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students walking into the pool and agriculture building
Clemson University
college of agriculture, forestry and life sciences clemson university

Marie Hegler

Senior Lecturer
Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Sciences Department

Office: 205 P&A



Educational Background

B.S. Food Science
Clemson University

Courses Taught

Culinary Fundamentals
Baking Science
Introduction to Food Science and Human Nutrition
Food Safety Certifications


Primary responsibilities include teaching, advising, and managing the research kitchen. Secondary responsibilities included study abroad coordinator and RCA program director.

Research Interests


Extension and Outreach

Former Area Food Safety and Nutrition Agent for Greenville, Spartanburg and Anderson counties


Cothran, S.L., Hegler, C. M., Martinez-Dawson, R., Dawson, P.L., Northcutt, J.K. (2023) Faculty Stress Factors at a Public Institution During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Higher Education and Theory and Practice, 23 (11).

Hegler, M., Cothran, S.L., Martinez-Dawson, R., Dawson, P.L., Northcutt, J.K. (2022) Impact of Emergency Remote Teaching on University Students at a Public Institution in the United States. Journal of Higher Education and Theory and Practice, 22 (8): 124-139.

Holliday, D., Condrasky, M., Hegler, M., Finley, J. (2017) Developing Nutritious Food Products, Chapter in Culinology®: The Intersection of Culinary Arts and Food Science, Research Chefs Association, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences |