agent | daynab@clemson.edu | 864-649-8252 |
Christina Boggs | Accountant/Fiscal Analyst I | boggs7@clemson.edu | 864-656-4609 |
Brian Bolt | Adjunct Assistant Professor and Livestock Specialist | bolt@clemson.edu | 864-934-2104 |
Marie Bolt | Director, T. Ed Garrison Arena & Expo Center | jeanneo@clemson.edu | 864-656-2508 |
Clemence Bonenfant | Soil Lab Technician and Climate-Smart project | cbonenf@clemson.edu | |
Walter Bortz | Extension Associate, PSA IT | wbortz@clemson.edu | 864-656-3790 |
Donna Bowen | Executive Director of Marketing & Communications | BOWEN3@clemson.edu | 864-656-2379 |
Ben Boyles | Senior Agribusiness Extension Agent | BOYLES2@clemson.edu | 803-981-3021 |
Lexi Brandon | Administrative Assistant | abrand2@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Glenda Brown | Admin Coord/Student Services | gbrwn@clemson.edu | 864-656-5698 |
Samantha Brown | Horticulture Agent | slmcgah@clemson.edu | 864-359-3383 |
Camden Bryan | Statewide Rural Health and Nutrition Agent | cnpatse@clemson.edu | 843-504-0299 |
LayLa Burgess | Urban Horticulture Agent | laylab@clemson.edu | 864-986-4316 |
Ashley Burns | 4-H Youth Development Program Team Director | taberp@clemson.edu | 404-580-7984 |
Ralph (Trey) Burrell III | Research Associate | RBURREL@clemson.edu | 864-508-0837 |
Vickie Byko | Administrative Assistant | vbyko@clemson.edu | 864-656-3303 |
Brenna Byler | Administrative Assistant | bbyler@clemson.edu | 864-656-0168 |
Beatriss Calhoun | Water Resources Extension Agent | beatris@clemson.edu | 843-722-5204 |
Tyler Campbell | Agriculture/Animal Associate II | htcampb@clemson.edu | 843-402-5399 |
Chad Carter | Food Systems and Safety Associate | ctcarte@clemson.edu | 843-730-5211 |
Robert Carter | Area Forestry & Wildlife Agent | rec4@clemson.edu | 803-572-8491 |
Cassie Castleberry | Water Resources Agent, Sumter | castleb@clemson.edu | 803-236-4252 |
Christopher Cathcart | Union County 4H Youth Development Agent | cmcathc@clemson.edu | 864-427-6259 |
William Caughman | Research Field Technician | caughm2@clemson.edu | 803-229-2640 |
Summer Chandler | Coordinator of Experiential Learning | spriddy@clemson.edu | 864-656-8998 |
Patti Chapman | EFNEP Nutrition Educator | pchapma@clemson.edu | 843-473-6027 |
Sohaib Chattha | Graduate Research Assistant | mchatth@clemson.edu | |
Morgan Clark | Extension Educator- Climate Smart | mfc2@clemson.edu | 864-684-4266 |
Penny Clary | Administrative Assistant | pclary@clemson.edu | 864-803-1123 |
Lucas Clay | Research Assistant | clay9@clemson.edu | |
Venus Clayton | Administrative Assistant | vmanigo@clemson.edu | 843-473-6021 |
Alicia Cleer | Upstate Lead Admin/Trainer | acleer@clemson.edu | 864-365-0631 |
Belinda Cochran | Microbiologist I | bcochra@clemson.edu | 864-245-4821 |
Kelly Coffin | Student Services Manager | kcoffin@clemson.edu | 864-656-4840 |
Alex Coleman | Extension Small Grains & Sorghum Specialist | amcolem@clemson.edu | 864-992-5988 |
Kimberly Collins | Administrative Coordinator II | kcllns@clemson.edu | 864-656-3397 |
Katie Collins | Area Agent, Water Resources | klaltma@clemson.edu | 864-986-1439 |
Susan Conley | Administrative Assistant | smconle@clemson.edu | 803-637-3161 |
M Anto Conti | Graduate Research Assistant | conti3@clemson.edu | 864-705-5746 |
Gillian Cook | Accountant/Fiscal Analyst II | gilliah@clemson.edu | 864-656-7455 |
DeAndra Cooper | Rural Health & Nutrition Agent: Williamsburg & Florence Counties | deandrw@clemson.edu | 843-401-1080 |
Inetta Cooper Fulton | Nutrition Educator | ijcoope@clemson.edu | 843-253-2538 |
Molly Copley | Administrative Assistant | mcopley@clemson.edu | 843-739-1001 |
Jennifer Corbin | Project Manager | jcorbin@clemson.edu | 479-414-9981 |
Nicole Correa | Area Livestock/Forages Agent | ncorrea@clemson.edu | 808-397-9026 |
Brodie Cox | Research Specialist | brodiec@clemson.edu | 803-640-6696 |
Lindsey Craig | Director of Livestock Improvement | lcraig@clemson.edu | 908-268-8133 |
Mandy Cribb Stephan | Administrative Coordinator | stepha2@clemson.edu | 843-519-0465 |
Jonathan Croft | Agronomic Crops - Orangeburg, Dorchester, Berkeley Counties | croft@clemson.edu | 803-516-4207 |
Jay Crouch | Agronomic Crops Program Team Director | alfredc@clemson.edu | 803-276-1091 |
LEONCIA CRUZ | Environmental Education Specialist | leoncic@clemson.edu | 610-715-2788 |
Will Culler | Senior Agribusiness Extension Agent and Lexington County Coordinator | wculler@clemson.edu | 803-206-9795 |
Roxane Cummings | Rural Health and Nutrition Agent | roxanec@clemson.edu | 803-682-3039 |
Felicia Cunningham | Jasper County 4-H Youth Development/Senior Extension Agent | fc@clemson.edu | 843-726-3461 |
Victoria Cushman | Administrative Assistant | vcushma@clemson.edu | 803-865-1216 |
Amy Dabbs | Master Extension Associate | adabbs@clemson.edu | 843-737-3942 |
Michele Dani Sanchez | Dr | mdanisa@clemson.edu | 864-686-3618 |
Zach Dantzler | Extension Associate- Interim, Agronomic Crops- Calhoun/Richland Counties, Climate-Smart Peanut Systems | zdantzl@clemson.edu | 803-837-1160 |
Millie Davenport | Director of HGIC | mdavenp@clemson.edu | 864-986-4315 |
Carolyn Dawson | Area Extension Forestry Agent | dawson4@clemson.edu | 864-638-5889 |
Richard Delorme | Laboratory Specialist I | rdelorm@clemson.edu | 864-506-3148 |
Allen DeWitt | Research Technician | ardewit@clemson.edu | 843-230-1751 |
David DeWitt | Agronomic Crops- Lee and Sumter Counties | dewitt4@clemson.edu | 843-229-7994 |
Bek Diamond | Graphic Designer | rdiamon@clemson.edu | 843-729-7789 |
George Dickert | District Extension Director | gdicker@clemson.edu | 864-365-0642 |
Samuel Downs | Operations Manager | sjdowns@clemson.edu | 843-359-1906 |
Jamie Duberstein | Research Scientist | JDUBERS@clemson.edu | 706-410-6722 |
Carol Ducker | EFNEP Nutrition Educator | salley3@clemson.edu | 864-367-1370 |
Christina Dykstra | Administrative Assistant | cldykst@clemson.edu | 803-508-7730 |
Sean Eastman DVM | Director of Field Services | peastma@clemson.edu | 803-726-7804 |
Elizabeth Edwards-Morelock | EFNEP Nutrition Educator | ekedwar@clemson.edu | 864-984-2514 |
Eric Eliassen | Lexington County 4-H Youth Development Agent | eeliass@clemson.edu | 803-357-3537 |
Brittany Ellis | Research Associate | brittar@clemson.edu | 864-656-5066 |
Jackie Ellis | Instructor/Training Coordinator I | jells@clemson.edu | 864-656-5048 |
Lillian Essaf | Administrative Coordinator for Academic Affairs | lessaf@clemson.edu | 864-656-3539 |
Wilder Ferreira | Master Extension Associate - Regional Rural Development | wferrei@clemson.edu | 864-642-8758 |
Michael Ferro | Collection Manager | MFERRO@clemson.edu | 864-656-3105 |
Matthew Fischer | Livestock and Forages Economist | fische3@clemson.edu | 864-506-0728 |
Emily Fish | EFNEP Nutrition Educator | edurant@clemson.edu | 864-594-0421 |
Bailee Floyd | Horry and Marion Counties Rural Health and Nutrition Agent | bailee@clemson.edu | 843-321-5244 |
Kelly Ann Flynn | Emerging Crops Program Coordinator | kgilker@clemson.edu | 864-656-5057 |
Kathryn Flynn | Oconee and Pickens Counties Rural Health and Nutrition Agent | kwflynn@clemson.edu | 864-916-6205 |
Keegan Foster | Wildlife Biologist I | keegan8@clemson.edu | 401-543-8259 |
Justin Foxworth | Dillon and Marlboro Counties Rural Health and Nutrition Agent | jafoxwo@clemson.edu | 843-627-7113 |
N. Jordan Franklin | Urban Horticulture Extension Agent | nfrankl@clemson.edu | 888-656-9988 |
J. Melissa Freudenberger | Grants Coordinator 2 | mgmoore@clemson.edu | 864-656-7062 |
Mallory Fulmer | Newberry County 4-H Youth Development Agent | mjpitts@clemson.edu | 803-768-8443 |
Bethany Funkhouser | Agribusiness Extension Agent | bnf@clemson.edu | 864-986-1225 |
Sharneece Gary | EFNEP Pee Dee Regional Coordinator | sgary@clemson.edu | |
Julia Gentry | Equine Center Manager | jtagher@clemson.edu | 508-364-0821 |
Rogan Gibson | Agronomic Crops - Allendale and Hampton Counties | rogang@clemson.edu | 803-584-4207 |
Celeste Giles | Laboratory Manager | cegiles@clemson.edu | 864-478-6648 |
Sarala Giri | Graduate Research Assistant | sgiri@clemson.edu | 839-569-8959 |
Andrew Gitto | Research Assistant/Lab Manager | agitto@clemson.edu | 864-656-6704 |
Rebecca Godley | Accountant/Fiscal Analyst II | rebeccu@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 |
Nicole Goodman | Urban Horticulture Agent | ngoodm2@clemson.edu | 864-986-1270 |
Sammie Goodman | Buildings and Grounds Manager | slgoodm@clemson.edu | 843-519-0471 |
Jason Gore | Extension Associate | jdgore@clemson.edu | 843-333-9712 |
Mack Granger | Extension Associate | grange2@clemson.edu | 864-656-0428 |
Brenda Green | Accountant/Fiscal Analyst III | bgreen@clemson.edu | 864-656-4837 |
Charly Greenthaler | Water Resources Agent, Midlands Region | charlym@clemson.edu | 803-520-1679 |
Leah Gregory | Laboratory Manager | lgregor@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Stevie Griffen | Williamsburg County 4-H Youth Development Agent | griffen@clemson.edu | 864-985-9157 |
Sarah Griffith | Climate-Smart Soil Greenhouse Gas Field Technician | sg3@clemson.edu | 843-833-1983 |
Alivia Gunter | Administrative Assistant | aliviag@clemson.edu | 803-359-8515 |
Laura Haddon | Spartanburg County 4-H Youth Development Agent | lhaddon@clemson.edu | 864-594-0424 |
Leslie Hagerty | Business Manager | lwhite7@clemson.edu | 864-656-2536 |
Laura Hair | Orangeburg & Calhoun County 4-H Youth Development Agent | lstric4@clemson.edu | 803-747-9850 |
Martin Hamilton | Executive Director of the South Carolina Botanical Garden | mhmltn@clemson.edu | 864-686-2199 |
Hal Hanvey | Farm Manager | whanvey@clemson.edu | 843-412-7304 |
Russell Hardee | GIS Manager | RHARDEE@clemson.edu | 864-656-4833 |
William Hardee III | Extension Tobacco Specialist and Area Agronomy Agent | hardee@clemson.edu | 843-365-6715 |
Lacey Harrington | Administrative Assistant | lacey3@clemson.edu | 803-435-8429 |
Angie Harris | Post Award Grants Accountant | harris2@clemson.edu | 864-656-7627 |
Stephen Harris | Lab Technician II | sh2@clemson.edu | 386-314-6370 |
Cerano Harrison | Research Specialist | ceranoh@clemson.edu | 864-656-2142 |
David Harshman | Ag. Science Assoc. | dhrshmn@clemson.edu | |
Chris Heintze | District Extension Director | heintze@clemson.edu | 864-986-9409 |
Troy Helms | State Director of Agricultural Education | rthelms@clemson.edu | 803-320-1064 |
Ashley Hendrix | Director of Business Operations | ampicke@clemson.edu | 864-656-5273 |
Toni Heriot | Kershaw County 4-H Youth Development Agent | theriot@clemson.edu | 803-572-8493 |
Shannon Herndon | Bamberg & Barnwell County 4-H Youth Development Agent | sbhrndn@clemson.edu | 803-245-2661 |
Anna Hill | Horticulture Extension Agent | ash7@clemson.edu | 803-259-7141 |
Isabella Hill | Water Resource Agent | isabelh@clemson.edu | 864-656-3526 |
Jevencia Hill | Richland, Lexington, and Kershaw Counties Rural Health and Nutrition Extension Agent | jevench@clemson.edu | 803-999-1958 |
Kathy Hixson | Research Associate | kmhixso@clemson.edu | |
Gila Holland | Administrative Assistant | ghollan@clemson.edu | 803-572-8490 |
Ryan Holmes | Research Associate | rholmes@clemson.edu | 803-528-6459 |
Lori Holsonback | Administrative Assistant | lholson@clemson.edu | 864-705-1100 |
Jennifer Hooper | CAFLS Payroll and Personnel Manager | jthoope@clemson.edu | 864-656-0626 |
Alayna Hoover | District Specialist | ahoove4@clemson.edu | 843-409-5671 |
Rachel Horne | Administrative Assistant | ryoung6@clemson.edu | 803-276-1091 |
Matthew Horry | Agricultural/Animal Associate II | mhorry@clemson.edu | |
Kesha Horton | Administrative Assistant | keshaj@clemson.edu | 803-283-3302 |
Samantha Houston | Food Systems & Safety Agent | housto7@clemson.edu | 803-520-1680 |
Steve Hucks | Lancaster County 4-H Youth Development Agent | chucks@clemson.edu | 803-745-5004 |
Brenda Hunt | Administrative Assistant | brenda@clemson.edu | 843-479-6851 |
Billy Hunt | Info Sys Business Analysis I | hunt5@clemson.edu | 843-621-1495 |
TERRY K HUNTER | hunter8@clemson.edu | 803-707-4939 | |
Christiana Huss | Commercial Horticulture Agent | chuss@clemson.edu | 843-561-6079 |
Onyeka Ikele | Research Specialist | oikele@clemson.edu | 984-232-1216 |
Faith Isreal | Food Systems and Safety Agent | fisreal@clemson.edu | 803-722-1195 |
Akendra Jackson | EFNEP Nutrition Educator | akendrb@clemson.edu | 843-730-5198 |
Drew Jeffers | Horticulture Agent / County Coordinator | ajeffe3@clemson.edu | 864-986-1497 |
Geri Jenkins | Administrative Assistant | gerij@clemson.edu | 843-547-7099 |
Brett Jenkinson | Asian Longhorned Beetle Eradication Program Survey Coordinator | bjenki4@clemson.edu | 843-973-8329 |
Sara Johnson | Administrative Coordinator | smarcen@clemson.edu | 803-726-7812 |
Talitha (Ty) Jolley | Pickens County 4-H Youth Development Agent | talithj@clemson.edu | 864-397-0292 |
Alyssa Jones | Clarendon County 4-H Youth Development Agent | alyssa4@clemson.edu | 843-944-8611 |
Molly Jones | Area Water Resources Agent | mjone35@clemson.edu | 843-563-0135 |
Valerie Jones | Post Award Grant Manager | valerij@clemson.edu | 864-656-1203 |
Jackie Jordan | Urban Horticulture Agent & Master Gardener Coordinator | jkopack@clemson.edu | 803-722-1196 |
Lisa Joseph | Administrative Coordinator | lisalj@clemson.edu | 864-309-6434 |
Rodney Junkins | Building and Grounds | rajunki@clemson.edu | 843-472-6363 |
Elisabeth Justice | Instructional Designer & Technology Coordinator | lejusti@clemson.edu | 843-687-1712 |
Scott Justice | Edisto REC Beef Cattle Farm Manager | stjusti@clemson.edu | 803-535-9545 |
Joshua Kay | Lab Technician | jakay@clemson.edu | 864-607-8237 |
Kaycee Keasler | Student Services Manager | mkmulli@clemson.edu | |
Robert Keast | Public Outreach Specialist | rkeast@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Melissa Kelley | CFO & Director of Business Office | melissk@clemson.edu | 864-419-7264 |
Allison Kelly | Assistant Director of Horticulture | akelly4@clemson.edu | |
Linda Kelly | Administrative Coordinator | lkelly@clemson.edu | 803-699-3181 |
Bruce Kesler | Lab Technologist | bkesler@clemson.edu | 864-656-8589 |
Carmen Ketron | Urban Horticulture Agent | cketron@clemson.edu | 843-773-1422 |
Tarana Khan | Program Team Director-EFNEP | taranak@clemson.edu | 803-237-0775 |
Brittney King | Commercial Horticulture Extension Agent | bking7@clemson.edu | 843-519-2402 |
Marty King | Extension IT Support Upstate | martyk@clemson.edu | 864-359-3386 |
Michael Kline | Climate-Smart Forestry Tower Project Manager | mkline@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Samantha Knight | Administrative Assistant | sbk@clemson.edu | 843-623-2134 |
Annika Kuleba | Environmental Research Manager | akuleba@clemson.edu | |
Kristin Kunde | York County 4-H Youth Development Agent | kkunde@clemson.edu | 803-639-9102 |
Myeesha Lance | EFNEP Midlands/Piedmont Regional Coordinator | myeeshl@clemson.edu | 864-986-1539 |
Jillian Lash | South Carolina Executive FFA Director | jelash@clemson.edu | 803-236-5542 |
Rob Last | Commercial Horticulture Agent | rlast@clemson.edu | 941-284-4133 |
Stephen (Stevie) League | Research Technician | sleague@clemson.edu | |
Christi Leard | Program Manager | ccampb3@clemson.edu | 864-656-7592 |
Lillian (Lil) Ledford | Oconee County 4-H Youth Development Agent | ledfor7@clemson.edu | 864-795-2347 |
Christopher LeMaster | Area Livestock and Forage Agent | clemast@clemson.edu | 864-986-1542 |
Matthew Lennon | Agriculture/Animal Assoc. I | mlennon@clemson.edu | 843-289-0891 |
Elizabeth Leonard | Research Associate | eleona2@clemson.edu | 864-656-5060 |
Kelly Lewis | Research Specialist II | prevete@clemson.edu | 846-656-6923 |
Haoyu Li | Environmental Sensor Program Manager | haoyul@clemson.edu | 321-202-1331 |
Stephanie S. Li | Executive Assistant for Research | ssli@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Jenifer Lind | Business Manager | jenifel@clemson.edu | 843-519-0463 |
Jimmy Lisenby | District Specialist | jdlisen@clemson.edu | 803-336-8530 |
Sherry Livingston | Georgetown County Senior 4-H Youth Development Agent | sldavis@clemson.edu | 843-904-9316 |
Ginger Long | Horticulture Agent | gingerl@clemson.edu | 888-656-9988 |
Terasa Lott | Midlands District Director | terasa@clemson.edu | 843-269-5904 |
Shelley Lovern | Agricultural Safety/AgrAbility Associate | mlovern@clemson.edu | 803-209-4492 |
Susan Lunt | Carolina Clear Coordinator | slunt@clemson.edu | 614-204-3029 |
Jennifer Lyda | Administrative Assistant | jrlyda@clemson.edu | 864-656-8668 |
Julianna Lyle | Anderson County Rural Health and Nutrition Agent | jeparha@clemson.edu | 864-359-3384 |
Amie Mabe | Greenville County 4-H Youth Development Agent | amiem@clemson.edu | 864-421-2784 |
Mallory Maher | Natural Resources Extension Associate | mallord@clemson.edu | |
Amy Mallette | Administrative Assistant | rmallet@clemson.edu | 864-489-3141 |
David Mansfield | Agribusiness Extension Agent | dmansfi@clemson.edu | 803-516-4208 |
Vonda Marcengill | Administrative Coordinator | vondaj@clemson.edu | 864-656-3250 |
April Martin | Administrative Assistant | amart64@clemson.edu | 843-561-6078 |
Rosemary Martin-Jones | Richland County 4-H Youth Development Agent | rosema2@clemson.edu | 803-722-1192 |
Michael Masters | Shop Technician | mwmaste@clemson.edu | 864-656-0898 |
Rhonda Matthews | Program Team Director | rhonda@clemson.edu | 864-554-1634 |
Alisha Maw | Graduate Student Services Manager | amaw@clemson.edu | 864-656-8522 |
Charlotte Maxwell | Agribusiness Extension Agent | chmaxwe@clemson.edu | 843-365-6715 |
Trey McAlhany | Lead Info Tech Specialist | fmcalha@clemson.edu | 803-244-3343 |
Laurie McBride | Turfgrass Technician | lgregg@clemson.edu | 843-409-1042 |
Pat McDaniel | Administrative Coordinator | pmcdani@clemson.edu | 803-848-8161 |
Catherine McGuinn | Organic Certification Coordinator | cpmcgui@clemson.edu | 843-225-7064 |
Savannah McKenzie | Administrative Assistant | ssmcken@clemson.edu | 843-904-9316 |
Taylor McLaughlin | Agriculture/Animal Associate II | tmmclau@clemson.edu | 843-402-5336 |
Michael McManus | District Extension Director | mmcmns@clemson.edu | 843-250-0198 |
Amanda McNulty | Host and Producer, Making It Grow | amcnult@clemson.edu | 803-837-2446 |
Scott Mickey | Senior Extension Associate - Asst. Agribusiness Team Director | smickey@clemson.edu | 803-788-5700 |
Mira Mihajlovich | Research Development Specialist | mmihajl@clemson.edu | 864-656-2014 |
Hannah Mikell | Agronomic Crops - Clarendon & Williamsburg Counties | hmikell@clemson.edu | 803-553-7244 |
Maggie Miller | Climate-Smart Livestock Extension Associate | mmille6@clemson.edu | 864-933-1679 |
Stacey Miller | Administrative Coordinator | smille3@clemson.edu | 864-656-3428 |
Brandi Mintz | Administrative Assistant | bmintz@clemson.edu | 803-245-2661 |
Travis Mitchell | Area Livestock and Forages Agent | twmitch@clemson.edu | 864-445-8117 |
Jhessye Moore-Thomas | Climate Smart Grant Extension Associate | jmooret@clemson.edu | 512-537-6597 |
Katy Moretti | Regional Forest Health Program Coordinator | kcrout@clemson.edu | |
Tammy Morton | Incentives Coordinator | tmrtn@clemson.edu | 864-656-3386 |
Anna Mothersbaugh | Agriculture/Animal Associate I | amother@clemson.edu | |
Brandi Murdaugh | Administrative Assistant Dept 0245 | bbmurda@clemson.edu | 843-549-2595 |
Kelli Nalley | Division Administrative Assistant | kanalle@clemson.edu | 864-656-3382 |
Briana Naumuk | Horticulture Agent | bnaumuk@clemson.edu | 864-916-6203 |
Jacqueline Naylor-Adelberg | Agricultural Science Associate | jnaylor@clemson.edu | |
Michael Neault | Adjunct Professor, State Veterinarian, and Director Clemson LPH | mneault@clemson.edu | 803-726-7818 |
Ben Neece | Southeast Bat Hub Coordinator | bneece@clemson.edu | |
Julia Newsome | Union and Cherokee Counties Rural Health and Nutrition Agent | janewso@clemson.edu | 864-424-8275 |
Heather Nix | Upstate Regional Water Resource Agent | nix4@clemson.edu | 864-365-0630 |
Julian Nixon, Ph.D. | Executive Director of Belonging & Engagement | jenixon@clemson.edu | 864-656-3513 |
Lillian Nuttall | 4-H Events Coordinator | lnuttal@clemson.edu | 864-656-3848 |
Stephanie O'Brien | Student Services manager | obrien4@clemson.edu | 864-656-3162 |
Steven O'Shields | Water Resources Agent, Anderson County | oshiel3@clemson.edu | 864-359-3385 |
Rushawnda Olden | 4-H Pinckney Leadership Program Director | rolden@clemson.edu | 864-986-1195 |
Wayne Orego | Web Developer for CAFLS Marketing & Communications | worego@clemson.edu | |
Amy Overbaugh | Administrative Coordinator | amaula@clemson.edu | 803-722-1193 |
Harriet Palecek | Administrative Assistant | hpalece@clemson.edu | 803-639-9100 |
Debbie Palmer-Seigler | Administrative Assistant | debbiep@clemson.edu | 864-889-0539 |
Elizabeth Parker | Lancaster County Rural Health and Nutrition Agent | parker4@clemson.edu | 803-260-2444 |
Glen Payne | Urban Horticulture Agent | gpayne2@clemson.edu | 843-473-6025 |
Kayla Payne | Chief of Staff | ksteel2@clemson.edu | 864-656-3225 |
Blakelyn Pearson | Office Assistant | bpears2@clemson.edu | 803-773-5561 |
LaDonna Peoples | Administrative Assistant | lpeople@clemson.edu | 864-359-3379 |
Angel Perkins | Business Manager | perkin8@clemson.edu | 864-656-3679 |
Stan Perry | Director, Special Projects | perry8@clemson.edu | 803-699-3187 |
Heidi Peterson | Grants Coordinator II | heidip@clemson.edu | 864-656-3659 |
Lee Petitgout | Associate Director | lpetitg@clemson.edu | 803-374-6177 |
Kim Phillips | Administration Coordinator | kimp@clemson.edu | 864-656-4964 |
Stacy Phillips | EFNEP Special Project Coordinator | stacy8@clemson.edu | 843-877-3342 |
Derrick Phinney | Natural Resources Program Team Leader | dphinne@clemson.edu | 843-563-0135 |
Stephen Pohlman, Jr. | Area Forestry & Wildlife Agent: Abbeville, Edgefield, Greenwood, McCormick and Saluda | spohlma@clemson.edu | 803-384-4151 |
Robert (Bob) Polomski | Associate Extension Specialist--Horticulture/Arboriculture | bplmsk@clemson.edu | 864-656-2604 |
Anaston Porter | Water Resources Agent | portera@clemson.edu | 864-898-8324 |
Samantha Porzelt | Water Resources Agent | sporzel@clemson.edu | 843-730-5208 |
Garner Powell | Laboratory Technician | garnerp@clemson.edu | 864-656-6930 |
Jenny Powell | Administrative Assistant | jpowe22@clemson.edu | 843-730-5201 |
Maddy Powell | CAFLS Coordinator of Student Recruitment | mcutts@clemson.edu | 864-656-1534 |
Rhonda Powell | Assistant Manager/Research Associate | rhondar@clemson.edu | 864-656-1264 |
Freddricka Pressley | Florence County 4-H Youth Development Agent | fpressl@clemson.edu | 843-519-2406 |
Sandi Priddy | Administrative Coordinator | priddy@clemson.edu | 864-656-3302 |
Donna Purvis | Administrative Coordinator I | dpurvis@clemson.edu | 843-402-5397 |
Miracle Rabon | Horry County 4-H Youth Development Agent | llewis2@clemson.edu | 843-365-6715 |
Mahmoud Rady | Graduate Research Assistant | mrady@clemson.edu | 806-224-7565 |
Katherine Raines | EFNEP Nutrition Educator | kdorr@clemson.edu | 843-519-2407 |
Thomas R. Rainwater | Research Scientist | TRRAINW@clemson.edu | 806-239-5472 |
Leona Ransdell | 4-H Equine Program Leader | leona@clemson.edu | 864-710-1692 |
Christopher Ray | CRY@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 | |
Tina Reif | Administrative Assistant | treif@clemson.edu | 864-638-5889 |
Steven Richards | Agribusiness Senior Extension Associate | stricha@clemson.edu | 315-573-8632 |
Dianna Richardson | EFNEP Nutrition Educator | diannar@clemson.edu | 803-359-8515 |
Shane Robinson | Agriculture/Animal Associate II | shane9@clemson.edu | |
Vivian Rodriguez | Administrative Assistant | vrodri4@clemson.edu | 803-874-2354 |
Andy Rollins | County Extension Agent | prollin@clemson.edu | 864-596-2993 |
Kevin Russ | Turf Grass Technician | kmruss@clemson.edu | |
Caroline Saathoff | Area Livestock and Forages Agent | csaatho@clemson.edu | 443-786-6364 |
Nayeli Sanchez | Research Technician | nayelis@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Mindy Sandifer | Associate Director | mindys@clemson.edu | 803-300-2529 |
Sandee Sappenfield | Administrative Coordinator | ssappen@clemson.edu | 864-852-2112 |
Yvan Satge | Research assistant | ysatge@clemson.edu | 864-656-6190 |
TJ Savereno | Forestry & Wildlife Agent: Lee, Marlboro, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Clarendon | asavere@clemson.edu | 843-230-3109 |
Kayla Scarborough | EFNEP Nutrition Educator | klscarb@clemson.edu | 803-649-6297 |
Mark Schaffer | Agriculture/Animal Associate I | mschffr@clemson.edu | 843-402-5399 |
Daniel Schermaier | Climate-Smart Forestry Tower Technician | dscherm@clemson.edu | |
Adrianna Schlaefer | Social Media Strategist | aschlae@clemson.edu | |
Linus Schmitz | Lab Manager | linuss@clemson.edu | 864-656-6704 |
Elise Schnabel | Research Associate | eschnab@clemson.edu | 846-633-0789 |
Emily Scruggs | Statewide School & Community Gardening Program Assistant | emscrug@clemson.edu | 843-822-1216 |
Shannon Seegers | State Program Coordinator - Master Gardener Program | smseege@clemson.edu | 864-372-9063 |
Misty Shealy | Nursery Manager | mdsheal@clemson.edu | 864-656-2458 |
Megan Shearer | Statewide School & Community Gardening Program Assistant | mmshear@clemson.edu | |
Angela Shelton | Administrative Assistant | ashelt3@clemson.edu | 843-402-5399 |
Heather Shultz | 4-H Agriculture & Animal Specialist | hkshult@clemson.edu | 706-713-6355 |
Sandra Sigmon | Administrative Assistant | srsigmo@clemson.edu | 864-424-8271 |
Katie Silver | Livestock and Forages Extension Agent | kesilve@clemson.edu | 803-761-7193 |
Jessica Simpson | Anderson County 4-H Youth Development Agent | jdavis4@clemson.edu | 864-226-1581 |
Prabhsimran Singh | Ph.D. Graduate Research Assistant | prabhs@clemson.edu | 864-789-0743 |
Randeep Singh | Wildlife Biologist II | randees@clemson.edu | 248-986-7028 |
Simardeep Singh | Graduate Research Assistant | simards@clemson.edu | 860-938-6874 |
Tiffany Smathers | Instructional Designer | tsmathe@clemson.edu | |
Amanda Smith | Administrative Coordinator | abs4@clemson.edu | 864-656-1625 |
Barbara Smith | Senior Associate Horticulture Extension Agent | barbar6@clemson.edu | 888-656-9988 |
Caroline Smith | Research Specialist | cks7@clemson.edu | 843-617-7794 |
Kyle Smith | Agronomic Crops - Darlington, Dillon, Florence and Marlboro Counties | gks@clemson.edu | 864-986-1569 |
Kiana Smith | Reporting Coordinator | kianag@clemson.edu | 864-986-8096 |
Lauren Smith | Laurens County 4-H Youth Development Agent | lspace@clemson.edu | 864-789-5955 |
James Smoak Jr | Research Farm Manager | jsmoak@clemson.edu | 803-671-1986 |
Elizabeth Snipes | Marlboro/Dillon County 4-H Youth Development Agent | esnipe2@clemson.edu | 843-479-6851 |
Zack Snipes | Assistant Program Team Leader- Horticulture | ZBSNIPE@clemson.edu | 843-722-5940 |
Amber Starnes | Area Livestock and Forages Agent | arstarn@clemson.edu | 843-623-2134 |
Janet Steele | Forestry and Wildlife Agent: Aiken, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun, Lexington and Orangeburg | jmwatt@clemson.edu | 803-874-2354 |
Ben Steen | Agriculture Associate | rsteen@clemson.edu | 843-519-0474 |
Jacqueline Stephens | Administrative Manager | sjacque@clemson.edu | 864-656-4527 |
Tim Still | Trades Specialist V (Shop Supervisor) | tstill@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 |
Dawn Stuckey | Colleton & Hampton County 4-H Youth Development Agent | dstucke@clemson.edu | 843-549-2595 |
Ellen Sturup Comeau | Water Resources Agent, Beaufort County | ecomeau@clemson.edu | 843-473-6023 |
Sangita Subedi | Graduate Research Assistant | sangits@clemson.edu | |
Emily Sweatt | Darlington County Rural Health and Nutrition Agent | esweatt@clemson.edu | 843-944-8588 |
S. Cory Tanner | Horticulture Program Team Director | shannt@clemson.edu | 864-656-1523 |
Derrick Taylor | Livestock and Forages Agent | dhtaylo@clemson.edu | 864-302-2103 |
Lisa Terry | Administrative Assistant | lisat@clemson.edu | 803-943-3427 |
Christopher Thomas | State Weather Station Technician | clt7@clemson.edu | |
Weatherly Thomas | Extension Associate | marjort@clemson.edu | 803-738-5937 |
Alex Thompson | Food Systems and Safety Agent | art6@clemson.edu | 864-986-1286 |
Paul Thompson | County Extension Agent - Urban Horticulture | pthmpsn@clemson.edu | 803-639-9101 |
Rebecca Thompson | CUMIS Administrator | rthomp7@clemson.edu | 864-656-0436 |
Linda Tindal | Student Services Manager | ltindal@clemson.edu | 864-656-3683 |
Andres Torres | Buildings and Grounds Technician | andrest@clemson.edu | |
Allie Trotter | Greenwood County 4-H Youth Development Agent | altrott@clemson.edu | 803-687-8616 |
Destyni Perry Tucker | EFNEP Nutrition Educator | destynp@clemson.edu | 803-572-8492 |
Stephanie Turner | Horticulture Agent | stepht@clemson.edu | 864-986-1484 |
Wanda Vandroff | EFNEP Nutrition Educator | wvandro@clemson.edu | 843-561-6077 |
Mary Vargo | Extension & Outreach Garden Manager | mavargo@clemson.edu | |
Paula Varn | Administrative Assistant | pvarn@clemson.edu | 843-563-0135 |
Olivia Vasquez | Aiken and Edgefield Counties 4-H Youth Development Agent | ovasque@clemson.edu | 839-205-0599 |
Jonathan Veit | Communications Director | veit@clemson.edu | 864-656-6463 |
Diana Vossbrinck | Assistant Director, SC New & Beginning Farmer Program | dvossbr@clemson.edu | 864-933-0559 |
Katherine Wakeley | Research Specialist II | kwakele@clemson.edu | |
Renee Watson | Business Manager, Cooperative Extension Service | rwatso2@clemson.edu | 864-656-9884 |
Catherine Watts | Water Resources Agent, Horry & Georgetown County | cwatts4@clemson.edu | 843-457-1908 |
Sue Watts | Educational Program Coordinator | watts9@clemson.edu | 864-650-1811 |
Jennifer Weaver | Urban Horticulture Agent and Master Gardener Coordinator Lexington and Aiken Counties | jlblckm@clemson.edu | 864-506-1302 |
Lewis Webb | Building / Grounds Manager | lwebb@clemson.edu | 803-709-0348 |
Alana West | SC 4-H Youth Development Assistant Director | AWILLIN@clemson.edu | 803-768-8442 |
Patricia Whitener | 4-H Natural Resources Program Leader | pwhiten@clemson.edu | 864-650-0991 |
Martina Wicker | Fairfield County 4-H Youth Development Agent | mewick@clemson.edu | 864-985-2904 |
Brian Williams | Research Associate | bwilli8@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Catina Williams | EFNEP Nutrition Educator | catinaw@clemson.edu | 843-927-1052 |
Susan Williams | Administrative Coordinator | susan2@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 |
Maggie Williamson | Research Technician | mwilki4@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Hillary Winburn | Marion County 4-H Youth Development Agent | hwinbur@clemson.edu | 843-561-6081 |
Jonathan Windham | Greenhouse Manager | JWINDHA@clemson.edu | 843-519-0487 |
Mike Windhorn | Area Forestry and Wildlife Agent | mswindh@clemson.edu | 843-563-0135 |
Megan Wong | Student Services Program Coordinator I | mawong@clemson.edu | 864-656-2143 |
Sierra Zardus | Agriculture/Animal Associate II | szardus@clemson.edu | 843-402-5396 |
Ted Zee | Nursery Operations Coordinator | theodoz@clemson.edu | 803-269-9152 |
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College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
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College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences |