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Dr. Elena Mikhailova
Professor of Soil Science
Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department
Office: 216 Lehotsky
Phone: 864-656-3535
Email: eleanam@clemson.edu
Vita: Download CV
Personal Website: https://mikhailova.org/
Educational Background
Ph.D. Soil Science (Pedology)
Cornell University
M.S. Soil Science (Pedology)
Cornell University
B.A. Geology (Magna Cum Laude)
Colgate University
Courses Taught
FNR 2040: Soil Information Systems
FNR 4700 section 129: GIS and SIS Applications
FOR 4930/8930: Urban Soils
FOR 4930/8930: Wetland Soils
FOR 8050: Forest Landscape Ecosystems
PES 4030/6030: Soil Genesis and Classification
FNR 4700 section 19: Soil Judging Project
PES 8020: Pedology
FNR 4990: Natural Resources Seminar
ENV 3100: Soil Information Systems (Field Station)
FNR 1020: Forestry and Natural Resources Freshman Portfolio
FNR 2040: Summer Soil Information Systems
Dr. Mikhailova is internationally recognized for her highly collaborative, multidisciplinary research in the areas of soil and water conservation, soil organic and inorganic carbon dynamics (at the UNESCO MAB Programme site in the Kursk region, Russia), socio-pedology, and soil science education. She has conducted research in/on various countries: the United States, Honduras, Russia, Cameroon, China, Libya, Venezuela, Brazil, and Türkiye. Her discoveries on soil inorganic carbon and its dynamics received NSF (US) and worldwide attention. She is the author and co-author of 160 publications: 134 peer-reviewed articles (including 20 teaching articles), 3 peer-reviewed conference proceedings, 3 book chapters, and 20 technical publications (including 3 teaching laboratory manuals, and 2 technical manuals). She has published broadly in 56 journals (e.g., Soil Science; Soil Science Society of America Journal; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment; Ecological Modelling; Journal of Environmental Quality; Tellus; European Journal of Soil Science; Environmental Management; Geoderma; Computers and Electronics in Agriculture; Ecological Informatics; Ecoscience; Eurasian Soil Science; International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation; Journal of Soil and Water Conservation; Agronomy; Geosciences; Land; Education Sciences; Resources; Frontiers in Environmental Science; Urban Forestry & Urban Greening; NACTA Journal; Scientific Reports by Nature; Earth; Cogent Environmental Science; Applied Sciences; ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing; Remote Sensing; Laws; Urban Science; Geographies; Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association; Forests; Climate; Water; International Journal of Digital Earth; Soil Systems; Ecological Indicators; Biosphere, and others) in soil science, agriculture, environment, and education. Her recent publications include: "Enriching Earth science education with direct and proximal remote sensing of soil using a mobile geospatial application" in Earth; and "Monitoring wise use of wetlands during land conversion for the Ramsar Convention on wetlands: A case study of the contiguous United States of America (USA)" in Biosphere.
She has presented her research findings at national and international meetings at over 17 leading universities and organizations in the United States, and Europe (Russia, France, Italy), including the University of Bari (Italy), University of Minnesota; the Ohio State University; Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL); Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Moscow State University (Russia); Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science in Puschino (Russia); UMR EGC (INRA-AgroParis Tech, France), and National Cooperative Soil Survey (USA).
Dr. Mikhailova has been the recipient of numerous awards and honors: Recipient of the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Educator Award (2020); Recipient of NACTA Teaching Award of Merit (2019); Recipient of the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences Undergraduate Teaching Award of Excellence for more than 6 years (2019); Nominated for the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences (CAFLS) Undergraduate Teaching Award of Excellence for more than 6 years (2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2012); Nominated for CAFLS Undergraduate Advising Award of Excellence (2016); Nominated for CAFLS Graduate Teaching Award of Excellence (2019, 2018, 2017, 2016); Nominated for the Governor's Professor of the Year, South Carolina Commission on Higher Education (2011); Nominated for the USDA National Awards Program for Excellence in College and University Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences (2011, 2010, 2009); One of Clemson's Outstanding Professors, Student Government and the Undergraduate Student Body (2010); Recipient of the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences Undergraduate Teaching Award of Excellence for less than 6 years (2010); Clemson University Board of Trustees Award for Faculty Excellence (2009).
She is a member of the International Geographic Union (Commissions: C16.10 Geographical Education Commission; C17.01 Geography for Future Earth: Coupled Human-Earth Systems for Sustainability), the American Geophysical Union (AGU), North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA), and she is recognized for her high scholarship by Gamma Sigma Delta, and Sigma Xi. She has served on various committees of both the Soil Science Society of America, and the American Society of Agronomy. Dr. Mikhailova is a member of Editorial Board for Pedosphere (Elsevier), Journal of Plant Nutrition (Taylor & Francis), and Earth (MDPI). Dr. Mikhailova conducted peer-review for 58 journals including Plant and Soil; Ecological Engineering; Environmental Management; Geoderma; Soil Science Society of America Journal; Journal of Environmental Quality; Journal of Soil and Water Conservation; Journal Scientia Agricola (Brazil); Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research; Polish Journal of Environmental Studies; African Journal of Biotechnology; International Journal of Sediment Research; Chemical Geology; Grass and Forage Science; Journal of Soils and Sediments; Journal of Agricultural Science; Journal of Mountain Science; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Environmental Modelling & Software; ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information; Environment, Development and Sustainability; Journal of Environmental Informatics; Environmental Assessment and Monitoring; Sensors; Remote Sensing; Catena; Applied Geography; Science Education; Sustainability; Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management; Land Degradation and Development; Landscape and Urban Planning; Soil Use and Management; Arabian Journal of Geosciences; Water; Science of the Total Environment; Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science; PLoS ONE; Arid Land Research and Management; Soil Systems; Soil Science and Plant Nutrition; Climatic Change; Regional Environmental Change (REEC); SN Applied Sciences (Springer); Environmental Pollution; Sustainable Cities and Society; Computers and Geosciences; Lake and Reservoir Management; Geography and Sustainability; Environmental Science and Pollution Research; Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research; Urban Climate, and others. In addition, Dr. Mikhailova conducted peer-review for USDA/NIFA AFRI: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Agriculture, NSF: Ecosystems Studies Program, and NSF: Computer & Information Science & Engineering Directorate (CISE). Dr. Mikhailova is a recipient of numerous grants from various funding agencies including the National Science Foundation (NSF), USDA/NIFA Higher Education Challenge (HEC), and others.
Clemson hopes to change how tech is used in soil science. Anderson Observer, September 7, 2020.
USDA grant will support Clemson team's quest to modernize the teaching of soil science. The Newsstand, Clemson University, September 7, 2020.
Clemson professors earn national agricultural teaching awards. The Newsstand, Clemson University, July 7, 2020.
Two Clemson professors win educator awards. The Journal, June 27-28, 2020, vol. 116, no. 129.
Research Interests
Ecosystem services
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Soil security
Land degradation neutrality
Soil health
Soil science education
International agriculture
Soil Genesis and Classification
Soil and water conservation
Soil Information Systems
Soil carbon dynamics
Soil resources and uses in South Carolina
World adaptation of Soil Judging
136. Mikhailova, E.A., Zurqani, H.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Post, G.C., Brown, C.E., and G.B. Shepherd. 2025. Monitoring wise use of wetlands during land conversion for the Ramsar Convention on wetlands: A case study of the contiguous United States of America (USA). Biosphere 1(1), 2. https://doi.org/10.3390/biosphere1010002
135. Mikhailova, E.A., Zurqani, H.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Post, G.C., Landis, L.N., Roberts, L.C., and G.B. Shepherd. 2025. Assessing potential land and soil for nature-based solutions (NBS) for United Nations (UN) initiatives: An example of the contiguous United States of America (USA). Earth 6, 17. https://doi.org/10.3390/
134. Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Zurqani, H.A., Hutton, P.C., and D.G. Nelson. 2025. Enriching Earth science education with direct and proximal remote sensing of soil using a mobile geospatial application. Earth 6(1), 8; https://doi.org/10.3390/earth6010008
133. INVITED: Mikhailova, E.A., Zurqani, H.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Post, G.C., and G.B. Shepherd. 2024. Accounting for climate and inherent soil quality in United Nations (UN) land degradation analysis: A case study of the state of Arizona (USA). Climate 12(12), 194; https://doi.org/10.3390/cli12120194
132. Yao, S., Hao, Z., Post, C.J., Mikhailova, E.A., and L. Lin. 2024. Individual tree crown detection and classification of live and dead trees using mask region-based convolutional neural network (Mask R-CNN). Forests 15(11), 1900. https://doi.org/10.3390/f15111900
131. INVITED: Nelson, D.G., Mikhailova, E.A., Zurqani, H.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and G.B. Shepherd. 2024. Soil-based emissions and context-specific climate change planning to support the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on climate action: A case study of Georgia (USA). Land 13, 1669. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13101669
130. INVITED: Mikhailova, E.A., Zurqani, H.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and C.E. Brown. 2024. Disaggregating land degradation types for United Nations (UN) land degradation neutrality (LDN) analysis using the state of Ohio (USA) as an example. Earth 5(2), 255-273; https://doi.org/10.3390/earth5020014
129. Hao, Z., Lin, L., Post, C.J., and E.A. Mikhailova. 2024. Monitoring the spatial-temporal distribution of invasive plant in urban water using deep learning and remote sensing technology. Ecological Indicators 162, 112061. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.112061
128. INVITED: Mikhailova, E.A., Zurqani, H.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and G.C. Post. 2024. Spatiotemporal analysis of soil quality degradation and emissions in the state of Iowa (USA). Land 13, 547. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13040547
(Recognition: Editors' Choice Article - Selected by editors as a Feature Paper within Volume 13, Issue 4 of Land).
127. Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., and D.G. Nelson. 2024. Integrating United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in soil science education. Soil Systems 8(1), 29. https://doi.org/10.3390/soilsystems8010029
126. INVITED: Mikhailova, E.A., Zurqani, H.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and G.B. Shepherd. 2024. Possible integration of soil information into land degradation analysis for the United Nations (UN) land degradation neutrality (LDN) concept: A case study of the contiguous United States of America (USA). Soil Systems 8(1), 27. https://doi.org/10.3390/soilsystems8010027
125. INVITED: Mikhailova, E.A., Zurqani, H.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and G.B. Shepherd. 2023. Opportunities for monitoring soil and land development to support United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A case study of the United States of America (USA). Land 12(10), 1853. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12101853 (Recognition: Feature Paper and Editor's Choice Article)
124. Hao, Z., Lin, L., Post, C.J., Mikhailova, E.A., Yu, K., Fang, H., and J. Liu. 2023. The co-effect of image resolution and crown size on deep learning for individual tree detection and delineation. Int. J. Digit. Earth 16(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2023.2257636
123. INVITED: Mikhailova, E.A., Zurqani, H.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Post, G.C., Shepherd, G.B., and R.M. Dixon. 2023. Quantifying damages to soil health and emissions from land development in the state of Illinois (USA). Land 12, 1567. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12081567 (Recognition: Feature Paper and Editor's Choice Article)
122. Bolick, M.M., Post, C.J., Naser, M.Z., Forghanparast, F., and E.A. Mikhailova. 2023. Evaluating urban stream flooding with machine learning, LiDAR, and 3D modeling. Water 15, 2581. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15142581.
121. Bolick, M.M., Post, C.J., Naser, M., and E.A. Mikhailova. 2023. Comparison of machine learning algorithms to predict dissolved oxygen in an urban stream. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-27481-5
120. Mikhailova, E.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Post, G.C., and G.B. Shepherd. 2023. Question of liability for emissions from land development in relation to New York State climate change plan. Climate 11(5), 109. https://doi.org/10.3390/cli11050109
119. INVITED: Mikhailova, E.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Post, G.C., Shepherd, G.B., and S.J. Kolarik. 2023. Enhancing the definitions of climate-change loss and damage based on land conversion in Florida, U.S.A. Urban Sci. 7, 40. https://doi.org/10.3390/urbansci7020040
118. Zurqani, H.A., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Sharp, J.L., Judour, K.B., and A.S. Sherif. 2023. Soil science education: Adaptation of soil judging (evaluation) to Libya. Al-Mukhtar J. Sciences 38(1), 78-92.
117. Lin, L., Hao, Z., Post, C.J., and E.A. Mikhailova. 2023. Protection of coastal shelter forests using UAVs: individual tree and tree-height detection in Casuarina Equisetifolia L. forests. Forests 14, 233. https://doi.org/10.3390/f14020233
116. Hutton, P.C., Mikhailova, E.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and G.B. Shepherd. 2023. Net-zero target and emissions from land conversions: A case study of Maryland's Climate Solutions Now Act. Geographies 3, 40-59. https://doi.org/10.3390/geographies3010003
115. INVITED: Mikhailova, E.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and G.C. Post. 2023. Significance of land cover change for soil regulating ecosystem services using Maine's climate action plan as a case study. Book Chapter 27, Geopedology
114. Lin, L., Hao, Z., Post, C.J., and E.A. Mikhailova. 2022. Estimation of ecological changes on a rapidly urbanizing island using a remote sensing-based ecological index produced time series. Remote Sens. 14, 5773. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14225773
113. Mikhailova, E.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Post, G.C., and G.B. Shepherd. 2022. Conflicts of interest and emissions from land conversions: State of New Jersey as a case study. Geographies 2(4), 669-690. https://doi.org/10.3390/geographies2040041
112. Roberts, F.A., Van Valkinburgh, K., Green, A., Post, C., Mikhailova, E., Commodore, S., Pearce, J.L., and A.R. Metcalf. 2022. Evaluation of new low-cost particle sensor as an internet-of-things device for outdoor air quality monitoring. J. Air Waste Manag. Assoc. 72(11), 1219-1230. https://doi.org/10.1080/10962247.2022.2093293
111. Younts, G.L., Mikhailova, E.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and G.B. Shepherd. 2022. Vermont Global Warming Solutions Act: The costs of inaction from land conversions. Laws 11(3), 48. https://doi.org/10.3390/laws11030048
110. Mikhailova, E.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and G.C. Post. 2022. Contribution of land cover conversions to Connecticut (USA) carbon footprint. Geographies 2(2), 286-302. https://doi.org/10.3390/geographies2020020
109. Mikhailova, E.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Post, G.C., and G.B. Shepherd. 2022. Delaware's Climate Action Plan: Omission of source attribution from land conversion emissions. Laws 11(3), 41. https://doi.org/10.3390/laws11030041
108. Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Younts, G.L., and M.A. Schlautman. 2022. Connecting students' interests to a learning context: The case of ecosystem services in STEM education. Educ. Sci. 12(5), 318. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12050318
107. Hao, Z., Post, C.J., Mikhailova, E.A., Lin, L., Liu, J., and K. Yu. 2022. How does sample labeling and distribution affect the accuracy and efficiency of a deep learning model for individual tree-crown detection and delineation. Remote Sens. 14(7), 1561. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14071561
106. Bolick, M.M., Mikhailova, E.A., and C.J. Post. 2022. Teaching innovation in STEM education using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Educ. Sci. 12(3), 224. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12030224 (Recognition: "Editors' Choice Article").
105. Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Zurqani, H.A., and G.L. Younts. 2022. Teaching field-data crowdsourcing using a GPS-enabled cell-phone application: Soil erosion by water as a case study. Educ. Sci. 12(3), 151. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12030151
104. Mikhailova, E.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and G.C. Post. 2022. Massachusetts Roadmap to Net Zero: Accounting for ownership of soil carbon regulating ecosystem services and land conversions. Laws 11(2), 27. https://doi.org/10.3390/laws11020027
103. Yu, K., Hao, Z., Post, C.J., Mikhailova, E.A., Lin, L., Zhao, G., Tian, S., and J. Liu. 2022. Comparison of classical methods and Mask R-CNN for automatic tree detecting and mapping using UAV imagery. Remote Sens. 14, 295. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14020295
102. Çakir, G.Y., Post, C.J., Mikhailova, E.A., and M.A. Schlautman. 2021. 3D LiDAR scanning of urban forest structure using a consumer tablet. Urban Sci. 5(4), 88. https://doi.org/10.3390/urbansci5040088
101. Mikhailova, E.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Post, G.C., and P.I. Mitchell. 2021. Climate change planning: Soil carbon regulating ecosystem services and land cover change analysis to inform disclosures for the state of Rhode Island, USA. Laws 10(4), 92. https://doi.org/10.3390/laws10040092
100. Bolick, M.M., Post, C.J., Mikhailova, E.A., Zurqani, H.A., Grunwald, A.P., and E.A. Saldo. 2021. Evaluation of riparian tree cover and shading in the Chauga River watershed using LiDAR and deep learning land cover classification. Remote Sens. 13(20), 4172. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13204172
99. Mikhailova, E.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and C.G. Post. 2021. Land cover change and soil carbon regulating ecosystem services in the state of South Carolina, USA. Earth 2(4), 674-695. https://doi.org/10.3390/earth2040040
98. Hao, Z., Lin, L., Post, C.J., Mikhailova, E.A., Li, M., Chen, Y., Yu, K., and J. Liu. 2021. Automated tree-crown and height detection in a young forest plantation using mask region-based convolutional neural network (Mask R-CNN). ISPRS J. Photogramm. Remote Sens. 178, 112-123. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2021.06.003
97. Mikhailova, E.A., Lin, L., Hao, Z., Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and G.C. Post. 2021. Vulnerability of soil carbon regulating ecosystem services due to land cover change in the state of New Hampshire, USA. Earth 2(2), 208-224. https://doi.org/10.3390/earth2020013
96. Mikhailova, E.A., Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Post, G.C., Lin, L., and Z. Hao. 2021. Soil carbon regulating ecosystem services in the state of South Carolina, USA. Land 10(3), 309, https://doi.org/10.3390/land10030309.
95. Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Xu, L., and G.L. Younts. 2021. Incorporating ecosystem services into STEM education. Educ. Sci. 11(3), 135, https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11030135.
94. Mikhailova, E.A., Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and G.C. Post. 2021. Soil diversity (pedodiversity) and ecosystem services. Land 10(3), 288; https://doi.org/10.3390/land10030288 (Recognition: "Editors' pick for the most notable article in LAND in 2021-2022").
93. Lin, L., Hao, Z., Post, C.J., Mikhailova, E.A., Yu, K., Yang, L., and J. Liu. 2020. Monitoring land cover change on a rapidly urbanizing island using Google Earth Engine. Appl. Sci. 10, 7336; doi:10.3390/app10207336.
92. Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Post, G.C., and H.A. Zurqani. 2020. Determining farm-scale site-specific monetary values of "soil carbon hotspots" based on avoided social costs of CO2 emissions. Cogent Environ. Sci. 6:1, 1817289. https://doi.org/10.1080/23311843.2020.1817289.
91. Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Post, G.C., and H.A. Zurqani. 2020. The business side of ecosystem services of soil systems. Earth 1(2):15-34. https://doi.org/10.3390/earth1010002
90. Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Mikhailova, E.A., Cope, M.P., Allen, J.S., and B.A. Lytle. 2020. Evaluating the integrity of forested riparian buffers over a large area using LiDAR data and Google Earth Engine. Scientific Reports - Nature Research Journal (Nature Publishing Group) 10:14096, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-69743-z
89. Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., and C.A. Littlejohn. 2020. The role of student interests in creating effective learning experiences in soil science. NACTA J., Nov. 2019 - Oct. 2020, 270-280.
88. Mikhailova, E.A., Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., and M.A. Schlautman. 2020. Assessing ecosystem services of atmospheric calcium and magnesium deposition for potential soil inorganic carbon sequestration. Geosciences 10(5), 200. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences10050200
87. Aktürk, E., Post, C., and E. Mikhailova. 2020. Modeling and monitoring riparian buffer zones using LiDAR data in South Carolina. Environ. Monit. Assess. 192, article number: 350.
86. Albayrak, R.F., Post, C.J., Mikhailova, E.A., Schlautman, M.A., Zurqani, H.A., Green, A.R., and P. Minerva. 2020. Age and site index evaluations for loblolly pine in urban environments. Urban For. Urban Gree. 47:126517.
85. Powar, V., Post, C., Mikhailova, E., Cook, C., Mayyan, M., Bapat, A., and C. Harmstad. 2019. Sensor networks for hydrometric monitoring of urban watercourses. Peer-reviewed conference proceeding. 2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Smart Cities: Improving Quality of Life Using ICT & IoT and AI (HONET-ICT), Charlotte, NC, October 6-9.
84. Mikhailova, E.A., Groshans, G.R., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and G.C. Post. 2019. Valuation of total soil carbon stocks in the contiguous United States based on the avoided social cost of carbon emissions. Resources 8(4):157.
83. INVITED: Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Gerard, P.D., Schlautman, M.A., Cope, M.P., Groshans, G.R., Stiglitz, R.Y., Zurqani, H.A., and J.M. Galbraith. 2019. Comparing field sampling and soil survey database for spatial heterogeneity in surface soil granulometry: Implications for ecosystem services assessment. Front. Environ. Sci., section Soil Processes volume 7, article 128. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00128
82. Mikhailova, E.A., Groshans, G.R., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and G.C. Post. 2019. Valuation of soil organic carbon stocks in the contiguous United States based on the avoided social cost of carbon emissions. Resources 8(3):153.
81. Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Mikhailova, and J.S. Allen. 2019. Mapping urbanization trends in a forested landscape using Google Earth Engine. Remote Sens. Earth Systems Sci. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41976-019-00020-y
80. Groshans, G.R., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Cope, M.P., and L. Zhang. 2019. Ecosystem services assessment and valuation of atmospheric magnesium deposition. Geosciences 9(8):331. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences9080331
79. Groshans, G.R., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and L. Zhang. 2019. Determining the value of soil inorganic carbon stocks in the contiguous United States based on the avoided social cost of carbon emissions. Resources 8(3):119.
78. Zurqani, H.A., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and A.R. Elhawej. 2019. A review of Libyan soil databases for use within an ecosystem services framework. Land 8(5):82; https://doi.org/10.3390/land8050082.
77. INVITED: Mikhailova, E.A., Post, G.C., Cope, M.P., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and L. Zhang. 2019. Quantifying and mapping atmospheric potassium deposition for soil ecosystem services assessment in the United States. Front. Environ. Sci., section Soil Processes, volume 7, article 74. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2019.00074
76. Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Groshans, G.R., Cope, M.P., and L. Zhang. 2019. A systems-based approach to ecosystem services valuation of various atmospheric calcium deposition flows. Resources 8(2):66. https://doi.org/10.3390/resources8020066
75. Groshans, G., Mikhailova, E., Post, C., Schlautman, M., Carbajales-Dale, and K. Payne. 2019. Digital story map learning for STEM disciplines. Educ. Sci. 9(2):75. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci9020075
74. Post, C.J., Mikhailova, E.A., Sharp, J.L., Nelson, A.H., Cope, M.P., Hallstrom, J.O., and R.D. Chandler. 2019. Detecting river-scale turbidity disturbance after rainfall using NEXRAD and the Intelligent River. Technical Contribution No. 6409 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. J. Soil Water Conserv. 74:101-110.
73. Mikhailova, E., Cope, M., Groshans, G., Post, C., Schlautman, M., and L. Zhang. 2018. Contribution of atmospheric deposition to soil provisioning ecosystem services in the contiguous United States: Part 1. Calcium. Conference Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Atmospheric Dust - DUST 2018, Bari, Italy. ISSN: 2283-5954. ProScience 5:58-68.
72. Groshans, G., Mikhailova, E., Post, C., Schlautman, M., Cope, M., and L. Zhang. 2018. Contribution of atmospheric deposition to soil provisioning ecosystem services in the contiguous United States: Part 2. Magnesium. Conference Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Atmospheric Dust - DUST 2018, Bari, Italy. ISSN: 2283-5954. ProScience 5:52-57.
71. Mikhailova, E.A., Bryant, R.B., Galbraith, J.M., Wang, Y., Post, C.J., Khokhlova, O.S., Schlautman, M.A., Cope, M.P., and Z. Shen. 2018. Pedogenic carbonates and radiocarbon isotopes of organic carbon at depth in the Russian Chernozem. Geosciences 8(12):458.
70. Groshans, G.R., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Zurqani, H.A., and L. Zhang. 2018. Assessing the value of soil inorganic carbon for ecosystem services in the contiguous United States based on liming replacement costs. Land 7(4):149.
69. Mikhailova, E.A., Stiglitz, R.Y., Post, C.J., Pargas, R.P., Campbell, T.M., Payne, K.S., and J.A. Cooper. 2018. Teaching sensor technology and crowdsourcing with Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs). Nat. Sci. Educ. 47:180015.
68. Stiglitz, R.Y., Mikhailova, E.A., Sharp, J.L., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Gerard, P.D., and M.P. Cope. 2018. Predicting soil organic carbon and total nitrogen at the farm scale using quantitative color sensor measurements. Technical Contribution No.6558 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Agronomy 8(10):212.
67. Cope, M.P., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and P. Carbajales-Dale. 2018. Developing and evaluating an ESRI Story Map as an educational tool. Nat. Sci. Educ. 47:180008.
66. Mikhailova, E.A. 2018. Enhancing soil science education with a graphic syllabus. Nat. Sci. Educ. 47:170025.
65. Chandler, R.D., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Moysey, S.M.J., Schlautman, M.A., Sharp, J.L., and M. Motallebi. 2018. Integrating soil analyses with frameworks for ecosystem services and organizational hierarchy of soil systems. Technical Contribution No. 6404 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 49(15):1835-1843.
64. Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Galbraith, J.M., and H.A. Zurqani. 2018. Usability of soil survey soil texture data for soil health indicator scoring. Technical Contribution No. 6530 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 49(15):1826-1834.
63. Post, C.J., Cope, M.P., Gerard, P.D., Masto, N.M., Vine, J.R., Stiglitz, R.Y., Hallstrom, J.O., Newman, J.C., and E.A. Mikhailova. 2018. Monitoring spatial and temporal variation of dissolved oxygen and water temperature in the Savannah River using a sensor network. Technical Contribution No. 6409 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Environ. Monit. Assess. 190:272.
62. Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Chandler, R.D., Cole, S.A., Weaver, J.R., Zurqani, H.A., Cope, M.P., and M.A. Schlautman. 2018. Estimating plant available water in the Ap horizon using geospatial analysis of field and SSURGO data. Technical Contribution No. 6413 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 49(9):1119-1127.
61. Groshans, G.R., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., and M.A. Schlautman. 2018. Accounting for soil inorganic carbon in the ecosystem services framework for the United Nations sustainable development goals. Geoderma 324:37-46.
60. Zurqani, H., Mikhailova, E., Post, C., Schlautman, M., and J. Sharp. 2018. Predicting the classes and distribution of salt-affected soils in Northwest Libya. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 49(6):689-700.
59. Zurqani, H.A., Post, C.J., Mikhailova, E.A., Schlautman, M.A., and J.L. Sharp. 2018. Geospatial analysis of land use change in the Savannah River Basin using Google Earth Engine. Technical Contribution No. 6620. Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinf. 69:175-185.
58. Mikhailova, E.A., Stiglitz, R.Y., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Sharp, J.L., and P.D. Gerard. 2017. Predicting soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in the Russian Chernozem from depth and wireless color sensor measurements. Eurasian Soil Sci. 50(12):1414-1419.
57. Cope, M.P., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., McMillan, P.D., Sharp, J.L., and P.D. Gerard. 2017. Impact of extreme spring temperature and summer precipitation events on flowering phenology in a three-year study of the shores of Lake Issaqueena, South Carolina. Technical Contribution No. 6356 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Ecoscience 24(1-2):13-19.
56. Cope, M., Mikhailova, E., Post, C., Schlautman, M., and P. McMillan. 2017. Developing an integrated cloud-based spatial-temporal system for monitoring phenology. Technical Contribution No. 6431 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Ecol. Inform. 39:123-129.
55. Stiglitz, R., Mikhailova, E., Post, C., Schlautman, M., Sharp, J., Pargas, R., Glover, B., and J. Mooney. 2017. Soil color sensor data collection using a GPS-enabled smartphone application. Technical Contribution No. 6432 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Geoderma 296:108-114.
54. Cole, S., Mikhailova, E., Post, C., Privette, C., Schlautman, M., and M. Cope. 2017. Comparing SSURGO data versus geospatial measurements to estimate soil texture and infiltration rate classes in glaciated soils. Technical Contribution No. 6426 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 48(11):1309-1318.
53. Hart, S., Mikhailova, E., Post, C., McMillan, P., Sharp, J., and W. Bridges. 2017. Spatio-temporal analysis of flowering using LiDAR topography. Technical Contribution No. 6345 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. J. Geogr. Sci. 27(1):62-78.
52. Mikhailova, E., Hagan, D., Sharp, J., Allerton, T., Burdette, K., Mealing, V., Ritter, B., Solomons, A., and R. Stiglitz, and M. Schlautman. 2017. Landscape, soil and plant analysis of Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) invasion in Piedmont region, SC. Technical Contribution No. 6302 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Commun. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 48(9):1068-1077.
51. Stiglitz, R., Mikhailova, E., Post, C., Schlautman, M., and J. Sharp. 2017. Using an inexpensive color sensor for rapid assessment of soil organic carbon. Technical Contribution No. 6434 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Geoderma 286:98-103.
50. Mikhailova, E., Hagan, D., Sharp, J., Allerton, T., Burdette, K., Mealing, V., Ritter, B., Solomons, A., and R. Stiglitz. 2016. Geospatial soil and plant tissue analysis of Sericea Lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata) invasion around Lake Issaqueena, SC. Technical Contribution No. 6303 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 47(5):630-638.
49. Mikhailova, E.A., Altememe, A.H., Bawazir, A.A., Chandler, R.D., Cope, M.P., Post, C.J., Stiglitz, R.Y., Zurqani, H.A., and M.A. Schlautman. 2016. Comparing soil carbon estimates in glaciated soils at a farm scale using geospatial analysis of field and SSURGO data. Technical Contribution No. 6387 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Geoderma 281:119-126.
48. Stiglitz, R.Y., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and J.L. Sharp. 2016. Teaching soil color determination using an inexpensive color sensor. Technical Contribution No. 6415 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Nat. Sci. Educ. 45(1):1-7.
47. Pamplin, R.W., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., McMillan, P.D., Sharp, J.L., and S.K. Cox. 2016. Multitemporal phenological floristic analysis of the shores of Lake Issaqueena, South Carolina. Technical Contribution No. 6018 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Bartonia 68:60-85.
46. Stiglitz, R., Mikhailova, E., Post, C., Schlautman, M., and J.L. Sharp. 2016. Evaluation of an inexpensive sensor to measure soil color. Technical Contribution No. 6304 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Comput. Electron. Agr. 121:141-148.
45. Green, L.Y., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Darnault, C.J.G., Bridges, W.C., and M.A. Schlautman. 2016. A cloud-based spatial-temporal inventory for sustainable urban soil management. Technical Contribution No. 6240 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Urban Ecosyst. 19(2):811-822.
44. Solomons, A.G., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., and J.L. Sharp. 2015. LiDAR-based predictions of flow channels through riparian buffer zones. Technical Contribution No. 6332 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Water Sci. J. 29:123-133.
43. Dunphy, M., Weisensee, K., Mikhailova, E., and M.K. Harman. 2015. Design and evaluation of bioreactors to model forensic burial environments. Forensic. Sci. Int. 257:242-251.
42. Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Sharp, J.L., and B.J. Speziale. 2015. Creative Inquiry in Soil Science: Soil inventory of private lands. Technical Contribution No. 6357 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Nat. Sci. Educ. 44(1):1-8.
41. Mikhailova, E.A., Schlautman, M.A., Darnault, C.J.G., Sharp, J.L., Post, C.J., Hall, K.C., Outz, E.V., and M.A. Barfield. 2015. Effects of compost on the chemistry of an urban Upper Piedmont South Carolina soil. Technical Contribution No. 6066 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 22:2787-2797.
40. Pilgrim, C.M., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Hains, J.J., and S.K. Cox. 2015. Spatial and temporal analysis of lake sedimentation under reforestation. Technical Contribution No. 6270 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Water Sci. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wsj.2015.05.001
39. Post, C., Ritter, B., Aktürk, E., Breedlove, A., Buchanan, R., Che, C., Fravel, J., Hammett, L., Kirby, T., Mikhailova, E., Qiao, X., Short, J., and M. Stella. 2015. Analysis of factors contributing to abandoned residential developments using remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Technical Contribution No. 6144 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Urban Ecosyst. 18(3):701-713.
38. Pilgrim, C.M., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., and J.J. Hains. 2014. Spatial and temporal analysis of land-cover changes and water quality in the Lake Issaqueena watershed, South Carolina. Technical Contribution No. 6296 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Environ. Monit. Assess. 186(11):7617-7630.
37. Hagan, D., Mikhailova, E., Shearman, T., Ma, P., Nankaya, J., Hart, S., Valdetero, H., Bridges, W., and H. Yun. 2014. The role of soil and landscape factors in Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) invasion in the Appalachian Piedmont. Technical Contribution No. 6249 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Invas. Plant Sci. Manage. 7(3):483-490.
36. Mikhailova, E., Werts, J., Post, C., and G. Ring. 2014. Incorporating a soil science artifact into a university ePortfolio assessment tool. Nat. Sci. Educ. 43:1-6.
35. Ham, S.A., Mikhailova, E.A., Gering, L.R., Post, C.J., Bridges, W.C., and S.K. Cox. 2013. Temporal analysis of field, SSURGO, and LiDAR derived site indices in the Southeastern U.S. Technical Contribution No. 6069 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Soil Sci. 178(7):325-334.
34. Mikhailova, E.A., Goddard, M.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and J.M. Galbraith. 2013. Potential contribution of combined atmospheric Ca2+ and Mg2+ wet deposition within the continental U.S. to soil inorganic carbon sequestration. Technical Contribution No. 5687 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Pedosphere 23(6):808-814.
33. Mikhailova, E.A., Cherney, D.J.R., Snyder, L.U., Kelly, S.M., Post, C.J., Sharp, J.L., and S.K. Cox. 2013. Evaluation of nutritive value of Pueraria montana (kudzu) during the drought-prone growing season. Technical Contribution No. 5686 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 44:1-11.
32. Mikhailova, E.A., Tennant, C.H., Post, C.J., Cicimurri, C., and D. Cicimurri. 2013. Geology museum based learning in soil science education. Technical Contribution No. 5769 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Nat. Sci. Educ. 42:43-48.
31. Werts, J.D., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., and J.L. Sharp. 2013. Sediment pollution assessment of abandoned developments using remote sensing and GIS. Technical Contribution No. 5903 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Pedosphere 23(1):39-47.
30. Tompkins, R.D., Stringer, W.C., Richardson, K.H., Mikhailova, E.A., and W.C. Bridges, Jr. 2013. A microhabitat study of eastern Big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) populations: Associated species and edaphic factors. Bartonia 66:1-23.
29. Werts, J.D., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., and J.L. Sharp. 2012. An integrated WebGIS framework for volunteered geographic information and social media in soil and water conservation. Technical Contribution No. 5902 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Environ. Manag. 49(4):816-832.
28. Tompkins, R.D., Stringer W.C., Richardson K.H., Mikhailova, E.A., and W.C. Bridges. 2010. Big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Poaceae) populations in the Carolinas. Rhodora 112:378-395.
27. Adams, N.E., E.A. Mikhailova, M.A. Schlautman, W.C. Bridges, C.H. Newton, L.R. Nelson, K.C. Hall, C.J. Post, S.K. Cox, P.A. Layton, and D.C. Guynn. 2010. Effects of kudzu (Pueraria montana) solarization on the chemistry of an Upper Piedmont South Carolina soil. Technical Contribution No. 5332 of the Clemson University Experiment Station. Soil Sci. 175(2):61-71.
26. Tompkins, R.D., Stringer W.C., Richardson, K.H., Mikhailova, E.A., and W.C. Bridges. 2010. A newly documented and significant Piedmont Prairie site with a Helianthus schweinitzii Torrey & A. Gray (Schweinitz's Sunflower) population. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 137(1):120-129.
25. Tompkins, R.D., Richardson, K.H., Stringer W.C., Mikhailova, E.A., and W.C. Bridges. 2010. Suther Prairie: Vascular flora, species diversity and edaphic factors. Castanea 75(2):1-13.
24. Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Cihacek, L., and M. Ulmer. 2009. Soil inorganic carbon sequestration as a result of cultivation in the Mollisols. Book Chapter, Chapman Conference. "Carbon Sequestration and Its Role in the Global Carbon Cycle." Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 183, 350 pp., hardbound, 2009, ISBN 978-0-87590-448-1, AGU Code GM1834481.
23. Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Koppenheffer, A., and J. Asbill. 2009. Celebrating the Smithsonian Soils Exhibit in the classroom with the State/Representative Soil Project. J. Nat. Resour. Life Sci. Educ. 38:128-132.
22. Goddard, M.A., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., and J.M. Galbraith. 2009. Continental United States atmospheric calcium wet deposition and soil inorganic carbon stocks. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 73:989-994.
21. Newton, C.H., Nelson, L.R., DeWalt, S.J., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Schlautman, M.A., Cox, S.K., Bridges, W.C., and K.C. Hall. 2008. Solarization for the control of Pueraria montana (kudzu). Weed Res. 48:394-397.
20. Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., and D.G. Bielenberg. 2008. Photosynthetic pathway of steppe vegetation and the stable carbon isotope composition of organic matter in the Russian Chernozem. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 39:641-651.
19. Post, C.J., DeGloria, S.D., Cherney, J.H., and E.A. Mikhailova. 2007. Spectral measurements of alfalfa/grass fields related to forage properties and species composition. J. Plant Nutr. 30(11):1779-1789.
18. Post, C.J., Mikhailova, E.A., and C. McWhorter. 2007. Introductory Soil Science exercises using USDA Web Soil Survey. J. Nat. Resour. Life Sci. Educ. 36:19-23.
17. Mikhailova, E.A., and L.B. Nilson. 2007. Developing prolific scholars: The "fast article writing" methodology. J. Fac. Develop. 21(2):93-100.
16. Keydoszius, J.R., Cox, S.K., Haque, M.B., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Stringer, W.C., and M.A. Schlautman. 2007. Historical land use and soil analysis guiding corridor landscape design. Urban Ecosyst. 10:53-72.
15. Goddard, M.A., Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., and M.A. Schlautman. 2007. Atmospheric Mg2+ wet deposition within the continental U.S. in relation to soil inorganic carbon sequestration. Tellus 59B(1):50-56.
14. Mikhailova, E.A., Post, C.J., Magrini-Bair, K., and J.W. Castle. 2006. Pedogenic carbonate concretions in the Russian Chernozem. Soil Sci. 171(2):981-991.
13. Mikhailova, E.A., and C.J. Post. 2006. Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes of soil carbonates at depth in the Russian Chernozem under different land use. Soil Sci. 171(4):334-340
12. Post, C.J., Goddard, M.A., Mikhailova, E.A., and S.T. Hall. 2006. Advanced GIS exercise: Predicting rainfall erosivity index using regression analysis. J. Nat. Resour. Life Sci. Educ. 35:113-117.
11. Mikhailova, E.A., and C.J. Post. 2006. Effects of land use on soil inorganic carbon stocks in the Russian Chernozem. JEQ 35(4):1384-1388.
10. Mikhailova, E.A., and C.J. Post. 2006. Organic carbon stocks in the Russian Chernozem. European J. Soil Sci. 57:330-336.
9. Mikhailova, E.A., Cherney, J.H., and D.J.R. Cherney. 2003. Impact of phosphorus from dairy manure and commercial fertilizer on perennial grass forage production. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 189(6):367-375.
8. Mikhailova, E.A., Noble, R.P., and C.J. Post. 2003. Comparison of soil organic carbon recovery by Walkley-Black and dry combustion methods in the Russian Chernozem. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 34(13&14):1853-1860.
7. Schwager, S.J., and E.A. Mikhailova. 2002. Estimating variability in soil organic carbon storage using the method of statistical differentials. Soil Sci. 167(3):194-200.
6. Cherney, D.J.R., Cherney, J.H., and E.A. Mikhailova. 2002. Orchardgrass and tall fescue utilization of nitrogen from dairy manure and commercial fertilizer. Agron. J. 94:405-412.
5. Cherney, J.H., Mikhailova, E.A., and D.J.R. Cherney. 2002. Tetany potential of orchardgrass and tall fescue as influenced by fertilization with dairy manure or commercial fertilizer. J. Plant Nutr. 25(7):1501-1525.
4. Mikhailova, E.A., Bryant, R.B., Vassenev, I.I., Schwager, S.J., and C.J. Post. 2000. Cultivation effects on soil organic carbon and total nitrogen at depth in the Russian Chernozem. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64:738-745.
3. Mikhailova, E.A., Bryant, R.B., DeGloria, S.D., Post, C.J., and I.I. Vassenev. 2000. Modeling soil organic matter dynamics after conversion of native grassland to long-term continuous fallow using the CENTURY model. Ecol. Modell. 132:247-257.
2. Mikhailova, E.A., Bryant, R.B., Cherney, D.J.R., Post, C.J., and I.I. Vassenev. 2000. Botanical composition, soil and forage properties under different management regimes in Russian grasslands. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 80:213-226.
1. Mikhailova, E.A., Bryant, R.B., Schwager, S.J., and S.D. Smith. 1997. Predicting rainfall erosivity in Honduras. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 61:273-279.
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