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Catherine Masatani
M.S. Student - Wildlife & Fisheries Biology
Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department
Office: P&A Room 83
Email: cmasata@clemson.edu
Educational Background
B.S. Fisheries Biology (Freshwater Concentration)
Cal Poly Humboldt 2021
Catherine is currently an M.S. Student in Dr. Peoples' lab where she is evaluating the use of eDNA as an early detection tool for Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) in the Francis Marion National Forest. Her research will aid in the understanding of AIS presence in South Carolina's low-country streams as well as help determine if eDNA is a viable early indicator for various AIS species. Catherine earned her B.S. degree in Fisheries Biology (Freshwater Concentration) from Humboldt State University (now known as Cal Poly Humboldt) in 2021. After graduating, she spent two years conducting various fisheries surveys for Trout Unlimited, Dudek, and the CA Watershed Stewards Program before beginning her graduate career at Clemson. Catherine is dedicated to pursuing a career as a Fisheries Biologist where she can make a positive, lasting impact in the field.
Research Interests
Aquatic Biology
Freshwater Ecology
Conservation Biology
Invasion Ecology
Extension and Outreach
Catherine served a 10.5-month term as a Watershed Stewards Program Corpsmember, where she had the opportunity to organize and lead volunteer events at Point Reyes National Seashore. She also taught a 5-lesson series about environmental stewardship to a Title 1 School in Marin County.
Le Doux-Bloom, C. M., Lane, R. S., Christian, G. J., Masatani, C. A., Hemmert, J. E., & Klimley, A. P. (2022). Seasonal movement patterns and habitat use of sub-adult Striped Bass Morone saxatilis in a highly managed and tidally influenced Pacific Coast Watershed. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 105(12), 1729-1748.