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students walking into the pool and agriculture building
Clemson University
college of agriculture, forestry and life sciences clemson university

Glenn Colburn

Molecular Plant Pathologist
Public Service Activities, Department of Plant Industry, Plant Problem Clinic

Office: Room 219 511 Westinghouse Rd.
Phone: 864-646-2133

Personal Website:


Educational Background

Ph.D. Plant pathology
University of Florida 2004

M.S. Plant pathology
The Ohio State University 1999

B.S. Plant health management
The Ohio State University 1996


I conduct all plant disease diagnostics that require PCR, real-time PCR and sequencing. I also use real-time PCR for honey bee diseases. I am also the turfgrass pathologist.

College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences |