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students walking into the pool and agriculture building
Clemson University
college of agriculture, forestry and life sciences clemson university

Camden Bryan

Statewide Rural Health and Nutrition Agent
Rural Health and Nutrition Program Team, Anderson County Cooperative Extension Office

Phone: 843-504-0299



Educational Background

Certified Group Fitness Instructor
American Council on Exercise 2023

Certified Health Education Specialist
National Commission for Health Education Credentialing 2022

B.S. Language and International Health
Clemson University 2021

Courses Taught

Practical Strength
El programa de extensión de salud para la diabetes
La diabetes también es un asunto del corazón


Camden graduated from Clemson University in 2021 with a degree in Language and International Health with an emphasis in Spanish Language and Community Development. She is now a Rural Health and Nutrition Extension Agent as well as a Certified Health Education Specialist working as a health coach to deliver our chronic disease prevention and self-management programs to Spanish-speaking residents of SC and is looking forward to delivering valuable health education programs to the Hispanic/Latino community of SC. Camden also works as a Group Fitness Instructor to teach Practical Strength- a program designed to teach any body how to strength train at home so they can live life they way they want to live it.


Interés para El programa de extensión de salud para la diabetes
La diabetes también es un asunto del corazón
Practical Strength
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences |