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Clemson University
college of agriculture, forestry and life sciences clemson university

Ebenezer Quandoh

Graduate Research Assistant
Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Sciences Department, Coastal Research and Education Center

Office: Poole Agricultural Center, A203D
Phone: 864-765-7957

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Educational Background

MSc Biochemistry, Food Sciences and Nutrition
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2024

BSc Food Science and Technology
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) 2019


Ebenezer (EQ) is currently pursuing his PhD in Food Science. Prior to starting his PhD, he did his Master's degree in Biochemistry, Food Sciences and Nutrition from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. There, he undertook his master's thesis in the lab of Dr. Simon Michaeli in the Volcani Research Institute, where he investigated the impact of autophagy modulation in tomato fruit ripening. Here in Clemson University,EQ is working under the supervision of Prof. Karin Albornoz where he will look to continue his scientific adventure on investigating the molecular, biochemical, and physiological factors that determine the quality and shelf-life of produce. When EQ is not in the lab or in the greenhouse, he could be anywhere. Just out look for him.


Kumaran, G., Pathak, P.K., Quandoh, E., Mursalimov, S., Devi, J., Alkalai-Tuvia, S., Leong, J.X., Schenstnyi, K., Levin, E., Üstün, S. and Michaeli, S., 2023. Autophagy Restricts Tomato Fruit Ripening Via a General Role in Ethylene Repression. bioRxiv, pp.2023-12.

Ayeh, E.S., Aryeetey, E., Quandoh, E., Boakye, A., Wireko-Manu, F.D., Osei Mensah, J. and Oduro, I.N., 2023. Economic Impact of Plantain Ripening: A Case Study Among Plantain Traders in Accra. International Journal of Fruit Science, 23(1), pp.217-228.


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College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
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