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Adam Kantrovich
Full Extension Specialist - Agribusiness
Agribusiness Team Director and Clemson Tax School Director
Agribusiness Program Team, Sandhill Research and Education Center
Office: 900 Clemson Rd.
Phone: 803-834-0019
Fax: Sandhill
Email: akantro@clemson.edu
Educational Background
Ph.D Vocational Tech. Education
Virginia Tech 2000
M.S. Agricultural Education
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale 1997
B.S. Agricultural Education Specializing in Agricultural Information
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale 1993
Courses Taught
 Morehead State University (At least Annually 2002 – 2007)
 AGR 102 Agricultural Experience
 AGR 251 & L, Intro to Ag Mech & La
 AGR 261 & 261L Info Acquisition & Analysis
 AGR 305 Market of Farm Production
 AGR , World Food
 AGR, Farm Management
 AGR, Issues in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and the Environment
 AGR 350 & L, Farm Power & Mach. Management
 AGR 399, Special Class
 AGR 402, Advanced Work Experience
 AGR/HS/IET 470, Methods of Instruction
 AGR 439, Cooperative Education
 AGR/HS/IET 470, Methods of Instruction
 AGR 476 Special Problems
 AGR 478 Student Teaching Practicum
 AGR 499C, Senior Seminar
 AGR 512, Conservation Workshop
 AGR 580 Methods of Teaching Voc. Agr.
 AGR 582, Adult & Young Farmer Education
 AGR 585, Teaching Agricultural Mech
 AGR 588, Curriculum Development and Content,
 AGR 670, Directed Research
 AGR 676 Special Problems
 AGR 676 Directed Study
 AGR 685, Principles & Philosophies of CTE
 CTE 207, Foundations of CTE
 CTE 630 Evaluation Techniques
 CTE 685, Evaluation Techniques
• Western Iowa Tech (Once Each, 2001 – 2002)
o Agricultural Finance
o Agricultural Livestock Marketing and Evaluation
o Agri-Science Mechanics
o Animal Health
o Animal Nutrition and Feeding
o Animal Science Biology Technology
o Futures and Hedging
o Introduction to Crop Production
o Issues in Agriculture
o Survey of the Animal Industry
o Occupational Experience
• Virginia Tech (1997 – 2000)
o Applications of Computers in Agriculture (Instructor of Record)
o Student Teacher Field Practicum (Team-taught)
o Independent Studies (Advanced Computer Technology)
o Independent Studies (Agricultural Computer Technology Training)
o Precision Agriculture (1-Day Mini-course
o Internship Supervision
o Special Studies (Web based computer applications)
o Swine Management (Instructor of Record)
o Web Based Application of Computers in Agriculture Course (Instructor of Record)
o International Exchange Students Pedagogy
• Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (1994 – 1997)
o Individualized Learning Program, Computer Applications Course
o Land Surveying: lab. Assistant
o Microcomputer Applications in Agriculture: Organized material and curriculum
o Professional Presentations (communications/education course)
o Pedagogy for International Projects
o Agricultural Workshops
Dr. Kantrovich is an Extension Economist with Clemson University and is the Agribusiness Program Team Director and Clemson Tax School Director. Major programmatic activities include the areas of farm financial analysis, ag labor policy, ACA compliance for agribusiness; succession, transition and estate planning; and farm & timber taxation and management. Dr. Kantrovich conducts programs around the state and nationally to various agricultural groups and organizations.
Prior to arriving at Clemson University Dr. Kantrovich spent 10-years with Michigan State University Extension directly working in the field with farms.
Research Interests
Ag Labor Policy
Affordable Care Act for Employers
Production Economics Transition/Transfer/Succession & Estate Planning
Agricultural Risk Management
Extension and Outreach
Farm Financial Management related topics
Specialty areas include: Farm Succession/Transition and Estate Planning
Agricultural Tax Management
H2-A Tax related issues
Affordable Care Act for Agricultural Employer
Agricultural Policy
 Chapters and Books
1. Kantrovich, Chapter (# TBD): Non-Cash Transactions, 2018 Agricultural Tax Issues, LGUTEF (Print in Sept. 2018)
2. LGUTEF, National Income Tax Workbook 2018 (edited on Hemp)
3. IRS Publication 225 Farmer’s Tax Guide 2018, Reviewed and edited Chapters 10 & 12
4. Smith, Kantrovich, Nelson Chapter 1, SC Ag Watch Revision, 2017
5. Portion of Chapter: Affordable Care Act for County Board of Commissioners Training Handbook
 Other Peer reviewed scholarly publications (abstracts, invited reviews, Extension Publications and Articles & Tools, etc)
1. Kantrovich, Review of Chapters in the IRS Publication 225 Farmer’s Tax Guide, May 2018
2. Pish, Suzanne & Kantrovich, A.J. (2017) The Stresses of Farming can Lead to Mental Health Challenges
3. Kantrovich, A.J. (2016) Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program Decision Tool and Instructional Video
4. Kantrovich A.J., Fischer (2016) Instructional Video on how to use the NAP Crop Eligibility, Premium, and Payment Estimator
5. Kantrovich (2015) The Affordable Care Act’s Excise Tax and its effect on Agricultural Employers
6. Kantrovich (2015) Small Employer Health Care Tax Credit
7. Kantrovich (2015) Capital Gains Tax Changes May Affect Farms
8. Moore, Kantrovich, Risch, Jones, (2015) Agricultural Employer Checklist
9. Kantrovich (2013) Technical vs. Fundamental Analysis for Commodity Markets – What’s the Difference?
10. Kantrovich (2013) Farms and Small Business Should Provide Employees with Health Care Information by Oct. 1
11. Kantrovich (2013) Farm and Small Business Employee Notification Mandate
12. Kantrovich (2013) Affordable (Health) Care Act (ACA) Reprieve of One Year. Starting Now will prevent pain later!
13. Kantrovich (2013) Small Employer Health Care Tax Credit
14. Kantrovich (2013) Capital Gains Tax Changes May Affect Farms
15. Kantrovich (2015) 2015 Section 179 Expense Deduction and Bonus Depreciation
16. Kantrovich (2013) Short Reprieve for Employers from the Affordable Care Act
17. Schweikhardt, D.; Kantrovich, A.; Long, B; (2013). The Affordable Care Act: What Does It Mean for Agricultural and Small Business Employers? Michigan State University Extension FIRM Team Fact Sheet 13-02.
18. Schweikhardt, D.; Kantrovich, A.; Long, B; (2013). The Affordable Care Act: What Does It Mean for Self-Employed Individuals in Agriculture and Small Business? Michigan State University Extension FIRM Team Fact Sheet 13-03.
19. Schweikhardt, D.; Kantrovich, A.; Long, B; (2013). The Affordable Care Act: What Does it Mean for Individuals and Families? Michigan State University Extension FIRM Team Fact Sheet 13-04.
20. Schweikhardt, D.; Kantrovich, A.; Long, B; (2013). The Affordable Care Act: The Health Insurance Marketplace -- What Does It Mean for Individuals, Families, and Employers? Michigan State University Extension FIRM Team Fact Sheet 13-05.
21. Kantrovich A.J., Schweikhardt, D. (2012) FTE Excel Spreadsheet Calculator for Employers
22. Kantrovich (2011) Keeping Accurate Financial Records Helps Keep Your Farm Profitable
23. Kantrovich, Adam J. (2011). The National Study of the Supply and Demand for Teachers of Agricultural Education From 2007-2010.
24. Kantrovich, Adam J. (2011) The Balance Sheet
25. Kantrovich (2010) Financial Ratios Series 23 articles
26. Kantrovich, Adam J. (2007). The National Study of the Supply and Demand for Teachers of Agricultural Education From 2004-2006. Presented to the AAAE at the Annual Conference in Minneapolis, MN; May 2007.
Clemson University Agribusiness TeamClemson University Extension
Clemson Agricultural Sciences