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Calvin Sawyer
Professor of Water Resources
Agricultural Sciences Department
Water Resources Program Team, Agricultural Sciences Department
Office: 243 McAdams Hall
Phone: 864-656-4072
Email: calvins@clemson.edu
Vita: Download CV
Educational Background
Ph.D. Forest Resources
Clemson University 2009
M.S. Marine Resource Management
Oregon State University 1995
M.S. (Minor) Water Resources
Oregon State University 1995
B.A. History
Wake Forest University 1987
Courses Taught
AGM 3010 - Soil and Water Conservation
FNR 4700 - (Creative Inquiry) Vegetative Succession in Restored Wetland and Stream Ecosystems: Hunnicutt Creek Case Study
AGM 4730 - (Creative Inquiry) - Soil and Water Restoration
AGM 8810 - Special Problems in Agricultural Mechanization and Business
AGM 781 - Special Topics in Agricultural Mechanization and Business
PO ST 9910 - Doctoral Research, Special Topics in Policy Studies
BE 451/651 - Newman Endowed Chair Seminar in Natural Resource Engineering
BE 210 - Introduction to Biosystems Engineering
BE 464/664 - Nonpoint Source Management in Engineered Ecosystems
Calvin B. Sawyer, Ph.D. is a Professor in the Department of Agricultural Sciences at Clemson University and the Associate Director of Clemson's Center for Watershed Excellence. As a Water Resources Specialist, he coordinates development and implementation of numerous Extension projects, including South Carolina's Certified Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Inspector program. Sawyer routinely provides water quality and stormwater-related information to various clientele groups, including engineers, landscape architects, developers, contractors, community and government officials, public works and planning staffs, agricultural water users and other professional decision-makers.
Research Interests
Applied research interests include stormwater control measure optimization, sediment and turbidity reduction, watershed management, and ecosystem restoration. In terms of traditional funding models, Sawyer has collaborative research totaling $2.8M, with direct funding of $727K. These extramural research dollars resulted from 19 funded projects by granting agencies including the US Department of the Interior, the US Environmental Protection Agency, the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, SC Department of Health and Environmental Control, SC Department of Transportation, and the Clemson University Experiment Station.
Sawyer has authored or co-authored 11 articles in peer-reviewed journals and proceedings, with an additional 41 technical reports and Extension-driven publications. He has presented research findings at 22 international, national, regional or statewide professional conferences and given 51 invited lectures at symposia, workshops, professional associations, elected council meetings, state and federal agencies and other universities. In addition, Sawyer served on peer review panels for the SC Sea Grant Consortium, Georgia Sea Grant, the North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute, the SC Family and Community Leaders, and been invited to serve on other panels by the USDA-NIFA Capacity Building Grants program.
Extension and Outreach
Sawyer's direct Extension programming has concentrated on strategies to effectively inform and educate targeted constituencies about water resources and the role they play in the state's economy, environmental health, and overall quality of life. His primary accomplishments are associated with Extension clientele and affiliated instructional activities that address applied water resource issues for local governments, state agencies, businesses, community organizations, professional societies and the general public. These collective efforts tend to fall into one of two broad Extension and/or research areas: 1) development and implementation of state agency-approved environmental certification courses; and 2) refinement and expansion of compliance-based stormwater education programming.
To address demonstrated sediment impairment and respond to a direct request from the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control, Sawyer led development and implementation of the Certified Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Inspector (CEPSCI) program. CEPSCI serves as a model for fostering new Extension clientele yet following the long-standing traditions of Clemson continuing education. Research on erosion and sedimentation conducted at Clemson University is transferred to the construction industry by the most appropriate methods to convey technical information. Since 2009, 14,121 individuals have participated in CEPSCI, resulting in 117,511 continuing education (CE) credit hours recognized by the SC Department of Labor Licensing and Regulation. Further, and perhaps more importantly, more than 13,500 jobs and over $500M in salaries and wages have been supported through implementation of CEPSCI in South Carolina.
Busari, I., D. Sahoo, K. P. Sudheer, R. D. Harmel, C. Privette, M. Schlautman, and C. Sawyer. 2024. Investigating the Influence of Measurement Uncertainty on Chlorophyll-a Predictions as an Indicator of Harmful Algal Bloom in Machine Learning Models. Ecological Informatics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2024.102735.
Brock, M., Sahoo, D., Sawyer, C., Pike, J., & Post, C. 2022. Addressing Challenges in Real Time Monitoring Of An Urban Micro Watershed In Upstate, South Carolina. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.202201069.
Koparan, C, A. B. Koc, C. Sawyer, C. Privette. 2020. Temperature Profiling of Waterbodies with a UAV-Integrated Sensor Subsystem. Drones 2020, 4(3), 35; doi:10.3390/drones4030035
Koparan, C, A. B. Koc, C. Privette, C. Sawyer. 2020. Adaptive Water Sampling Device for Aerial Robots. Drones 2020, 4(1), 5; doi:10.3390/drones4010005
Sawyer, C.B., C.V. Privette, J. Berry, W. Bridges. 2019. Sediment Wattle Configuration and Optimization of Passive Polymer Application for Turbidity Reduction in Channelized Runoff. Sustainable Decisions in Bio-Economy. E-book. Chapter 9. pp 59-65. ISBN: 978-618-80440-9-8
Privette, C.V. and C. Sawyer. 2019. Compliance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency Effluent Limitation Guidelines –Turbidity Control and Surface Outlets. SCDOT. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine: Transportation Research Board. FHWA-SC-19-01
Privette, C.V., C. Sawyer and D. Garcia. 2019. Edge-of-Field Monitoring in the Piedmont and Lower Coastal Region of South Carolina. USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service.
Koparan, C., A. B. Koc, C. Privette, C. Sawyer. 2019. Autonomous In-Situ Measurements of Noncontaminant Water Quality Indicators and Sample Collection with a UAV. Water. Vol. 11(3), 604; doi:10.3390/w11030604
Koparan, C., A. B. Koc, C. Privette, C. Sawyer, J. Sharp. 2018. Evaluation of a UAV-Assisted Autonomous Water Sampling. Water. Vol. 10(5), 655; doi:10.3390/w10050655
Berry, J., Sawyer, C., Privette, C., Hayes, J., Bridges, W. 2017. Reductions in turbidity and Escherichia coli density using passive polymer treatment in simulated stormwater runoff. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal. Accepted January 5, 2017
Giacalone, K.B. and C.B. Sawyer. 2015. Centers of Excellence for Watershed Management 2014 Annual Report. Submitted to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4, Atlanta, GA. 10 pp.
Clary, J. et al. (C.B. Sawyer, Featured Contributing Author). 2014. Pathogens in Urban Stormwater Systems. Urban Water Resources Research Council of the American Society of Civil Engineers. 289 pp.
Giacalone, K.B. and C.B. Sawyer. 2014. Centers of Excellence for Watershed Management 2013 Annual Report. Submitted to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4, Atlanta, GA. 21 pp.
Kunkel, E., Privette, C., Sawyer, C., Hayes, J. 2013. Transport and Fate of Escherichia coli in Sediment Layer and Water Column of Basins on Active Construction Sites. Transactions of the ASABE. Vol. 56(6).
Kunkle, E., Privette, C. Sawyer, C., Hayes, J. 2013. Attachment of Escherichia coli to Fine Sediment Particles Within Construction Sediment Basins. Journal of Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology. Vol. 4, No. 3A.
Giacalone, K. and C.B. Sawyer. 2013. Use of Survey Instrument Results to Conduct Effective, Compliance-Appropriate Regional Stormwater Education and Involvement Programming. Proceedings of the 2013 StormCon. P63.
Boatwright, J.D., C.B. Sawyer, C. V. Privette, K. R. Kirk. Guidelines for Design and Construction of a Siphon Spillway. 2013 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Dallas, Texas, July, 2013.
Eidson, G.W., C.B. Sawyer (editors). 2013. Sand River Headwaters Green Infrastructure Project. Final Research Report Submitted to the City of Aiken, SC. 115 pp.
Eidson, G.W, C.B. Sawyer and D.A. White (editors). 2012. Exploring Opportunities for Collaborative Water Research, Policy and Management: Proceedings of the 2012 South Carolina Water Resources Conference, ISBN: 978-0-615-70377-0, Columbia, SC, (Oct 2012)
Sawyer, C.B., D.R. Hitchcock, B.J. Putman, C.T. Johnson, G.W. Eidson, J. Calabria, V. Chanse. 2012. Using Green Infrastructure for Improved Urban Surface Water Hydrology. Proceedings of the 2012 South Carolina Water Resources Conference, ISBN: 978-0-615-70377-0, Columbia, SC, (Oct 2012)
Berry, J.W., C.B. Sawyer, C.V. Privette III, J.C. Hayes, W.C. Bridges, Jr. 2012. Passive Polymer Application for Turbidity Reduction. Proceedings of the 2012 South Carolina Water Resources Conference, ISBN: 978-0-615-70377-0, Columbia, SC, (Oct 2012).
Hayes, J.C., B.J. Barfield, C.B. Sawyer, J.P. Johns. 2012. Observations on Effluent Limits for Stormwater Runoff from Construction. Proceedings of the 2012 South Carolina Water Resources Conference, ISBN: 978-0-615-70377-0, Columbia, SC, (Oct 2012)
Resler, K.E., C.B. Sawyer, J.C. Hayes, C.V. Privette III. 2011. Sediment Based Turbidity Analysis for Representative South Carolina Soils. Proceedings of the 2012 South Carolina Water Resources Conference, ISBN: 978-0-615-70377-0, Columbia, SC, (Oct 2012)
Eidson, G.W., D.A. White and C.B. Sawyer (editors). 2011. Charleston Vertical Farm Design Feasibility Study, Final Report Prepared for US EPA Office of Land, Waste and Emergency Management Innovations, EP-W-10-002, Agreement 8070-Clemson, 210 pp.
Hayes, J.C., C.V. Privette III, C.B. Sawyer, J.W Price. 2011. Eroded Particle Size Distributions for Southeastern U.S. Soils. 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Conference Proceedings. ASCE. Palm Springs, CA.
Resler, K.E., C.B. Sawyer, C.V Privette III, J.C. Hayes. 2011. Accuracy and Precision of Portable Turbidity Meters. International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution, ASABE #11014. Anchorage, AK (Sep 2011)
Eidson, G.W. and C.B. Sawyer (editors). 2010. Science and Policy Challenges for a Sustainable Future: Proceedings of the 2010 South Carolina Water Resources Conference, ISBN: 978-0-615-39866-2, Columbia, SC, (Oct 2010).
Tempel, E.A., C.V. Privette III, C.B Sawyer, J.C. Hayes. 2010. Survival, Behavior, and Fate of Indicator Bacteria in Sediment Basins. International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution, ASABE #11011. Anchorage, AK (Sep 2011)
Sawyer, C.B., W.R. English, J.C. Hayes, L.W. Jolley, C.J. Post, W.C. Bridges, Jr. 2010. Bacteria in Construction Site Sediment Basins. Proceedings of the 2010 South Carolina Water Resources Conference, ISBN: 978-0-615-39866-2, Columbia, SC, (Oct 2010)
Hitchcock, D.R., D.L. White, A.D. Jayakaran, T.M. Williams, K. Giacalone, J. Calabria, C.B. Sawyer, and G.W. Eidson. 2010. Green Infrastructure Assessment Tools for Varying Scales in Coastal South Carolina. Proceedings of the 2010 South Carolina Water Resources Conference, ISBN: 978-0-615-39866-2, Columbia, SC, (Oct 2010)
Giacalone, K.A., C.B. Sawyer, C. Mobley, J. Witte and G. Eidson. 2010. Is Stormwater Treated? A Survey of Awareness and Behaviors That May Impact Nonpoint Source Education. Proceedings of the 2010 South Carolina Water Resources Conference, ISBN: 978-0-615-39866-2, Columbia, SC, (Oct 2010)
Eidson, G.W, C.B. Sawyer, D.R. Hitchcock, J. Calabria, B. Putman, V. Chanse, C.J. Post, J.O. Hallstrom, D.L. White, S.T. Esswein, C. Bellamy. 2010. Sand River Headwaters Green Infrastructure Project, City of Aiken, South Carolina: A Collaborative Team Approach to Implementing Green Infrastructure Practices. Proceedings of the 2010 South Carolina Water Resources Conference, ISBN: 978-0-615-39866-2, Columbia, SC, (Oct 2010)
Giacalone, K.A., C.R. Mobley, C.B. Sawyer, J. Witte, G. Eidson. 2010. “Survey Says: Implications of a Public Perception Survey on Stormwater Education Programming. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, Issue 146, 2010.
Eidson, G.W., S.T. Esswein, J.B. Gemmill, J.O. Hallstrom, T.R. Howard, J.K. Lawrence, C.J. Post, C.B. Sawyer, K.C. Wang, and D.L. White. 2010. The South Carolina Digital Watershed: End-to-End Support for Real-Time Management of Water Resources. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2010 (2010), Article ID 970868.
Certified Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control InspectorCertified Stormwater Plan Reviewer
Hunnicutt Creek Research
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