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Dara Park
Professor in Soil and Water Dynamics
Agronomic Crops Program Team, Horticulture Program Team, Water Resources Program Team, Plant and Environmental Sciences Department
Office: 263 Poole Ag Science Center
Phone: 843-319-4957
Email: darap@clemson.edu
Educational Background
Ph.D. Soil and Water Science
University of Florida 2006
M.S. Biology: Environmental Sciences
Florida Atlantic University 2001
B.Sc. Biology: Animal Science
Florida Atlantic University 1997
Courses Taught
PES 4060 Cover Crops in Agroecosystems (Fall, 2021, 2022, 2023)
PES 2020 / 2021 Soils and Soils Laboratory (Fall and Spring, every year)
PES 4460 / 6460 Soil and Water Management (Spring, even years)
PES 4960 / 4970 Soils Team for Competition (Fall, every year; Spring depending if going to Nationals)
Isabella Hill (MS -Plant and Environmental Sciences)
Payton Davis (PhD - Plant and Environmental Sciences)
Research Interests
My research is tailored to support the needs of SC turfgrass and row crop stakeholders. I investigate the use of surfactants to reduce irrigation needs and increase plant quality. Most recently, I have been conducting research to assist in developing an extension program in soil health. This includes investigating fertility needs for integrating cover crops into row crop rotations.
Extension and Outreach
My extension focuses on soil and water dynamics, with an emphasis on how water quality influences soil structure, plant health, pesticide efficacy, and subsequently, natural resource protection. Results of my extension-oriented research are delivered by writing publications, presenting seminars and workshops, and solving specific stakeholder issues.
I am a Content Editor for the peer-reviewed extension platform Land-Grant Press, a repository for science-based, peer-reviewed publications written by Extension personnel and university scientists for professional and academic audiences, as well as owners and managers of livestock, horses, timber and land.
Parajuli, B, Ye, R, Luo, M, Ducey, TF, Park, D, Smith, M, & Sigua, G. Contrasting carbon and nitrogen responses to tillage at different soil depths: An observation after 40-year of tillage management. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2021; 85: 1256– 1268. https://doi.org/10.1002/saj2.20277
†Abangandura, G.O., D.M. Park, and W. Bridges. 2021. Surfactant and Irrigation Impacts on Soil Water Content and Leachate of Soils and Greenhouse Substrates. Agroeco., GeoSci., & Environ. 4(2)e20153:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1002/agg2.20153
Abangandura, G.O., D.M. Park, W. Bridges, and K. Brown. 2021. Soil Surfactants applied with 15N Labeled Urea Increases Bermudagrass Uptake and Reduces Nitrogen Leaching. J. Plant. Nutr. Soil Sci. (IF 2.083-2020) http://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.201900162
Parajuli, B., M. Lou, R. Ye, T. F. Ducey, D. M. Park, M. Smith, and G. Sigua. 2021. Aggregate Distribution and the Associated Carbon in Norfolk Soils under Long-Term Conservation Tillage and Short-Term Cover Cropping. Comm. in Soil Sci. & Plant Analysis. https://doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2020.1869769
Park, D. M., J. L. Cisar, M. A. Fidanza, G. H. Snyder, and K. E. Williams. 2021. A Field Scale Facility to Document the Effect of Soil Organic Matter Content of Sod-established Augustinegrass Lawns on Nitrate Leaching. Int. Turfgrass Res. J. DOI: 10.1002/its2.7
Klimas, K., P. Hiesl, D. Hagan, and D. Park. 2020. Burn Severity Effects on Sediment and Nutrient Exports from Southeastern Forests Using Simulated Rainfall. Forest Science. fxaa029, https://doi.org/10.1093/forsci/fxaa029
Klimas, K., D. Hagan, P. Hiesl, and D. Park. 2020. Prescribed Fire Effects on Sediment and Nutrient Exports in Forested Environments: A Review. J. Enviro. Qual. 2020:1-19. https://doi.org/10.1002/jeq2.20108
Klimas, K., P. Hiesl, D. Hagan and D. Park. 2020. Immediate Effects of Prescribed Fire on Sub-Surface Water Quality in a Managed Yellow Pine Forest. Fire. 3(2):14. https://doi.org/10.3390/fire3020014
Williams, P., Khalilian, A. , Marshall, M. , Maja, J. , Liu, H. , Park, D. and Nafchi, A. 2019. Cotton Response to Variable Nitrogen Rate Fertigation through an Overhead Irrigation System. Agric. Sci, 10, 66-80. (IF 1.16). https://doi.org/10.4236/as.2019.101006
Robb, D., G. Zhender, R. Kloot, W. Bridges, and D. Park. 2018. Weeds, Nitrogen and Yield: Measuring the Effectiveness of an Organic Cover Cropped Vegetable No-Till System. Renew. Ag. & Food Syst. Jan.:1-8. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742170517000795
Abangandura, G.O., D.M. Park, and D. White. 2017. Modeling Soil Degradation in Libya. Journal of Natural Sciences Research (2017 IC IF 5.1). 7(24):30-40.
Park, D.M., J.L. Cisar, M.A. Fidanza, G.H. Snyder and K.E.Williams. 2017. Seasonal Cultural Management Practices for Aging Ultradwarf Greens in South Florida: I. Chemical Practices: Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilization. Int. Turfg. Soc. Res. J. 13 (1): 280-290.
Park, D.M., J.L. Cisar, G.H. Snyder and K.E.Williams. 2017. Seasonal Cultural Management Practices for Aging Ultradwarf Bermudagrass Greens in the Subtropics: II. Mechanical Practices of Topdressing and Verticut Frequency. Int. Turfg. Soc. Res. J. 13 (1): 291-296.
Abangandura, G.O., D.M. Park, and D. White. 2016. Libyan Agriculture: A Review of Past Efforts, Current Challenges and Future Prospects. J Nat. Sci. Res. 6:57-67.
Jayakarn, A.D., Z.T. Smoot, D.M. Park, and D.R. Hitchcock. 2016. Relating Stream Morphology and Land Use Cover in the Middle Pee Dee River Basin, SC. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 5:261-275.
El-Hawaz, R., D. Park, W.C. Bridges, and J. Adelberg. 2016. Optimizing In Vitro Mineral Nutrition and Plant Density Increases Greenhouse Growth of Curcuma longa L. During Acclimatization. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult. 126:33-42. doi:10.1007/s11240-016-0974-9
Smoot, Z. T., A.D. Jayakaran, D. M. Park, D.R. Hitchcock. 2015. Hydraulic Geometry Curves in the Pee Dee Watershed. Journal of South Carolina Water Resources. 2(1):63-69.
Menchyk, N., H. Luo, Z. Li, S.B.Martin, F.G. Bethea Jr., D.M. Park and H. Liu. 2015. Two Golf Course Putting Green Turfgrass Responses to Urea Nitrogen and Nickel. J. Plant Nutrition.
Bethea, Jr. F.G., D. Park, A. Mount, N. Menchyk, and H. Liu. 2014. Effects of Acute Moisture Stress on Creeping Bentgrass Cuticle Morphology and Associated Effects on Foliar Nitrogen Uptake. HortSci. 49:1582-1587.
Park, D.M., S.A. White, N. Menchyk. 2014. Assessing Irrigation Water Quality for pH, Salts, & Alkalinity. Journal of Extension. 52(6):6TOT8s.
Menchyk, N., D. M. Park, J.B. Unruh, P. Moon and L. Trenholm. 2014. Freezing Low Volume Aqueous Solutions to Preserve Ammonia and Nitrate plus Nitrate. 54:2325-2327.
Cisar, J., D.M. Park, M. McMillan, and K. E. Williams. 2014. Improving Nitrogen Release Use Efficiency of Turfgrass with Controlled-Release N. European Journal of Turfgrass Science ISSN 1867-3570. Pp. 89-90.
Stiglbauer J.B., H. Liu, L.B. McCarty, D.M. Park, and J.E. Toler. 2013. Seashore Paspalum Green Establishment Affected by Sprig Rates, Nitrogen Sources and Rates. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12:251-Â256.
Cisar, J.L., G.H. Snyder, D.M. Park, M.A. Fidanza, E.J. Nangle, and K. E. Williams. 2013.
Potassium and Sodium Application Effects on Soil Test Values, and Turfgrass Quality, Clipping Yield and Elemental Composition of Bermudagrass Grown in A Sand Soil. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 12:607â€618.
Park, D.M. and S.B. Martin. 2012. Soil Surfactant and Fungicide Influence on Soil Moisture, Disease Presence and Quality of ‘Champion’ Ultradwarf Bermudagrass Grown on a USGA Specified Constructed Rootzone in South Carolina, U.S.A. Plnt. Manage. Network. https://plantmanagementnetwork.org/pub/ats/proceedings/2013/rootzones/4. htm
Erickson, J. E., D. M. Park, J. L. Cisar, G. H. Snyder, and A. L. Wright. 2010. Effects of Sod Type, Irrigation, and Fertilization on Nitrate-N and Orthophosphate-P Leaching from Newly Established St. Augustingrass Sod. Crop Sci. 50:1030-1036.
Chong, J.H. and D.M. Park. 2009. Saline Irrigation Water Effects on the Abundance of Turfgrass Arthropods. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 11:619-629.
Stiglbauer J.B., H. Liu, L.B. McCarty, D. M. Park, J. E. Toler, and K. Kirk. 2009. Diamond Zoysiagrass Putting Green Establishment Affected by Sprigging Rates, Nitrogen Sources, and Rates in the Southern Transition Zone. Hort Sci.44(6):1757-1761.
Bauer, P.J., D. M. Park, and B.T. Campbell. 2009. Cotton Production in Rotation with Summer Legumes. J. of Cotton. Sci. 13:183-188.
Erickson, J.E., J.L. Cisar, G.H. Snyder, D.M. Park and K.E. Williams. 2008. Does a Mixed-Species Landscape Reduce Longâ€term Inorganicâ€N Leaching Compared to a Conventional St. Augustinegrass Lawn? Crop Sci. 48:1586-1594.
Queen of the Soil PitClemson Graduate Takes First in International Soil Judging Contest.
Land-Grant Press