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Clemson University
college of agriculture, forestry and life sciences clemson university

Eric McLamore

Associate Professor
Agricultural Sciences Department

Office: 244 McAdams Hall
Phone: 864-656-4053



Educational Background

Ph.D. Civil Engineering
Purdue University 2008

M.S. Environmental Engineering
Texas Tech University 2004

B.S. Civil Engineering
Texas Tech University 2002

Courses Taught

AGM 4600-Electrical Systems
AGM 4601-Electrical Systems Laboratory
AGM 8710-Introduction to Writing Research Proposals


I have a research/teaching appointment in Agricultural Sciences and I am also Adjunct Associate Professor at North Carolina State University. Our international research program spans Colombia, the Bahamas, and China. We focus on development of sensors for rapid diagnostics. We are a member of the Global Alliance for Rapid Diagnostics (GARD).

I am a leader in the Institute of Biological Engineering (IBE) and Society of Photonics (SPIE), and have chaired conferences in both organizations numerous times over the last decade.

Lab Members

Geisianny Moreira (Post Doc)
Maria Jose Torres (PhD student, Plant & Env. Sci.)
Lisseth Casso-Hartmann (MS student, Biosys. Eng.)
Yifan Tang (MS student, Plant & Env. Sci.)
Chris Sanders (BS student, Comp. Sci.)
Destiny Caulder (BS student, Biology)
Chih-Yu Lee (BS student, Biosys. Eng.)

Extension and Outreach

Our group hosted a 4H summer camp for youth from marginalized communities in Florida and we are looking to build a similar Bioengineering camp at CU. We also developed and hosted a two day Plant Camp each Fall (ages 4-7) and contributed over 20 installations to local museums in Florida. We are looking to build a similar platform for Extension and Outreach in the Carolinas. Please contact us if you would like to team up!


Peer reviewed manuscripts since 2008 (PDF available upon request). Link to google scholar is below


Google Scholar
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences |