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CAFLS Faculty Directory
Name | Title | Phone | |
Khaled Abdelaziz | Assistant Professor of Immunology and Bacteriology | khaled2@clemson.edu | 864-656-0493 |
Jeffrey Adelberg | Professor of Horticulture | jadlbrg@clemson.edu | 864-650-3011 |
Paula Agudelo | Professor of Plant Pathology | pagudel@clemson.edu | 864-656-2810 |
Matias Aguerre | Associate Professor | maguerr@clemson.edu | 864-656-3120 |
Muhammad Ahmed | Assistant Professor | mahmed2@clemson.edu | 352-283-0173 |
Karin Albornoz | Assistant Professor of Postharvest | kpalbor@clemson.edu | 843-402-5394 |
Ahmed Ali | Assistant Professor | ali9@clemson.edu | 864-656-4026 |
Daniel J Anco | Extension Peanut Specialist | DANCO@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 |
James (Jim) Anderson | Director and Professor, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science | jta6@clemson.edu | 304-276-8956 |
John Andrae | Director Edisto Research and Education Center | jandrae@clemson.edu | 864-933-5987 |
Haley Appleby | Senior Lecturer | heapple@clemson.edu | |
Mireille Arguelles-Ramos | Assistant Professor | marguel@clemson.edu | 864-656-6969 |
Robert Baldwin | Executive Director Clemson Experiment Forest, Lloyd Endowed Chair | baldwi6@clemson.edu | 864-656-1776 |
Kyle Barrett | Interim Department Chair and Professor of Wildlife Ecology | rbarre2@clemson.edu | 864-656-1847 |
Heather Batt | Senior Lecturer | batt@clemson.edu | 864-650-5202 |
Gregory Batt | Associate Professor | gbatt@clemson.edu | 864-723-0740 |
Tom Bilbo | Assistant Professor | tbilbo@clemson.edu | 843-402-5323 |
Glenn Birrenkott | Professor | gbrrnkt@clemson.edu | 864-656-4019 |
Brett Blaauw | Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist | bblaauw@clemson.edu | |
Wes Boone | Lecturer | wwboone@clemson.edu | 864-656-0179 |
Luke Bower | Assistant Professor | lmbower@clemson.edu | |
Richard Boyles | Assistant Professor of Plant Breeding & Genetics | rboyles@clemson.edu | 843-519-0488 |
Sandra Branham | Assistant Professor of Vegetable Breeding and Genetics | sebranh@clemson.edu | 843-402-5311 |
Carlyle Brewster | Department Chair & Professor | carlylb@clemson.edu | 864-656-3352 |
Erin Buchholtz | Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology, Asst. Unit Leader - SC Cooperative Research Unit | ekbuchh@clemson.edu | 864-656-8558 |
Kevin Burkett | Extension Associate | kburke5@clemson.edu | 540-239-4602 |
Lisi Campbell | Senior Lecturer | aliciac@clemson.edu | |
Phillip Carnley | Commercial Horticulture Agent | pcarnle@clemson.edu | 803-516-4210 |
Michael Caterino | John and Suzanne Morse Chair of Arthropod Biodiversity | mcateri@clemson.edu | 864-656-3105 |
George Cavender | Assistant Professor | gcavend@clemson.edu | 706-431-3746 |
Lucy Charping | Abbeville County 4-H Youth Development Agent | lucyw@clemson.edu | 864-302-2102 |
John Chastain | Professor and Extension Agricultural Engineer | jchstn@clemson.edu | 864-656-4089 |
Feng Chen | Professor | fchen@clemson.edu | 864-656-5702 |
Michael Childress | Associate Professor | mchildr@clemson.edu | 864-985-2384 |
Elizabeth Cieniewicz | Assistant Professor of Plant Virology | ecienie@clemson.edu | 864-656-6930 |
Alba Collart | Associate Professor, Agricultural Economics | acollar@clemson.edu | 864-646-5785 |
Kay Cooksey | Professor and Cryovac Endowed Chair | kcookse@clemson.edu | 864-656-4613 |
Bridgit Corbett | Nutrition Senior Lecturer | bridgic@clemson.edu | |
Sara Cothran | Senior Lecturer | sstanci@clemson.edu | 864-508-0875 |
David Coyle | Associate Professor | dcoyle@clemson.edu | 864-656-9766 |
Matthew Cutulle | Associate Professor of Vegetable Weed Science | mcutull@clemson.edu | 843-402-5399 |
Geraldine Cuypers | Water Resources Agent | gcuyper@clemson.edu | 843-519-2408 |
Duncan Darby | Professor | ddarby@clemson.edu | 864-656-6937 |
Caleb Davis | Research Technician | cmd7@clemson.edu | 803-553-8668 |
Paul Dawson | Professor | pdawson@clemson.edu | 864-656-1138 |
Jane Dever | Director, Pee Dee Research and Education Center | jkdever@clemson.edu | 843-519-0464 |
Catherine DiBenedetto | Associate Professor | CDIBENE@clemson.edu | 864-656-0296 |
Thomas Dobbins | Professor and Senior Associate Dean of Outreach and Engagement, and Director of Clemson Cooperative Extension | TDBBNS@clemson.edu | 864-656-3382 |
Susan Duckett | Professor | sducket@clemson.edu | 864-656-1505 |
Puneet Dwivedi | Professor | dwivedi@clemson.edu | |
Jared Elmore | Research Assistant Professor | NBGI Science Coordinator | jaelmor@clemson.edu | 864-656-2641 |
Bhupinder Farmaha | Associate Professor, Nutrient Management Specialist | bfarmah@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 |
Troy Farmer | Associate Professor of Fisheries Ecology | tmfarme@clemson.edu | 864-656-2932 |
James Faust | Professor of Floriculture Physiology | jfaust@clemson.edu | 864-633-7227 |
Jeff Fellers | Area Forestry & Wildlife Agent | fellers@clemson.edu | 864-986-1156 |
Brad Fowler | Urban Horticulture Agent | bfowler@clemson.edu | 843-234-7713 |
James Frederick | Professor, Ag Science Curriculum Specialist | jfrdrck@clemson.edu | 843-992-8077 |
Ksenija Gasic | Professor of Horticulture, Peach Genetics and Breeding | kgasic@clemson.edu | 864-656-3664 |
Heather Gleaton | Lecturer | hgleas2@clemson.edu | 864-656-2139 |
Reed Goodman | Assistant Professor of Environmental Social Science | rcgoodm@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Annel Greene | Professor and Center Director | agreene@clemson.edu | 864-656-3123 |
Jeremy Greene | Professor of Entomology | greene4@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 |
Patricia Guerra Marcondes | Senior Lecturer | patm@clemson.edu | 864-650-5830 |
Donald Hagan | Associate Professor of Forest Ecology | dhagan@clemson.edu | 864-656-7333 |
Vivian Haley-Zitlin | Professor | vivianh@clemson.edu | 864-656-7716 |
Jess Hartshorn | Associate Professor of Forest Health | jhartsh@clemson.edu | 864-656-4861 |
W. Heaton | Extension Assistant Professor | heaton2@clemson.edu | |
Marie Hegler | Senior Lecturer | carol@clemson.edu | |
Jenna Hershberger | Assistant Professor of Vegetable Breeding and Genetics | jmhersh@clemson.edu | 843-519-0472 |
Matt Hersom | Professor and Director | mhersom@clemson.edu | 352-871-6307 |
Patrick Hiesl | Associate Professor of Forest Operations | phiesl@clemson.edu | 864-656-7293 |
Althea Hotaling Hagan | Director: Online Masters of Wildlife and Fisheries Resources Program | shotali@clemson.edu | 864-656-4823 |
Andrew Hurley | Professor | ruperth@clemson.edu | |
Cathy Jachowski | Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology & Conservation | cjachow@clemson.edu | 864-656-2849 |
David Jachowski | Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology | djachow@clemson.edu | 864-656-2138 |
Lindsay Jameson | Administrative Assistant | ljames9@clemson.edu | 803-259-7141 |
Bhupinder Jatana | Assistant Professor- Horticulture, Vegetable Crops | bjatana@clemson.edu | 864-633-9087 |
Steven Jeffers | Professor of Plant Pathology & Extension Specialist, Ornamental Crops & Trees | sjffrs@clemson.edu | 864-656-7157 |
Dawoon Jeong | Assistant Professor, Agricultural Economics | dawoonj@clemson.edu | |
Elliot Jesch | Associate Professor | ejesch@clemson.edu | 864-633-0874 |
Xiuping Jiang | Professor | xiuping@clemson.edu | 864-656-6932 |
Patrick Jodice | Professor of Avian Ecology, Leader - SC Cooperative Research Unit | pjodice@clemson.edu | 864-656-6190 |
Alan Johnson | Associate Department Chair | alanj@clemson.edu | 864-656-4390 |
Michael Jones | Extension Cotton Specialist | majones@clemson.edu | 843-519-0477 |
Adam Kantrovich | Full Extension Specialist - Agribusiness | akantro@clemson.edu | 803-834-0019 |
R. Karthikeyan | Charles Carter Newman Endowed Chair of Natural Resources Engineering | rkarthi@clemson.edu | |
Anthony Keinath | Professor of Plant Pathology | tknth@clemson.edu | 843-402-5390 |
Julia Kerrigan | Associate Professor, Mycology | jkerrig@clemson.edu | 864-656-2640 |
Churamani Khanal | Assistant Professor, Plant Nematology | ckhanal@clemson.edu | 864-656-5741 |
Puskar Khanal | Associate Professor of Forest Economics and Management | pkhanal@clemson.edu | 864-656-3079 |
C. Prakash Khedun | Assistant Professor | pkhedun@clemson.edu | 864-646-2184 |
Kendall Kirk | Precision Agriculture Engineer | kirk2@clemson.edu | 864-844-3423 |
Bulent Koc, PhD | Agricultural Mechanization and Business | BULENT@clemson.edu | 864-656-0496 |
Stephen Kresovich | Robert and Lois Coker Trustees Endowed Chair of Genetics | SKRESOV@clemson.edu | 864-656-1194 |
R. David Lamie | Professor of Agribusiness and Rural Development | dlamie@clemson.edu | 803-788-5700 |
Lillie Langlois | Lecturer and MWFR Faculty Advisor | llanglo@clemson.edu | |
J. Drew Lanham | Alumni Distinguished Professor of Wildlife Ecology | lanhamj@clemson.edu | 864-656-7294 |
Gustavo Lascano | Associate Professor | glascan@clemson.edu | 864-656-1745 |
Dale Layfield | Associate Professor of Agricultural Education | dlayfie@clemson.edu | 864-656-5676 |
Haibo Liu | Professor of Turfgrass and Soil Sciences | haibol@clemson.edu | 864-506-6260 |
Nathan Long | Associate Professor | nlong2@clemson.edu | |
Michael Marshall | Assistant Professor-Agronomic/Forage Weed Science | marsha3@clemson.edu | 803-522-1415 |
Hunter Massey | Senior Lecturer | massey4@clemson.edu | 864-656-4056 |
Lambert (Bert) McCarty | Professor of Turfgrass Science & Management | bmccrty@clemson.edu | 864-656-0120 |
Johnny McGregor | Professor | johnny@clemson.edu | 864-650-0817 |
Eric McLamore | Associate Professor | emclamo@clemson.edu | 864-656-4053 |
Juan Carlos Melgar | Associate Professor of Pomology | jmelgar@clemson.edu | 864-656-4562 |
Dr. Elena Mikhailova | Professor of Soil Science | eleanam@clemson.edu | 864-656-3535 |
Gilbert Miller | Extension Vegetable Specialist | gmllr@clemson.edu | 803-793-6614 |
Richelle Miller Kleman | Principal Lecturer | richelm@clemson.edu | |
Nickles Mirmow | Survey Specialist | wmirmow@clemson.edu | 803-556-7113 |
Marzieh Motallebi | Associate Professor | MMOTALL@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
John Mueller | Professor of Plant Pathology | JMLLR@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 |
Jazmine Myers | EFNEP Nutrition Educator | jazmin@clemson.edu | 803-848-8165 |
Sruthi Narayanan | Associate Professor of Crop Ecophysiology | SKUTTY@clemson.edu | 864-656-2419 |
Yefan Nian | Assistant Professor of Agribusiness | ynian@clemson.edu | 479-502-6270 |
Lydia O'Halloran | Research Assistant Professor | lohallo@clemson.edu | |
Tom O'Halloran | Associate Professor | tohallo@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Fernando Oreja | Assistant Professor in Weed Science | foreja@clemson.edu | 919-591-1543 |
Dara Park | Professor in Soil and Water Dynamics | darap@clemson.edu | 843-319-4957 |
Wonkeun John Park | Senior Scientist- Cotton Genetics and Brassica Oil Seed Crops Breeding | wonkeup@clemson.edu | 843-519-0473 |
Christopher Parkinson | Professor | viper@clemson.edu | 864-656-3058 |
Jose Payero | Assistant Professor | jpayero@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 |
Brandon Peoples | Associate Professor of Fisheries Ecology | peoples@clemson.edu | 864-656-4855 |
Michael Plumblee | Extension Corn and Soybean Specialist | mplumbl@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 |
Jaime Pohlman | McCormick County 4-H Youth Development and Natural Resources Agent | jaime@clemson.edu | 864-852-2112 |
Brunela Pollastrelli Rodrigues | Assistant Professor - Wood Utilization and Biomaterials | brunelr@clemson.edu | 864-656-3551 |
Hillary Pope | Area Livestock and Forages Agent | hpope3@clemson.edu | 803-584-4207 |
Dr. Christopher Post | Professor of Environmental Information Science | cpost@clemson.edu | 864-656-6939 |
Benjamin (Ben) Powell | Extension Associate, Apiculture and Pollinator Program | bpowel2@clemson.edu | 843-662-3526 |
Robert Powell | George B. Hartzog, Jr. Endowed Professor | rbp@clemson.edu | 864-784-7974 |
Scott Pratt | Professor | scottp@clemson.edu | 864-656-3135 |
Charles Privette, III | Department Chair & Professor | privett@clemson.edu | 864-656-6247 |
Francis Reay-Jones | Professor of Entomology & IPM Coordinator | freayjo@clemson.edu | 843-519-0480 |
Trevor Rife | Assistant Professor of Phenomics and Crop Improvement | twrife@clemson.edu | 843-519-0460 |
Brian Ritter | Lecturer | britter@clemson.edu | 828-693-0259 |
Joseph Roberts | Associate Professor of Turfgrass Pathology and Nematology | jar7@clemson.edu | 843-519-0492 |
Kenneth Robinson | Associate professor | krbnsn@clemson.edu | 864-656-1449 |
Shari L. Rodriguez | Associate Professor, Human Dimensions of Wildlife | slrodri@clemson.edu | 864-656-0430 |
Sachin Rustgi | Associate Professor of Molecular Breeding and Faculty Scholar in Clemson University School of Health Research | srustgi@clemson.edu | 843-519-0475 |
Omer Sadak | Assistant Professor | osadak@clemson.edu | 402-601-8789 |
Debabrata Sahoo, Ph.D., P.E., P.H | Associate Professor-Sustainable Water Resources Engineering | dsahoo@clemson.edu | 864-646-2145 |
Vidya Samadi, Ph.D., M.ASCE | Assistant Professor of Water Resources Engineering & Director of Clemson Hydroinformatics Research Group | samadi@clemson.edu | |
Charles Santerre | CAFLS Director of Ag Policy Development & Professor | santerr@clemson.edu | 864-656-8557 |
Christopher Saski | Professor of Systems Biology | SASKI@clemson.edu | 864-656-6929 |
Calvin Sawyer | Professor of Water Resources | calvins@clemson.edu | 864-656-4072 |
Amy E. Scaroni | Assistant Professor of Watershed Management | ascaron@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Patty Scharko | Professor and Extension Field Veterinarian Clemson LPH | pschark@clemson.edu | 803-726-7803 |
Guido Schnabel | Professor of Plant Pathology - Fruit Crops | schnabe@clemson.edu | 864-656-6705 |
Liliane Severino da Silva | Assistant Professor, Extension Specialist | lseveri@clemson.edu | 352-871-5830 |
Hannah Shifflette | Chester and York Counties Rural Health and Nutrition Agent | hshiffl@clemson.edu | 803-697-1008 |
Felipe Silva | Assistant Professor of Agribusiness | fdsilva@clemson.edu | 864-656-5764 |
Nathan Smith | Associate Professor and Extension Economist | nathan5@clemson.edu | 864-656-5675 |
Dr. Adam Smith | Director, Bob Campbell Geology Museum | smith23@clemson.edu | 864-656-4602 |
Bo Song | Associate Professor | bosong@clemson.edu | 843-545-5673 |
Alexis Stamatikos | Assistant Professor | adstama@clemson.edu | |
James Sternberg | Assistant Professor | sternbe@clemson.edu | |
James Strickland | Professor and Interim Department Chair | jrstric@clemson.edu | 502-517-2726 |
Qiong Su | Assistant Professor | qsu@clemson.edu | 864-656-4057 |
Sivakumar Sukumaran | Research Assistant Professor- Quantitative/Population Genetics | ssukuma@clemson.edu | 864-656-9959 |
Vidya Suseela | Associate Professor of Soil Ecology | vsuseel@clemson.edu | |
Christopher Talley | Livestock & Forages Agent | talley2@clemson.edu | 864-916-6204 |
Nishanth Tharayil | Professor of Plant Ecophysiology | ntharay@clemson.edu | 864-656-4453 |
Dil Thavarajah | Professor of Pulse Quality and Nutritional Breeding | dthavar@clemson.edu | 864-656-2607 |
Anastasia Thayer | Assistant Professor of Agribusiness | awthaye@clemson.edu | 864-656-4079 |
Nilesh Timilsina | Associate Professor, Forest Biometrics | ntimils@clemson.edu | 864-656-1305 |
Kate Tsai | Assistant Professor | ktsai@clemson.edu | 864-656-3675 |
Matthew Turnbull | Associate Professor | turnbul@clemson.edu | 864-656-2328 |
Aaron Turner | Assistant Professor | apturne@clemson.edu | 864-656-9869 |
Skip J. Van Bloem | Professor | SKIPVB@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Lee Van Vlake | Livestock and Forages Program Team Director | rii@clemson.edu | 843-344-3322 |
Joe Varn | Agriculture Extension Agent | jvarn@clemson.edu | 803-245-2661 |
Michael Vassalos | Associate Professor of Agribusiness | mvassal@clemson.edu | 864-656-2439 |
Kristine Vernon | Associate Dean of Clemson Honors College and Professor | kvernon@clemson.edu | 864-656-4028 |
Ellen Vincent | Principal Lecturer Horticulture | ellenav@clemson.edu | |
Sarah Waickowski | Assistant Professor | swaicko@clemson.edu | |
G. Geoff Wang | Professor | gwang@clemson.edu | 864-656-4864 |
Hehe Wang | Assistant Professor of Plant Bacteriology | hehew@clemson.edu | 803-284-3343 |
Brian Ward | Assistant Professor, Organic Vegetable Specialist, Rice Production | bw@clemson.edu | 843-402-5389 |
Patrick Wechter | Director / Research Leader | wwechte@clemson.edu | 843-402-5398 |
Sarah White | Professor, Water Quality and Treatment; and Nursery Extension Specialist | swhite4@clemson.edu | 864-656-7433 |
William Whiteside | Professor | wwhtsd@clemson.edu | 864-423-0727 |
Stefanie Whitmire | Assistant Professor | whitmi6@clemson.edu | 843-546-1013 |
Rick Willey | Extension 4-H Shooting Sports Program Leader | rwlly@clemson.edu | 864-656-3090 |
David Willis | Professor of Agribusiness | willis9@clemson.edu | 864-656-5790 |
Hannah Wilson | Assistant Professor | hkw2@clemson.edu | |
Greg Yarrow | Associate Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences (CAFLS) | gyarrow@clemson.edu | |
Rongzhong Ye | Associate Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry and Soil Health | rongzho@clemson.edu | 843-519-0494 |
Mohammed Youssief | Lecturer | myoussi@clemson.edu | 864-656-2707 |
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College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
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College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences |