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Undergraduate Majors
- Undergraduate Majors Overview
- Agribusiness
- Agricultural Education
- Agricultural Mechanization & Business
- Animal & Veterinary Sciences
- Environmental & Natural Resources
- Food Science & Human Nutrition
- Forest Resources Management
- Horticulture
- Packaging Science
- Plant and Environmental Sciences
- Turfgrass
- Wildlife & Fisheries Biology
Graduate Programs
- Graduate Programs Overview
- Request for Information
- Agricultural and Applied Economics (MS)
- Agricultural Education (MAgEd)
- Agriculture (MS, PhD)
- Animal & Veterinary Sciences (MS, PhD)
- Entomology (MS, PhD)
- Food, Nutrition and Culinary Sciences (MS)
- Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Sciences (PhD)
- Forest Resources (MFR, MS, PHD)
- Packaging Science (MS)
- Plant and Environmental Sciences (MS, PhD)
- Wildlife and Fisheries Biology (MWFR, MS, PhD)
- Scholarships
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Diana Low
Labs Coordinator
Public Service Activities, Regulatory Programs, Department of Plant Industry, Plant Problem Clinic
Office: Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic
Phone: 864-646-2133
Email: dlow@clemson.edu
Educational Background
B.S. Consumer Environmental Sciences
California State University, Northridge 1998
Diana is the Labs Coordinator for the four laboratories of the Department of Plant Industry: Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic, Nematode Assay Laboratory, Molecular Pathogen and Pest Detection Laboratory, and the Commercial Turfgrass Clinic. With the University since 2010, she takes professional pride in helping people efficiently and accurately in her role in Regulatory Services.
She is serving her third year on the Commission on LGBTQ Communities, as a Commissioner and Secretary. Diana strives to contribute to an atmosphere of community, engagement, education, and a welcoming environment for all Clemson Tigers.