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Clemson University
college of agriculture, forestry and life sciences clemson university

Cindy Von Haugg

Graduate Research Assistant
Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department, Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science




Educational Background

B.T. Wildlife Management
State University of New York College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill 2020

A.A.S. Criminal Justice
Community College of the Air Force 2012


Cindy Von Haugg is an M.S. student at Clemson University’s James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center. She is a student veteran who served nine years in the Air Force before receiving her B.S. in Wildlife Management from the State University of New York at Cobleskill. While pursuing her undergraduate degree, she was active in New York State’s Chapter of Ducks Unlimited and quickly developed a strong passion for waterfowl research. Various technician positions fostered her interest in nesting ecology. After working as a field technician on a wood duck recruitment study through Clemson, she enrolled as a graduate student in August 2021. Her graduate research aims to determine forest and tree characteristics indicative of cavities suitable for nesting wood duck hens and the reproductive ecology of cavity-nesting wood ducks. Cindy enjoys spending quality time with her husband, Matt, two dogs, and cat in her spare time. You can often find them sightseeing, wandering the woods, or yelling at a football game.

Research Interests

waterfowl ecology


Von Haugg, C. L., and J. T. Anderson. 2024. Method for evaluating and measuring cavity suitability for nesting wood ducks. Wildlife Society Bulletin. Accepted and under review.

Suthar, A. R., M. Boucher, C. L. Von Haugg, J. E. McCall, A. C. Hsiung, A. MacKenzie, J. A. Bryzek, S. De Silva, and J. T. Anderson. 2023. Global Climate Change and Impacts on Wetland Fauna. In Global Climate Change and Wildlife Management. Apple Academic Press, Palm Bay, Florida USA. Book Chapter. Accepted and under review.

Bryzek, J. A., K. L. Noe , S. De Silva, A. MacKenzie, C. L. Von Haugg , D. Hartman, J. E. McCall, W. Veselka IV, and J. T. Anderson. 2022. Obligations of researchers and managers to respect wetlands: practical solutions to minimizing field monitoring impacts. Land 11(4):481.


Three Minute Thesis
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences |