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Bo Song
Associate Professor
Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science
Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science
Office: Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology & Forest Scien
Phone: 843-545-5673
Fax: 843-546-6296
Email: bosong@clemson.edu
Educational Background
Ph.D Forest Science
Michigan Technological University 1998
M.S. Ecology
Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1988
B.S. Environmental Biology
Liaoning University 1985
1. Honored for the services as a Planning Committee Member for 7th, 9th, and 10th Southern Forestry and Natural Resources GIS Conference, Athens, GA, in 2009, 2013, and 2015.
2. Woman Professional Development Grant, Michigan Technological University, 1997
3. Travel Grant for International Union of Forestry Research Organizations Workshop, Graduate School Council of Michigan Technological University, 1996
4. Best Abstract, Graduate Student Council Poster Competition, Michigan Technological University, 1995
5. Doctoral Challenge Fellowship, Michigan Technological University, 1994-97
6. Outstanding B.S. Thesis, Liaoning University, 1985
7. Outstanding Student Award, Liaoning University, 1981 and 1985
Dr. Song is an Associate Professor of forest ecology at Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation. Dr. Song received her PhD degree of Forest Science at Michigan Technological University, USA. She has published more than 70 papers in respected journals, including Forest Ecology and Management, Ecological Modelling, etc..
She is currently on editorial boards of two international journals and has served as reviewer for more than 20 international journals.
Research Interests
Since Dr. Bo Song came to Clemson University in 2001, all her projects have been involving in how disturbances affecting forest landscapes, and how forest/landscapes response to these disturbances. These disturbances include hurricanes, sea level rise, fires, southern pine beetles, forest management, and urban development. With a major output of 3D visualizations of showing the dynamics/changes of forest landscape under these disturbances, she has been applying modeling, GIS, and 3D visualization software, to accomplish these tasks.
Jayakaran, A. D., Williams, T. M., Ssegane, H., Amatya, D. M., Song, B., and Trettin, C. C. 2014. Hurricane impacts on a pair of coastal forested watersheds: implications of selective hurricane damage to forest structure and streamflow dynamics, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 1151-1164, doi:10.5194/hess-18-1151-2014.
Song, B., Chen, J., & Williams, T. M. 2014. Spatial Relationships between Canopy Structure and Understory Vegetation of an Old-Growth Douglas-Fir Forest. Forest Res, 3(118), 2: 1-12.
Williams, T. M., B. Song, C.C. Trettin, and C.A. Gresham. 2013. A review of spatial aspects of forest damage and recovery on the south Carolina coast following Hurricane Hugo. J Geogr Nat Disast, 3(110), 2167-0587.
B.J. Williams, B. Song, and T.M. Williams. 2013. Visualizing mega-fires of the past: A case study of the 1894 Hinckley Fire, east-central Minnesota, USA. Forest Ecology and Management, 294: 107—119.
Jones, S.G., W.H. Conner, B. Song, D. Gordon, and A. Jayakaran. 2012. Comparing spatio-temporal clusters of arthropod-borne infections using administrative medical claims and state reported surveillance data. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 3:205-213.
Jones, S.G., W.H. Conner, and B. Song. 2012. Spatially explicit non-linear models for explaining the occurrence of infectious zoonotic diseases. ISRN Biomathematics, vol. 2012, Article ID 132342, 12 pages. doi:10.5402/2012/132342.
Williams, T, Chow, A.T., and Song, B (2012) Historical visualization evidence on forest-salt marsh transition in Winyah Bay, South Carolina: A retrospective study in sea level rise. Wetland Science and Practice 29(4): 5-17.
B. Song, C.A. Gresham, C.C. Trettin, and T.M. Williams. 2012. Monitoring the Recovery of Coastal Plain Forests from Hurricane Hugo. In: Xi W-M (Ed) Forest Restoration. TREE AND FORESTRY SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 6 (Special Issue 1), 60-68.
Chou, C.-Y., B. Song, T. M. Williams, R. L. Hedden, J. D. Culin, and C. J. Post. 2012. Three-dimensional landscape visualization of forest restoration scenarios following disturbances: a case study of southern pine beetle infestation in upper Piedmont of South Carolina. . In: Xi W-M (Ed) Forest Restoration. TREE AND FORESTRY SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 6 (Special Issue 1), 40-50.
Conner, W. H., B. Song, T.M. Williams, and J.T. Vernon. 2011. Community structure and aboveground productivity in a longleaf pine-swamp blackgum forest drainage, South Carolina, USA. Journal of Plant Ecology 4: 67–76.
Williams, B. J., B. Song, C.-Y. Chou, T.M. Williams, and J. Hom. 2011. Software Applications to Three Dimensional Visualization of Forest Landscapes - A Case Study Demonstrating the Use of Visual Nature Studio (VNS) in Visualizing Fire Spread in Forest Landscapes. In: Li, C., R. Lafortezza, J. Chen (Eds.), Landscape Ecology in Forest Management and Conservation - Challenges and Solutions for Global Change. HEP-Springer. Chapter 7: 148-175.
Chou, C.-Y., B. Song, and B. J. Williams. 2011. 3D visualization of forest landscapes. In Wu, J., and F. Li (Eds.), Lectures in Modern Ecology (V): Large-Scale Ecology and Sustainability Science. Higher Education Publications: Beijing, China, Chapter 6: 105-134.
(JA-27) Chou, C.-Y., B. Song, R. L. Hedden, T. M. Williams, J. D. Culin, and C. J. Post. 2010. Responding to the challenges of wildfire and forest bark beetle management using three-dimensional landscape visualizations. Forests 1(2): 82-98.
Zhang, J., B. Song, Z. Hao, B. Li, J. Ye, and X. Wang. 2010. Spatial patterns and associations of six congeneric species in an old-growth temperate forest. Acta Oecologica. 36(1): 29-38.
Zhang, J., Z. Hao, I. Sun, B. Song, J. Ye, B. Li, and X. Wang. 2009. Density dependence on tree survival in an old-growth temperate forest in northeastern China. Annuals of Forest Science, 66(2): art. No. 204: 1-9.
Zhang, J., Z. Hao, B. Song, B. Li, J. Ye, and X. Wang. 2009. Fine-scale species co-occurrence patterns in an old-growth temperate forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 257(10): 2115-2120.