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Thomas R. Rainwater

Research Scientist
Tom Yawkey Wildlife Center
Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science

Office: Georgetown, SC
Phone: 806-239-5472



Educational Background

Ph.D. Environmental Toxicology
Texas Tech University 2003

M.S. Environmental Toxicology
Clemson University 1994

B.S. Biology
Furman University 1989


Research Interests

Dr. Rainwater joined Clemson University's Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science and the Tom Yawkey Wildlife Center in 2015 as a Research Scientist. He has broad interests in wildlife biology, ecotoxicology, and conservation. Much of his recent research has focused on the ecology of crocodilians in coastal landscapes, as well as the impacts of environmental pollution, habitat alteration, and over-exploitation on reptiles, birds, and mammals.


Since 2008


Rainwater, T.R., R. Singh, S.L. Bock, P.M. Wilkinson, S.G. Platt, B. Song and C.M.B. Jachowski. 2025. Nest attendance by American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) in coastal South Carolina. Herpetologica. 81:61-76.


Platt, S.G., S. Boutxakittilah, V. Phaxaiyaphet, R.N. van Zalinge, N.A. Haislip and T.R. Rainwater. 2024. Malayemys khoratensis (Khorat Snail-eating Turtle). Nesting habitat and nest construction. Herpetological Review. 55:85-87.

Rainwater, T.R., R. Singh, C.A. Tuten, S.L. Parker, A.A. Nelson, M.P. Hart, A.M. Grosse, J. Treptow, M. McAlister P.W. Gibbons and S.G. Platt. 2024. Alligator mississippiensis (American Alligator). Novel nest associate. Herpetological Review. 55:90-91.

Boucher, M., T.R. Rainwater, M. Stoner, L. Sigler, S.L. Whitmire and J.T. Anderson. 2024. Conquering the crush: a novel tool for holding crocodilian jaws open. Wildlife Society Bulletin.

Platt, S.G., Win Ko Ko, Kalyar Platt, Tint Lwin, Swann Htet Naing Aung, Khin Myo Myo, Me Me Soe, Myo Min Win, Kyaw Thu Zaw Wint, Htun Thu, Shine Hsu Hsu Naing, B.D. Horne and T.R. Rainwater. 2024. Range-wide demographic collapse and extinction dynamics of the endemic Burmese Roofed Turtle, Batagur trivittata, in Myanmar. Chelonian Research Monographs. 9:1-26.

Kidd-Weaver, A.D., T.R. Rainwater, M. Hoog, and C.M.B. Jachowski. 2024. Investigating the impact of human disturbance on predator behavior in human-dominated landscapes. Animal Behaviour. 211:13-24.

Platt, S.G., S. Boutxakittilah, O. Thongsavath, S.C. Leslie, L.D. McCaskill, R. Singh and T.R. Rainwater. 2024. First confirmed reproduction by a translocated female Siamese Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) with observations of nest attendance and nest-associated fauna. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 16:24760-24768.

Kojima, L.V., M.T. Kohl, T.R. Rainwater, B.B. Parrott and T.D. Tuberville. 2024. Association of size, climatic factors, and mercury body burdens with movement behavior in American alligators. Science of the Total Environment. 921:170859.

Smaga, S.R., S.L. Bock, J.M. Johnson, T.R. Rainwater, R. Singh, V. Deem, A. Letter, A. Brunell and B.B. Parrott. 2024. The influence of incubation temperature on offspring traits varies across northern and southern populations of the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Ecology and Evolution. 14:e10915.

Rainwater, T.R., R. Singh, C.A. Tuten, A.M. Given, P.W. Gibbons, Bo Song, S.G. Platt, P.M. Wilkinson, C.M.B. Jachowski. 2024. Fauna associated with American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) nests in coastal South Carolina, USA. Animals. 14:620.


Platt, S.G. and T.R. Rainwater. 2023. Biomass of mammal carrion available to Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) and Black Vultures (Coragyps atratus) along a commuter railway in New York, USA. Vulture News. 85:1-14.

Platt, S.G., N.A. Haislip and T.R. Rainwater. 2023. Kinosternon hirtipes (Rough-footed Mud Turtle). Growth. Herpetological Review. 54:650-652.

Platt, S.G., A.D. Walde and T.R. Rainwater. 2023. Clemmys guttata (Spotted Turtle). Railroad mortality. Herpetological Review. 54:643-644.

Platt, S.G., C. Sokha, S. Som, P. Thorn, C.R. Bursey, N.A. Haislip and T.R. Rainwater. 2023. Batagur affinis (Southern River Terrapin). Internal parasites. Herpetological Review. 54:638-639.

Smith, J.M., S.G. Platt and T.R. Rainwater. 2023. Alligator mississippiensis (American Alligator). Diet. Herpetological Review. 54:459.

Platt, S.G., Sitha Som, C. Poyser, N.A. Haislip and T.R. Rainwater. 2023. Batagur affinis (Southern River Terrapin). Female age at first reproduction. Herpetological Review. 54:395-396.

Platt, S.G., N.A. Haislip and T.R. Rainwater. 2023. Kinosternon hirtipes (Rough-footed Mud Turtle). Demography, sex ratio, and sexual size dimorphism. Herpetological Review. 54:448-450.

Platt, S.G., J.C. White, S. Boutxakittilah, D. Phasavath, O. Thongsavath, L.D. McCaskill, S.C. Leslie, and T.R. Rainwater. 2023. Evaluating the use of a quad-copter drone to detect Siamese Crocodile nests in Lao PDR, with incidental observations of female nest attendance. Reptiles and Amphibians. 30:1-6. e19950.

Bock, S.L., Y. Loera, J.M. Johnson, C.R. Smaga, D.L. Haskins, T.D. Tuberville, R. Singh, T.R. Rainwater, P. M. Wilkinson, and B.B. Parrott. 2023. Differential early-life survival contributes to the adaptive significance of temperature-dependent sex determination in a long-lived reptile. Functional Ecology. 37:2895–2909. https://

Platt, S.G., Swann Htet Naing Aung, Tint Lwin, K. Platt, Me Me Soe, Htun Thu, Shine Hsu Hsu Naing, N.A. Haislip and T.R. Rainwater. 2023. Morenia ocellata (Burmese Eyed Turtle). Morphometrics and sexual size dimorphism. Herpetological Review. 54:282-284.

Platt, S.G., S. Boutxakittilah, O. Thongsavath, S.C. Leslie, S. Ounbundisane and T.R. Rainwater. 2023. Crocodylus siamensis (Siamese Crocodile). Toxic fish consumption and mortality. Herpetological Review. 54:64-65.

Platt, S.G., T.R. Rainwater and J.B. Iverson. 2023. Kinosternon hirtipes (Rough-footed Mud Turtle) and Kinosternon flavescens (Yellow Mud Turtle). Micro-sympatry. Herpetological Review. 54:117-118.

T.R. Rainwater, S.G. Platt and R.M. Elsey. 2023. Alligator mississippiensis (American Alligator). Diet. Herpetological Review. 54:122-123.

Leggio, C.M., S.G. Platt, N.A. Haislip and T.R. Rainwater. 2023. Scincella lateralis (Ground Skink). Predation. Herpetological Review. 54:130-131.

Platt, S.G., L.W. Fontenot, N.A. Haislip, Kyaw Thu Zaw Wint and T.R. Rainwater. 2023. Terrapene carolina (Eastern Box Turtle). Reproduction. Herpetological Review. 54:119-121.

Johnson, J.M., S.L. Bock, C.R. Smaga, M.R. Lambert, T.R. Rainwater, P.M. Wilkinson and B.B. Parrott. 2023. Relationships between maternally-transferred mercury and hatchling development, behavior, and survival in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Science of the Total Environment. 870:162010.


Platt, S.G., Naing Lin, Me Me Soe, Kyaw Thu Zaw Wint, R.M. Elsey and T.R. Rainwater. 2022. Notes on two large Estuarine Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) skulls from the Ayeyarwady Delta of Myanmar. Herpetological Review. 53:573-578.

Lawson, A.J., P.G.R. Jodice, T.R. Rainwater, K. Dunham, M. Hart, J. Butfiloski, P.M. Wilkinson, K.W. McFadden and C.T. Moore. 2022. Hidden in plain sight: integrated population models resolve partially observable latent population structure. Ecosphere. 13(12): e4321.

Platt, S.G. and T.R. Rainwater. 2022. Observations of termite insectivory by Mississippi Kites (Ictinia mississippiensis) at a nuptial emergence in Louisiana, USA. Journal of Raptor Research. 56:496-497.

Platt, S.G., Htun Thu, N.A. Haislip and T.R. Rainwater. 2022. Heosemys depressa (Arakan Forest Turtle). Nesting behavior and reproduction. Herpetological Review. 53:488-490.

Rainwater, T.R., R. Singh, B.J. Miller, J.P. Bogardus, P.M. Willkinson and S.G. Platt. 2022. Alligator mississippiensis (American Alligator). Unusual dietary items and prey guarding. Herpetological Review. 53:491-493.

Platt, S.G., O. Thongsavath, S.C. Leslie, P. Brakels, J.E. Dawson, F. Ihlow and T.R. Rainwater. 2022. On the occurrence of the Khorat Snail-eating Turtle (Malayemys khoratensis) in Lao PDR with notes on traditional ecological knowledge and exploitation. Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 21:11-19.

Morrison, B.R., S.G. Platt and T.R. Rainwater. 2022. Clemmys guttata (Spotted Turtle). Attempted predation. Herpetological Review. 53:309-310.

Platt, S.G., Shwe Htay Aung, K. Platt and T.R. Rainwater. 2022. Batagur trivittata (Burmese Roofed Turtle). Female age at first reproduction. Herpetological Review. 53:304-305.

Sánchez, C.A., M. Penrose, M. K. Kessler, D. J. Becker, A. McKeown, M. Hannappel, V. Boyd, M. S. Camus, T. Padgett-Stewart, A. J. Peel, D. A. Westcott, T. R. Rainwater, M. M. Chumchal, G. P. Cobb, S. Altizer, R. K. Plowright and W. S. J. Boardman. 2022. Land use, season, and parasitism predict metal concentrations in Australian flying fox fur. Science of the Total Environment. 841.

Kidd-Weaver, A.D., T.R. Rainwater, T.M. Murphy and C.M. Bodinof Jachowski. 2022. Evaluating the efficacy of capture as aversive conditioning for American alligators in human-dominated landscapes. Journal of Wildlife Management. e22259.

Platt, S.G., Swann Htet Naing Aung, Me Me Soe, Tint Lwin, K. Platt, A.D. Walde and T.R. Rainwater. 2022. Reproduction of translocated Geochelone platynota (Testudines: Testudinidae) at two wildlife sanctuaries in Myanmar. Salamandra. 58:161-165.

Platt, S.G. and T.R. Rainwater. 2022. Terrapene carolina (Eastern Box Turtle). Behavior in flood. Herpetological Review. 53:125.

Platt, S.G., E.A. Measures, D.M. Rohr, Kyaw Thu Zaw Wint and T.R. Rainwater. 2022. Chelydra serpentina (Common Snapping Turtle) and Chrysemys picta (Painted Turtle). Nesting habitat and substrate. Herpetological Review. 53:112-114.

Alston, B.M., T.R. Rainwater, B.B. Parrott, P.M. Wilkinson, J.A. Bowden, and C.D. Rice. 2022. Quantifying circulating IgY antibody responses against select opportunistic bacterial pathogens and correlations with body condition factors in wild American alligators, Alligator mississippiensis. Biology. 11:269.


Rainwater, T.R., Platt, S.G., Charruau, P., Balaguera-Reina, S.A., Sigler, L., Cedeño-Vázquez, J.R. & Thorbjarnarson, J.B. 2021. Crocodylus acutus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T5659A168712617.

Platt, S.G., Naing Lin and T.R. Rainwater. 2021. Arboreal foraging by cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis) on swarming insects in Myanmar. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 133:339-343.

Platt, S.G. and T.R. Rainwater. 2021. Pseudemys concinna (River Cooter) and Trachemys scripta (Red-eared slider). Cleaning symbiosis. Herpetological Review. 52:848-849.

Platt, S.G., Sitha Som, C. Poyser, B.D. Horne and T.R. Rainwater. 2021. Batagur affinis (Southen River Terrapin). Growth. Herpetological Review. 52:787-788.

Platt, S.G. and T.R. Rainwater. 2021. Observations of a nuclear-follower foraging association between Spiny Softshell Turtles (Apalone spinifera) and fish in an urban drainage canal in Louisiana. Southeastern Naturalist. 20:N108-N114.

Platt, S.G., Tint Lwin, Shwe Htay Aung and T.R. Rainwater. 2021. Batagur trivittata (Burmese roofed turtle). Predation. Herpetological Review. 52:625-626.

Bishop, N.D., R. Hudson, J. Marlin, T. Pop, T.R. Rainwater, S. Boylan, B.K. Atkinson and R.R. Carthy. 2021. Using growth rates to estimate the minimum age and size at sexual maturity in a captive population of the Critically Endangered Central American River Turtle, Dermatemys mawii. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research. 9:150-156.

Platt, S.G., H.A. Barrett, L. Ash, J.A. Marlin, S.M. Boylan and T.R. Rainwater. 2021. Predation on turkey vultures (Cathartes aura): a new observation and review. Journal of Raptor Research. 55:455-459.

Bae, J., E.M. Bertucci, S.L. Bock, M.D. Hale, J. Moore, P.M. Wilkinson, T.R. Rainwater, J.A. Bowden, T. Koal, H. PhamTaun and B.B. Parrott. 2021. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors interact during development to influence telomere length in a long-lived reptile. Molecular Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/mec.16017.

Platt, S.G., Myo Min Win, Naing Lin, Swann Htet Naing Aung, Ashish John and T.R. Rainwater. 2021. Avian species richness in traditional rice ecosystems: a case study from upper Myanmar. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 13:18719-18737.

Phun, T., Platt, S.G., S. Som, and T.R. Rainwater. 2021. Crocodylus siamensis (Siamese Crocodile). Attempted predation. Herpetological Review. 52:400-401.

Som S., S.G. Platt, N.A. Haislip and T.R. Rainwater. 2021. Cyclemys atripons (Black-bridged Leaf Turtle). Reproduction. Herpetological Review. 52:389-390.

Platt, S.G., T.R. Rainwater, and S.T. McMurry. 2021. Fauna associated with nests of Crocodylus moreletii and C. moreletii × C. acutus in Belize. Journal of Natural History. 55:133-149.

Bock, S.L., M.D. Hale, T.R. Rainwater, P.M. Wilkinson, and B.B. Parrott. 2021. Incubation temperature and maternal resource provisioning, but not contaminant exposure, shape hatchling phenotypes in a species with temperature dependent sex determination. Biological Bulletin. DOI: 10.1086/714572.

Rainwater, T.R., H.N. Woodward, A.R. Woodward, and P.W. Wilkinson. 2021. Evidence of determinate growth in an American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) based on long-term recapture and osteohistological confirmation. The Anatomical Record. DOI: 10.1002/ar.24688.

Platt, S.G., Swann Htet Naing Aung, Me Me Soe, Tint Lwin, K. Platt, A.D. Walde and T.R. Rainwater. 2021. Predation on translocated Burmese star tortoise (Geochelone platynota) by Asiatic jackals (Canis aureus) and wild pigs (Sus scrofa) at a wildlife Sanctuary in Myanmar. Chelonian Conservation and Biology. DOI:10.2744/CCB-1461.1.

Becker, D.J., K.A. Speer, J.M. Korstian, D.V. Volokhov, H.F. Droke, A.M. Brown, C. Baijnauth, T. Padgett-Stuart, H.G. Broders, S.L. Perkins, R.K. Plowright, T.R. Rainwater, M.B. Fenton, N.B. Simmons and M.M. Chumchal. Disentangling complex interactions between mercury, immunity, and infection in a Neotropical bat community. Journal of Applied Ecology. 58:879-889. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13809

Platt, S.G., A.D. Walde and T.R. Rainwater. 2021. Glyptemys insculpta (Wood Turtle). Railroad mortality. Herpetological Review. 52:126-127.


Bock, S.L., M.D. Hale, F. Leri, T.R. Rainwater, P.M. Wilkinson and B.B. Parrott. Post-transcriptional mechanisms respond rapidly to ecologically relevant thermal fluctuations during temperature-dependent sex determination. Integrative Organismal Biology. 2:DOI:10.1093/iob/obaa033.

Platt, S.G. and T.R. Rainwater. 2020. Terrapene Carolina (Eastern Box Turtle). Novel dietary items. Herpetological Review. 51:838-839.

Botha, H., T.R. Rainwater, R.H. Lowers, B.B. Parrott, J.A. Bowden, M. Guillette and L.J. Guillette, Jr. 2020. Crocodylus niloticus (Nile crocodile). Growth and movement. Herpetological Review. 51:840-842.

Platt, S.G., T.R. Rainwater and J.W. Gibbons. 2020. Nerodia rhombifer (Diamondback Watersnake) and Nerodia erythrogaster (Plain-bellied Watersnake). Kleptoparasitism. Herpetological Review. 51:871-872.

Rainwater, T.R., J. Griess, T.M. Murphy, S.M. Boylan, B.B. Parrott, S. Kohno, K.A.E. Rainwater, S.M. Richards, M. Guillette, T. Mills, S.G. Platt, P.M. Wilkinson and L.J. Guillette, Jr. 2020. Leucistic American Alligator hatchlings in coastal South Carolina. Southeastern Naturalist. 19:N62-N72.

Platt, S.G., Oudomxay Thongsavath, C.D. Hallum and T.R. Rainwater. 2020. Crocodylus siamensis (Siamese crocodile). Nesting and nest attendance. Herpetological Review. 51:588-590.

Boylan, S., B.B. Parrott, R.H. Lowers, S.G. Platt, F.J. Mazzotti and T.R. Rainwater. 2020. Crocodylus moreletii (Morelet’s crocodile). Adult mortality. Herpetological Review. 51:587-588.

Platt, S.G., R.M. Elsey, N.D. Bishop, T.R. Rainwater, O. Thongsavath, D. Labarre and A.G.K. McWilliam. 2020. Using scat to estimate body size in crocodilians: case studies of the Siamese crocodile and American alligator with practical applications. Herpetological Conservation and Biology. 15:325-334.

Platt, S.G., Tint Lwin, Me Me Soe, Nay Win Kyaw, K. Platt, J.F. Fong and T.R. Rainwater. 2020. Platysternon leucocephalum (Big-headed turtle). Sperm storage. Herpetological Review. 51:266-267.

Mazzotti, F.J., J.H. Nestler, J.M. Cole, C. Closius, W.H. Kern, M.R. Rochford, E. Suarez, R. Brubaker, S.G. Platt and T.R. Rainwater and J.K. Ketterlin. 2020. Diet of Nile Monitors (Varanus niloticus) removed from Palm Beach and Broward Counties, Florida, USA. Journal of Herpetology. 54:189-195.

Platt, S.G., Tint Lwin, Myo Min Win, K. Platt, N.A. Haislip, P.P. van Dijk and T.R. Rainwater. 2020. First description of neonate Batagur trivittata (Testudines: Geoemydidae). Zootaxa. 4821(2):394-400.

Platt, S.G., Myo Min Win, K. Platt, N. Haislip and T.R. Rainwater. 2020. Aspects of the reproductive biology of Chitra vandijki with a description of neonates. Salamandra. 56:66-70.

Platt, S.G., T.R. Rainwater, R.M. Elsey, N.D. Bishop and S.T. McMurry. 2020. On the occurrence of runt eggs in Morelet’s crocodile. Caribbean Naturalist. 75:1-10.

Bock, S.L., R.H. Lowers, T.R. Rainwater, E. Stolen, J. Drake, P.M. Wilkinson, S. Weiss, B. Back, L.J. Guillette, Jr and B.B. Parrott. 2020. Spatial and temporal variation in nest temperatures forecasts sex ratio skews in a crocodilian with environmental sex determination. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 287: 20200210.

Lawson, A.J., C.T. Moore, T.R. Rainwater, F.M. Nilsen, P.M. Wilkinson, R.H. Lowers, Louis J. Guillette Jr., K.W. McFadden and P.G.R. Jodice. 2020. Nonlinear patterns in mercury bioaccumulation in American alligators are a function of predicted age. Science of the Total Environment. 707:135103.

Nilsen, F.M., T.R. Rainwater, P.W. Wilkinson, A.M. Brunell, J.A. Bowden, L.J. Guillette, Jr., S.E. Long and T.B. Schock. 2020. Examining maternal and environmental transfer of mercury into American alligator eggs. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 189:110057.


T.R. Rainwater, S.G. Platt, P. Charruau, S.A. Balaguera-Reina, L. Sigler, J.R. Cedeño-Vázquez and J.T. Thorbjarnarson. 2019. Crocodylus acutus (American crocodile). In: Crocodiles. Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. Fourth Edition, Manolis, S.C. and C. Stevenson, eds. IUCN Crocodile Specialist Group: Darwin, NT.

Platt, S.G., L. McCaskill, T.R. Rainwater, Y. Temsiripong, M. As-singkily, B.K. Simpson and M.R. Bezuijen. 2019. Crocodylus siamensis (Siamese crocodile). In: Crocodiles. Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. Fourth Edition, Manolis, S.C. and C. Stevenson, eds. IUCN Crocodile Specialist Group: Darwin, NT.

Platt, S.G., L. Sigler and T.R. Rainwater, R. Cedeño-Vasquez and A. Villegas. 2019. Crocodylus moreletii (Morelet’s crocodile). In: Crocodiles. Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. Fourth Edition, Manolis, S.C. and C. Stevenson, eds. IUCN Crocodile Specialist Group: Darwin, NT.

Platt, S.G., Myo Min Win, K. Platt, B. Reh, N. Haislip and T.R. Rainwater. 2019. Batagur trivittata (Burmese roofed turtle). Behavior. Herpetological Review. 50:765-766.

Moore, B.C., C.M. Holliday, S.T. McMurry, S.G. Platt and T.R. Rainwater. 2019. Correlation between increased post-pubertal phallic growth and the initiation of cranial sexual dimorphisms in male Morelet’s crocodile. Journal of Experimental Zoology A. 331:562-570.

Zajdel, J., S.L. Lance, T.R. Rainwater, P.M. Wilkinson, M.D. Hale and B.B. Parrott. 2019. Mating dynamics and multiple paternity in a long-lived vertebrate. Ecology and Evolution. 9:10109-10121.

Platt, S.G., Tint Lwin, Myo Min Win, K. Platt, B. Reh, N.A. Haislip and T.R. Rainwater. 2019. Batagur trivittata (Burmese Roofed Turtle). Sexual size dimorphism. Herpetological Review. 50:553-555.

Briggs-Gonzalez, V., S.C. Gonzalez, D. Smith, T.R. Rainwater and F.J. Mazzotti. 2019. Species bioprofile for the hicatee (Dermatemys mawii). Caribbean Naturalist. Special Issue 2:156-176.

Platt, S.G. and T.R. Rainwater. 2019. Bufophagy and carcass processing by a Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus). Journal of Raptor Research. 53:346-349.

Hale, M.D., E.M. Bertucci, T.R. Rainwater, P.M. Wilkinson and B.B. Parrott. 2019. The impact of maternally derived dioxins on embryonic development and hepatic AhR signaling in a long-lived apex predator. Chemosphere. 229:489-499.

McCullough, K.L., T.R. Rainwater, M.A. McAlister, J. Dozier and S.G. Platt. 2019. Attack and probable predation on ghost crab (Ocypode quadrata) by Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus). Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 131:399-402.

Platt, S.G., Tint Lwin, Kalyar Platt, Ruth M. Elsey and T.R. Rainwater. 2019. Batagur baska (Northern River Terrapin). Body size, growth, and conservation status. Herpetological Review. 50:309-310.

Nilsen, F.M., J.A. Bowden, T.R. Rainwater, A.M. Brunell, B. Kassim, P.W. Wilkinson, L.J. Guillette, Jr., S.E. Long and T.B. Schock. 2019. Examining toxic trace element exposure in American alligators. Environment International. 128:324-334.

Platt, S.G., D.P. Pickford, Myo Min Win, and T.R. Rainwater. 2019. Water-filled Asian elephant tracks serve as breeding sites for anurans in Myanmar. Mammalia. 83:287-289.

Rainwater, T.R., S. Boylan, A. Pfiefer and S.G. Platt. 2019. Heterodon platirhinos (Eastern Hog-nosed Snake). Behavior and habitat. Herpetological Review. 50:158-159.

Platt, S.G., N.A. Haislip, E.E. Haislip, L.D. McCaskill and T.R. Rainwater. 2019. Lissemys scutata (Burmese Flapshell Turtle). Nesting behavior. Herpetological Review. 50:126-127.

Platt, S.G., T.R. Rainwater and J.L. Smith. 2019. Kinosternon hirtipes (Rough-footed Mud Turtle). Juvenile habitat. Herpetological Review. 50:124-125.

Platt, S.G., Tint Lwin, K. Platt, R.M. Elsey and T.R. Rainwater. 2019. Geochelone platynota (Burmese Star Tortoise). Maximum body size and giantism. Herpetological Review. 50:121-123.

Platt, S.G., H.A. Barrett, J.A. Marlin, T. Pop, J. Serano and T.R. Rainwater. 2019. Dermatemys mawii (Central American River Turtle). Morphometrics, description, and photographs of neonates. Herpetological Review. 50:85-86.

Platt, S.G., J.L. Smith, T.R. Rainwater and W.J. Boeing. 2019. Notes on the predation of rough-footed mud turtles (Kinosternon hirtipes) in west Texas, USA. Western North American Naturalist. 79:130-134.

Bangma, J.T., J.M. Ragland, T.R. Rainwater, J.A. Bowden, J.W. Gibbons and J.L. Reiner. 2019. Perfluoroalkyl substances in diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) in Coastal South Carolina. Chemosphere. 215:305-312.


Elsey, R.M., M. Miller, D. LeJeune, K. Reed, N. Latiolais, M. McAlister, J. Dozier, P.M. Wilkinson and T.R. Rainwater. 2018. Alligator mississippiensis (American alligator). Diet. Herpetological Review. 49:737-738.

Rainwater, T.R., D. Dewhirst, C.P. Pope, T.M. Murphy, S.G. Platt, R.M. Elsey and P.M. Wilkinson. 2018. Bald eagle predation by an American alligator. Journal of Raptor Research. 52:516-518.

Platt, S.G. and T.R. Rainwater. 2018. Unusual diurnal roosting behavior by Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) during a solar eclipse. Kingbird. 68:15-18.

Platt, S.G., G.R. Zug, K. Platt, Win Ko Ko, Khin Myo Myo, Me Me Soe, Tint Lwin, Myo Min Win, Swann Htet Naing Aung, Nay Win Kyaw, Htun Thu, Kyaw Thu Zaw Wint, P.P. van Dijk, B.D. Horne and T.R. Rainwater. 2018. Field records of turtles, snakes, and lizards in Myanmar (2009-2017) with natural history observations and notes on folk herpetological knowledge. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society. 63:67-114.

Platt, S.G., R.M. Elsey, T.R. Rainwater and M. Fredenberg. 2018. A critical analysis of a historic size record for the American alligator. Southeastern Naturalist. 17:N60-N63.

Platt, S.G., Kalyar Platt, Khin Myo Myo, Me Me Soe and T.R. Rainwater. 2018. Distribution records and conservation status of the Burmese Black Giant Tortoise (Manouria emys phayrei Blyth 1853) in western Myanmar. Herpetology Notes. 11:847-852.

Platt, S.G., Myo Min Win and T.R. Rainwater. 2018. Additional field records provide further resolution of the distribution of the Water Monitor Varanus salvator (Squamata: Varanidae) in northwestern Myanmar. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 10:12425-12428.

Platt, S.G., Tint Lwin and T.R. Rainwater. 2018. Behavioural observations of the Burmese flapshell turtle (Lissemys scutata) with comments on the functional significance of Rathke’s glands. Hamadryad. 38:20-24.

Platt, S.G., D.J. Miller and T.R. Rainwater. 2018. Kinosternon hirtipes (Rough-footed mud turtle). Railroad mortality. Herpetological Review. 49:320.

Platt, S.G., O. Thongsavath, P. Outhanekone and T.R. Rainwater. 2018. An ethnobotanical note on Nepenthes mirabilis in Lao, PDR. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society. 62:195-198.

Briggs-Gonzales, V., S.C. Gonzalez, D. Smith, K. Allen, T.R. Rainwater and F.J. Mazzotti. 2018. Dermatemys mawii (The Hicatee, Tortuga Blanca, or Central American River Turtle): a working bibliography. Caribbean Naturalist. Special Issue No. 2:1-22.

Platt, S.G. and T.R. Rainwater. 2018. Chelydra serpentina (Common snapping turtle). Scavenging. Herpetological Review. 49:105-106.

Becker, D.J., M.M. Chumchal, H.G. Broders, J.M. Korstian, E.L. Clare, T.R. Rainwater, S.G. Platt, N.B. Simmons and M.B. Fenton. 2018. Mercury bioaccumulation in bats reflects dietary connectivity to aquatic food webs. Environmental Pollution. 233:1076-1085.


Platt, S.G., Tint Lwin, Naing Win, Htay Lin Aung, Kalyar Platt and T.R. Rainwater. 2017. An interview-based survey to determine the conservation status of softshell turtles (Reptilia: Trionychidae) in the Irrawaddy Dolphin Protected Area, Myanmar. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 9:10998-11008.

Tipton, J.J., L.J. Guillette, Jr., S. Lovelace, B.B. Parrott, T.R. Rainwater and J.L. Reiner. 2017. Analysis of PFAAs in American alligators part 1: concentrations in alligators harvested for consumption during South Carolina public hunts. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 61:24-30.

Tipton, J.J., L.J. Guillette, Jr., S. Lovelace, B.B. Parrott, T.R. Rainwater and J.L. Reiner. 2017. Analysis of PFAAs in American alligators part 2: Potential dietary exposure of South Carolina hunters from recreationally harvested alligator meat. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 61:31-38.

Platt, S.G., Tint Lwin, Myo Min Win, Kalyar Platt and T.R. Rainwater. Batagur trivittata (Burmese Roofed Turtle). Description and phenology of sexual dichromatism. Herpetological Review. 48:616-618.

Platt, S.G., K. Platt, Lay Lay Khaing, Thin Thin Yu, Shwe Htay Aung, San San Nwe, Me Me Soe, Khin Myo Myo, Tint Lwin, Win Ko Ko, Swann Htet Naing Aung and T.R. Rainwater. 2017. Back From the brink: ex-situ conservation and recovery of the Critically Endangered Burmese Star Tortoise (Geochelone platynota) in Myanmar. Herpetological Review. 48:570-575.

Labarre, D., P. Charruau, S.G. Platt, T.R. Rainwater, J.R. Cedeño-Vásquez and H. González-Cortés. 2017. Morphological diversity of the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in the Yucatán Peninsula. Zoomorphology. 136:387-401.

Hale, M.D., T.M. Galligan, T.R. Rainwater, B.C. Moore, P.M. Wilkinson, L.J. Guillette, Jr. and B.B. Parrott. 2017. AHR and CYP1A expression link historical contamination events to modern day developmental effects in the American alligator. Environmental Pollution. 230:1050-1061.

Rainwater, T.R., R.H. Lowers, C. Carter and S.G. Platt. 2017. Alligator mississippiensis (American Alligator). Frugivory. Herpetological Review. 48:430-431.

Platt, S.G., R. Dingqi, F. Li, X. Ma and T.R. Rainwater. 2017. Ptyas korros (Javan Rat Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review. 48:458-459.

Platt, S.G., E.A. Measures, D.M. Rohr, K. Platt and T.R. Rainwater. 2017. Batagur trivittata (Burmese Roofed Turtle). Nesting site and substrate. Herpetological Review. 48:420-422.

Simpson, Z.J., J. Dozier, S.G. Platt, S.M. Miller and T.R. Rainwater. 2017. Pantherophis alleghaniensis (Eastern ratsnake). Diet. Herpetological Review. 48:217.

Becker, D.J., M.M. Chumchal, A.B. Bentz, S.G. Platt, G.Á. Czirják, T.R. Rainwater, S. Altizer and D.G. Streicker. 2017. Predictors and immunological correlates of sublethal mercury exposure in vampire bats. Royal Society Open Science. 4:170073.

Bangma, J.T., J.A. Bowden, A.M. Brunell, I. Christie, B. Finnell, M.P. Guillette, M. Jones, R.H. Lowers, T.R. Rainwater, J.L. Reiner, P.M. Wilkinson and L.J. Guillette, Jr. 2017. Perfluorinated Alkyl Acids in plasma of American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) from Florida and South Carolina. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36:917-925.

Bangma, J.T., J.L. Reiner, M. Jones, R.H. Lowers, F. Nilsen, T.R. Rainwater, S.E. Somerville and L.J. Guillette, Jr. 2017. Variation in perfluoroalkyl acids in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. Chemosphere. 166:72-79.


Platt, S.G., T.R. Rainwater and S.M. Miller. 2016. An observational study of carrion use by foraging turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) in west Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society. 49:65-74.

Platt, S.G., D.J. Miller, T.R. Rainwater and J.L. Smith. 2016. Notes on the reproductive ecology of the rough-footed mud turtle (Kinosternon hirtipes) in Texas, USA. Acta Herpetologica. 11:221-225.

Wilkinson, P.M., T.R. Rainwater, A.R. Woodward, E.H. Leone and C. Carter. 2016. Determinate growth and reproductive lifespan in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis): evidence from long-term recaptures. Copeia. 104:843-852.

Sherwin, B.D., J.F. Mudge, J.E. Cañas-Carrell, H.A. Lanza, T.R. Rainwater, S.G. Platt, S.T. McMurry and T.A. Anderson. 2016. Organochlorine pesticide residues in caudal scutes of Belize Morelet’s Crocodiles (Crocodylus moreletii). Journal of Herpetology. 50:552-558.

Me Me Soe, San San New, S.G. Platt and T.R. Rainwater. 2016. Geochelone platynota (Burmese Star Tortoise). Scavenging. Herpetological Review. 47:444-445.

Platt, S.G. and T.R. Rainwater. Crocodylus moreletii (Morelet’s crocodile). Troglodytism. 2016. Herpetological Review. 47:457-458.

Platt, S.G., T.R. Rainwater and S.T. McMurry. 2016. Predatory interaction between a Morelet's crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) and a Mexican Hairy Porcupine (Sphiggurus mexicanus) in Belize. Mesoamerican Herpetology. 3:474-477.

Platt, S.G., A.R. Berezin, D.J. Miller and T.R. Rainwater. 2016. A dietary study of the rough-footed mud turtle (Kinosternon hirtipes) in Texas, USA. Herpetological Conservation and Biology. 11:142-149.

Platt, S.G., Tint Lwin, Aung Lin Htet, K. Platt, P.P. van Dijk and T.R. Rainwater. 2016. Nilssonia formosa (Burmese peacock softshell turtle). Morphometrics, coloration, and first photograph of neonate. Herpetological Review. 47:125-126.

Platt, S.G., T.R. Rainwater, J.C. Meerman and S.M. Miller. 2016. Notes on diet, foraging behavior, and venom of some snakes in Belize. Mesoamerican Herpetology. 3:162-170.


Platt, S.G. T. Gukian, R.E. Meraz, C.M. Ritzi and T.R. Rainwater. 2015. Exhumation of buried carrion by Turkey Vultures. Journal of Raptor Research. 49:518-520

Rainwater, T.R., S.G. Platt, J.R.B. Montero and B.R. Barr. 2015. Crocodylus acutus (American crocodile): ectoparasitism. Herpetological Review. 46:429.

Platt, S.G., K. Platt, Me Me Soe, Khin Myo Myo, K.E. Holmes and T.R. Rainwater. 2015. Marine turtles and estuarine crocodiles in Lampi Marine National Park, Myanmar: a conservation and threat assessment with recommendations. Herpetological Review. 46:319-327.

Hekkala, E.R, S.G. Platt, J.B. Thorbjarnarson, T.R. Rainwater, M. Tessler, S.W. Cunningham, C. Twomey and G. Amato. 2015. Integrating molecular, phenotypic, and environmental data to elucidate patterns of crocodile hybridization in Belize. Royal Society Open Science. 2:150409.

Parrott, B.B., J.A. Cloy-McCoy, T.R. Rainwater, P.M. Wilkinson and L.J. Guillette, Jr. 2015. Incubation prior to the canonical thermosensitive period determines sex in the American alligator. Reproduction. 150:279-287.

Brunell, A.M. T.R. Rainwater, M. Sievering and S.G. Platt. 2015. A new record for the maximum length of the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Southeastern Naturalist. 14:N38-N43.

Platt, S.G. and T.R. Rainwater. 2015. Wildmen in Myanmar: a compendium of published accounts and review of the evidence. The Relict Hominoid Inquiry. 4:53-66.

Platt, S.G., K. Platt, Win Ko Ko, Khin Myo Myo, Me Me Soe, B.D. Horne and T.R. Rainwater. 2015. Manouria emys phayrei (Asian brown tortoise): fire scarring. Herpetological Review. 46:83-85.

Platt, S.G. and T.R Rainwater. 2015. A critical evaluation of two literature records of large Python. Herpetological Review. 46:31-33


Platt, S.G., P. Charruau and T.R. Rainwater. 2014. Scavenging of crocodile eggs by vultures (Cathartes aura and Coragyps atratus) in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society. 47:37-40.

Platt, K., S.G. Platt and T.R. Rainwater. 2014. First record of the spiny turtle (Heosemys spinosa, Gray 1830) in Myanmar. Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 13:257-260.

Platt, S.G., K. Platt, Lay Lay Khaing, Thin Thin Yu, Me Me Soe, San San Nwe, Thet Zaw Naing and T.R. Rainwater. 2014. Heosemys depressa in the Southern Chin Hills of Myanmar: A significant range extension and traditional ecological knowledge. Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 13:252-256.

Platt, S.G., K. Platt, Khin Myo Myo, Me Me Soe and T.R. Rainwater. 2014. Dogania subplana (Malayan Softshell Turtle). Diet and Island Population. Herpetological Review. 45:687.

Platt, S.G., P.R. Manning and T.R. Rainwater. 2014. Consumption of desert gourds by collared peccary suggests the fruit is not an ecological anachronism. Southwestern Naturalist. 59:141-144.

Platt, S.G., C. Chenot-Rose, V. Rose and T.R. Rainwater. 2014. Crocodylus acutus (American crocodile). Frugivory. Herpetological Review. 45:120-121.

Platt, S.G., K. Platt, Win Ko Ko and T.R. Rainwater. 2014. Chitra vandijki McCord and Pritchard 2003 – Burmese Narrow-Headed Softshell Turtle. In: Rhodin, A.G.J., Pritchard, P.C.H., van Dijk, P.P., Saumure, R.A., Buhlmann, K.A., Iverson, J.B., and Mittermeier, R.A. (Eds.). Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises: A Compilation Project of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 5, pp. 074.1–7, doi:10.3854/crm.5.074.vandijki.v1.2014,

Parrott, B.B., J.A. Bowden, S. Kohno, J.A. Cloy-McCoy, J. Bangma, T.R. Rainwater, P.M. Wilkinson, J.R. Kucklick and L.J. Guillette, Jr. 2014. Influence of tissue, age, and environmental quality on DNA methylation in Alligator mississippiensis. Reproduction. 147:503-513.


Platt, S.G., T.R. Rainwater and S.M. Miller. 2013. A large number of short-tailed shrew, Blarina carolinensis, skulls recovered from a single discarded bottle. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science. 129:188-189.

Platt, S.G., T.R. Rainwater, R.M. Elsey and C.G. Brantley. 2013. Canebrake fauna revisited: additional records of species diversity in a critically endangered ecosystem. Bamboo Science and Culture. 26:1-12.

Gooden, R.M., T.R. Rainwater and S.G. Platt. Crotalus adamanteus (Eastern diamondback rattlesnake). Anti-predator behavior. 2013. Herpetological Review. 44:688-689.

Platt, S.G., K. Platt, Khin Myo Myo, Kyaw Moe, Me Me Soe, Thet Zaw Naing, Naing Lin and T.R. Rainwater. 2013. Noteworthy records of chelonians from the Chindwin River Basin and Naga Hills of western Myanmar. Herpetological Conservation and Biology. 8:335-350.

Platt, S.G., R.M. Elsey, H. Liu, T.R. Rainwater, J.C. Nifong, A.E. Rosenblatt, M.R. Heithaus and F. Mazzotti. 2013. Frugivory and seed dispersal by crocodilians: an overlooked form of saurochory? Journal of Zoology. 291:87-99.

Weir, S.M., M. Dobrovolny, C. Torres, C. Torres, M. Goode, T.R. Rainwater, C.J. Salice and T.A. Anderson. 2013. Organochlorine pesticides in squamate reptiles from southern Arizona, USA. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 90:654-659.

Barst, B.D., C.R. Hammerschmidt, M.M. Chumchal, D. Muir, J.D. Smith, T.R Rainwater and P.E. Drevnick. 2013. Determination of mercury speciation in fish tissue with a Direct Mercury Analyzer. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 32:1237-1241.

Platt, S.G., T.R. Rainwater, J.B. Thorbjarnarson and D. Martin. 2013. Diet of the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in marine environments of coastal Belize. Journal of Herpetology. 47:1-10.


Platt, S.G., C.M. Ritzi, K. Craig, D. Miller, and T.R. Rainwater. 2012. Terrepene ornata luteola (Desert box turtle). Diet. Herpetological Review. 43:640.

Platt, S.G., K. Platt, Thet Zaw Naing, Hong Meng, Win Ko Ko, Naing Lin, R.J. Tizzard, Khin Myo Myo, Me Me Soe and T.R. Rainwater. 2012. Birdlime in western Myanmar: preparation, use, and conservation implications for an endemic bird. Ethnobiology Letters. 3:68-75.

Platt, S.G., Win Ko Ko, Kalyar Platt, Khin Myo Myo, Me Me Soe and T.R. Rainwater. 2012. Species inventory and conservation status of chelonians in Natma Taung, National Park, Myanmar. Hamadryad. 36:1-11.

Platt, S.G., V. Monyrath, H. Sovannara, L. Kheng and T.R. Rainwater. 2012. Nesting phenology and clutch characteristics of captive Siamese crocodiles (Crocodylus siamensis) in Cambodia. Zoo Biology. 31:534-545.

Mazzotti, F.J. L.A. Brandt, M.S. Cherkiss, I. Fugisaki, K. Hart, B. Jeffrey, S.T. McMurry, S.G. Platt, T.R. Rainwater and J. Vinci. 2012. Body condition of Morelet’s crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) from northern Belize. Journal of Herpetology. 46:356-362 .

Rainwater, T.R., T. Pop, O. Cal, A. Garel, S.G. Platt and R. Hudson. 2012. A recent countrywide status survey of the Critically Endangered Central American River Turtle (Dermatemys mawii) in Belize. Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 11:97-107.

Platt, S.G., J.B. Thorbjarnarson and T.R. Rainwater. 2012. Scalation of the American crocodile (Crocodylidae, Crocodilia) from the coastal zone of northern Belize. Caribbean Journal of Science. 46:332-338.

Platt, S.G. and T.R. Rainwater. 2012. Red-tailed hawk predation of a striped skunk. Prairie Naturalist. 44:58-59.


Platt, S.G., Thanda Swe, Win Ko Ko, Khin Myo Myo, Kalyar Platt, T.R. Rainwater and D. Emmett. 2011. Geochelone platynota (Blythe 1863) – Burmese star tortoise, Kye Leik. In: Rhodin, A.G.J., P.C.H. Pritchard, P.P. van Dijk, R.A. Saumure, K.A. Buhlmann, J.B. Iverson, and R.A. Mittermeier (Eds.). Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises: a compilation project of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 5, pp. 057.1-057.9, doi: 10.3854/crm.5.057.platynota.v1.2011,

Barst, B.D., A.K. Gevertz, M.M. Chumchal, J.D. Smith, T.R. Rainwater, P.E. Drevnick, K.E. Hudelson, A. Hart, G.F. Verbeck and A.P. Roberts. 2011. Laser ablation ICP-MS co-localization of mercury and immune response in fish. Environmental Science and Technology. 45:8982-8988.

Platt, S.G., T.R. Rainwater, J.B. Thorbjarnarson and D. Martin. 2011. Size estimation, morphometrics, sex ratio, sexual size dimorphism, and biomass of Crocodylus acutus in the Coastal Zone of Belize. Salamandra. 47:179-192.

Larson, O.R., S.G. Platt, Z. Fast Horse, T.R. Rainwater and S.M. Miller. 2011. Distribution records and comments on fleas in southwestern South Dakota. Western North American Naturalist. 71:240-246.

Platt, S.G. and T.R. Rainwater. 2011. An observation of scavenging by Crotalus molossus (Baird and Girard, 1853). Kansas Journal of Herpetology. 37:8-9.

Rainwater, T.R., N.J. Millichamp, L.D.B. Barrantes, B.R. Barr, J.R.B. Montero, S.G. Platt, M.T. Abel, G.P. Cobb and T.A. Anderson. 2011. Ocular disease in American crocodiles (Crocodylus acutus) in Costa Rica. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 47:415-426.

Chumchal, M.M., T.R. Rainwater, S.C. Osborn, A.P. Roberts, M.T. Abel, G.P. Cobb, P.N. Smith and F.C. Bailey. 2011. Mercury speciation and biomagnifications in the food web of Caddo Lake (Texas/Louisiana, USA), a subtropical freshwater ecosystem. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 30:1153-1162.

Platt, S.G. and T.R. Rainwater. 2011. Predation by neotropical otters (Lontra longicaudis) on turtles in Belize. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin. 28:4-10.


Platt, S.G., G.T. Salmon, S.M. Miller and T.R. Rainwater. 2010. Scavenging by a Bobcat (Lynx rufus). Canadian Field-Naturalist. 124:265-267.

Rainwater, T.R., L.D.B. Barrantes, B.R. Barr, J.R.B. Montero and S.G. Platt. 2010. Crocodylus acutus (American crocodile): adult mass. Herpetological Review. 41:489-490.

Platt, S.G., T.R. Rainwater, J.B. Thorbjarnarson and E.A. Hekkala. 2010. Iguana iguana (green iguana). Nesting. Herpetological Review. 41:493-494.

Abel, M.T., G.P. Cobb, S.M. Presley, T.R. Rainwater, G.P. Austin, S.B. Cox, T.A. Anderson, B.D. Leftwich, R.J. Kendall G.L. Gay and B. Suedel. 2010. Lead distribution and risks in New Orleans following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 29:1429-1437.

Platt, S.G., Win Ko Ko, Khin Myo Myo, Lay Lay Khaing, K. Platt and T.R. Rainwater. Notes on Melocanna baccifera and bamboo brakes in the Rakhine Hills of western Myanmar. Bamboo Science and Culture. 23:38-48.

Platt, S.G., Khin Myo Myo, Win Ko Ko, Aung Maung, and T.R. Rainwater. 2010. Field observations and conservation of Heosemys depressa in the Rakhine Yoma Elephant Range of Western Myanmar. Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 9:114-119.

Abel, M.T., S.M. Presley, T.R. Rainwater, G.P. Austin, S.B. Cox, L.N. McDaniel, R. Rigdon, T. Goebel, R. Zartman, B.D. Leftwich, T.A. Anderson, R.J. Kendall, G.P. Cobb. 2010. Spatial distribution of lead concentrations in urban soils of New Orleans, Louisiana USA. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 32:379-389.

Presley, S.M., M.T. Abel, G.P. Austin, T.R. Rainwater, R.W. Brown, L.N. McDaniel, E.J. Marsland, A.M. Fornerette, M.L. Dillard, R.W. Rigdon, R.J. Kendall, G.P. Cobb. 2010. Metal concentrations in schoolyard soils from New Orleans, Louisiana before and after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Chemosphere. 80:67-73.


Platt, S.G., C.M. Ritzi and T.R. Rainwater. 2009. An historic record of the red-cockaded woodpecker in Indiana. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science. 118:200-202.

Platt, S.G., T.R. Rainwater, J.B. Thorbjarnarson, A.G. Finger, T.A. Anderson and S.T. McMurry. 2009. Size estimation, morphometrics, sex ratio, sexual size dimorphism, and biomass of Morelet’s crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) in northern Belize. Caribbean Journal of Science. 45:80-93.

Platt, S.G. and T.R. Rainwater. 2009. Noteworthy observations of foraging turkey vultures. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 121:839-841.

Platt, S.G., T.R. Rainwater, G. Salmon and S.M. Miller. Glyptemys muhlenbergii (bog turtle). Mortality. Herpetological Review. 40:434-435.

Platt, S.G., C.G. Brantley, T.R. Rainwater and A.R. Berezin. 2009. Native American ethnobotany of cane (Arundinaria gigantea) in the southeastern United States: a review. Castanea. 74:271-285.

Rainwater, T.R., M. L. Sauther, K.A.E. Rainwater, R.E. Mills, F.P. Cuozzo, B. Zhang, L.N. McDaniel, M.T. Abel, E.J. Marsland, M.A. Weber, I.A. Youssouf Jacky, S.G. Platt, G.P. Cobb and T.A. Anderson. 2009. Assessment of organochlorine pesticides and metals in ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, Madagascar. American Journal of Primatology. 71:998-1010.

Platt, S.G., Z. Fast Horse, T.R. Rainwater, and S.M. Miller. 2009. Distribution records and comments on mammals in western South Dakota. Western North American Natutralist. 69:329-334.

Rainwater, T.R., and S.G. Platt. 2009. Possible decline of an American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) population on Turneffe Atoll, Belize. Herpetological Bulletin. 107:3-11.

Platt, S.G. and T.R. Rainwater. 2009. An elevation record for Crotalus lepidus lepidus (Kennicott, 1861) in the Davis Mountains of west Texas. Journal of Kansas Herpetology. 30:12.

Bailey, F.C., V.A. Cobb, T.R. Rainwater, T. Worrall and M. Klukowski. 2009. Adrenocortical effects of human encounters on free-ranging cottonmouths (Agkistrodon piscivorus). Journal of Herpetology. 43:260-266.

Platt, S.G., T.P. Condon, J.S. Tasirin, I. Hunowu, S. Siwu, R.A. Jones and T.R. Rainwater. 2009. Notes on red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) in northern Sulawesi, Indonesia, with an emphasis on genetic introgression with domestic chickens. Malayan Nature Journal. 61:23-33.

Platt, S.G., T.R. Rainwater, D.J. Leavitt and S.M. Miller. 2009. Diet of barn owls (Tyto alba) in northern Belize. Southwestern Naturalist. 54:104-107.

Vogt, R.C., S.G. Platt and T.R. Rainwater. 2009. Rhinoclemmys areolata (Duméril and Bibron 1851) – furrowed wood turtle, black-bellied turtle, mojena. In: Rhodin, A.G.J., P.C.H. Pritchard, P.P. van Dijk, R.A. Saumure, K.A. Buhlmann, J.B. Iverson, and R.A. Mittermeier (Eds.). Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises: a compilation project of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 5, pp. 022.1-022.7, doi: 10.3854/crm.5.022.areolata.v1.2009,

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