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John Chastain
Professor and Extension Agricultural Engineer
Livestock and Forages Program Team, Water Resources Program Team, Agricultural Sciences Department
Office: 245 McAdams Hall
Phone: 864-656-4089
Fax: 864-656-0338
Email: jchstn@clemson.edu
Educational Background
Ph.D. Agricultural Engineering
University of Kentucky 1991
MSAE Agricultural Engineering
University of Kentucky 1987
BSAE Agricultural Engineering
University of Georgia 1982
Courses Taught
AGM 4050/6050, Environmental Control in Animal Structures
John P. Chastain has been a faculty member at Clemson University since August 1995. where his extension and research responsibilities include: animal waste collection and storage systems, land application of animal wastes and municipal sludge, alternative uses of waste, bioenergy from waste, odor control from animal production units, planning of animal production systems to protect surface and ground water quality, improving energy efficiency, use of alternative energy, and general livestock facility design.
Prior to joining the faculty at Clemson University, he was on faculty at the University of Minnesota for 3.5 years where his responsibilities included dairy housing facilities and manure management. He has also been involved in international agricultural development projects in Tanzania, and Uganda, East Africa.
Research Interests
- Animal manure treatment and management
- Composting
- Solid-Liquid separation technology for agriculture
- Energy use and conservation on farms
- Anaerobic treatment and digestion of agricultural wastes
- Water quality protection
- Ventilation of agricultural structures
Extension and Outreach
- Responsible for program content and delivery for the Confined Animal Manure Managers Program
- Design and management of mechanical and natural ventilation systems
- Lighting design
- Energy use and conservation
- Nutrient Management
- Animal production systems
- Animal manure treatment and utilization
Cantrell, K.B., J.P. Chastain, and K.P. Moore. 2008. Geotextile filtration performance for lagoon sludges and liquid animal manures dewatering. Transactions of the ASABE, 51(3):1067-1076.
Chastain, J.P. 2008. Covers: A Method to Reduce Odor from Manure Storages (ANREA - 081). Agricultural & Natural Resource Engineering Applications, Clemson University Extension, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Clemson, SC 29634-0312.
Chastain, J.P. 2008. Fuel Savings Estimates for Conversion from Pilot Ignition to Spark ignition Brooders for Broiler Production. Presented at the 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Paper No. 083817. ASABE, 2950 Niles Rd., St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659.
Chastain, J.P., and A. Coloma-del Valle. 2008. Opportunities and Issues Associated with Using Broiler Litter for Bioenergy: Energy Content and Ash Composition. Presented at the 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Paper No. 084112. ASABE, 2950 Niles Rd., St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659.
Chastain, J.P. 2009. Field Evaluation of a Two-Stage Liquid-Solid Separation System at a California Dairy. Presented at the 2009 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Paper No. 096716. ASABE, 2950 Niles Rd., St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659.
Garcia, M.C., A.A. Szogi, M.B. Vanotti, J.P. Chastain, and P.D. Miller. 2009. Enhanced solid-liquid separation of dairy manure with natural flocculants. Bioresource Technology, 100(22):5417-5423.
Chastain, J.P., D. Hamilton, C. Fulhage, et al. 2011. ANSI/ASAE EP403.4 FEB2011 Design of Anaerobic Lagooons for Animal Waste Management. In ASABE STANDARDS. ASABE, 2950 Niles Rd., St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659. (Revision of existing standard, provided update of sludge accumulation rates.)
Chastain, J.P. 2011. Hindered Settling of Animal Manure. Presented at the 2011 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Paper No. 1111188. ASABE, 2950 Niles Rd., St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659.
Massey, H.F., J.P. Chastain, T.O. Owino, R.F. Polomski, and K.P. Moore. 2011. Chemical and Physical Properties of Potting Media Containing Varying Amounts of Composted Poultry Litter. Presented at the 2011 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Paper No. 1110935. ASABE, 2950 Niles Rd., St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659.
Chastain, J.P., A. Coloma-del Valle, and K.P. Moore. 2012. Using Broiler Litter as an Energy Source: Energy Content and Ash Composition. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 28(4):513-522.
Chastain, J.P., P.A. Rollins, and K.P. Moore. 2013. Composting of Turkey Brooder Litter in South Carolina: An On-Farm Demonstration Project. Journal of Agricultural Systems, Technology, and Management, 25:36-50.
Chastain, J.P. 2013. Affect of Application Method on Ammonia Loss Following Application of Swine Manure. Clemson University Extension, School of Agricultural, Forest, and Environmental Sciences, Clemson, SC 29634-0310.
Chastain, J.P. 2013. Combustion of Poultry Litter: A Comparison of Using Litter for On-Farm Space Heating Versus Generation of Electricity, In Proceedings of the National Extension Conference: Waste to Worth – Spreading Science & Solutions, April 1-5, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Denver CO. Available at: http://www.extension.org/pages/67582/combustion-of-poultry-litter:-a-comparison-of-using-litter-for-on-farm-space-heating-versus-generatio.
Chastain, J.P., and J.P. Porter. 2013. Benefits of Using Liquid-Solid Separation with Manure Treatment Lagoons, In Proceedings of the the National Extension Conference: Waste to Worth – Spreading Science & Solutions, April 1-5, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Denver CO. Available at: http://www.extension.org/pages/67583/benefits-of-using-liquid-solid-separation-with-manure-treatment-lagoons.
Chastain, J.P., and W. Ferreira. 2013. Production of Fuel Crops to Make Biodiesel Using Animal Manure, In Proceedings of the the National Extension Conference: Waste to Worth – Spreading Science & Solutions, April 1-5, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Denver CO. Available at: http://www.extension.org/pages/67581/production-of-fuel-crops-to-make-biodiesel-using-animal-manure.
Porter, J.P., and Chastain, J.P. 2013. Overview of Solid-Liquid Separation Alternatives for Manure Handling and Treatment Document, In Proceedings of the National Extension Conference: Waste to Worth – Spreading Science & Solutions, April 1-5, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Denver CO. Available at: http://www.extension.org/pages/67673/overview-of-solid-liquid-separation-alternatives-for-manure-handling-and-treatment-document.
Smith, W. B., J.P. Chastain, and G.L. Heusner. 2013. Efficient Utilization of Equine Manure, In Proceedings of the National Extension Conference: Waste to Worth – Spreading Science & Solutions, April 1-5, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Denver CO. Available at: http://www.extension.org/pages/67764/efficient-utilization-of-equine-manure
Chastain, J.P. and K.P. Moore. 2014. Plant Nutrient and Carbon Content of Equine Manure as Influenced by Stall Management in South Carolina. Presented at the 2014 ASABE & CIGR Annual International Meeting. Paper No. 1908331. ASABE, 2950 Niles Rd., St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659.
Chastain, J.P. 2015. Planning a Solid-Liquid Separation System to Meet Manure Treatment and Management Goals. Proceedings of the Midwest Manure Summit, Feb. 24 and 25, Radisson Hotel and Conference Center, Green Bay, WI., University of Wisconsin-Extension. Available at: yi.uwex.edu/midwestmanure/.
Chastain, J.P. 2015. Fertilizer Value of Swine Manure: A Comparison of a Lagoon and a Deep Pit Slurry System, In Proceedings of the National Extension Conference: Waste to Worth – Advancing Sustainability in Animal Agriculture, March 31- April 3, The Westin Seattle Hotel, Seattle, WA. Available at: http://www.extension.org/pages/72744/fertilizer-value-of-swine-manure:-a-comparison-of-a-lagoon-and-a-deep-pit-slurry-system#.VVTw2sU27IU.
Chastain, J.P. and K.P. Moore. 2015. Plant Nutrient and Carbon Content of Equine Manure as Influenced by Stall Management and Implications for Nutrient Management, In Proceedings of the National Extension Conference: Waste to Worth – Advancing Sustainability in Animal Agriculture, March 31- April 3, The Westin Seattle Hotel, Seattle, WA. Available at: http://www.extension.org/pages/72740/plant-nutrient-and-carbon-content-of-equine-manure-as-influenced-by-stall-management-and-implication#.VVTyfsU27IU.
Chastain, J.P., P.T. Anderson, and M. Vassalos. 2017. Analysis of available efficiency and performance data for axial flow agricultural ventilation fans. Presented at the 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Paper No. 1700116. ASABE, 2950 Niles Rd., St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659, DOI: 10.13031/aim.201700116.
Chastain, J.P. 2017. Solids and Plant Nutrient Content, and Settling Characteristics of Milking Centre Wastewater on a Grazing Dairy. Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol 58, 757-762, DOI: 10.3303/CET1758127.Available at: https://www.aidic.it/cet/17/58/127.pdf .
Chastain, J.P. and W.B. Smith. 2018. Impact of Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion on Swine Manure Composition, in Proceedings of the CIGR 2018, XIX WORLD CONGRESS OF CIGR, April 22-25, Antalya, Turkey. Available at: http://k2-newsletter.com/CIGR2018_AbstractsBook.pdf.
Chastain, J.P. 2019. Impact of Fluctuating Fertilizer Prices on Poultry Manure Nutrient Value, In Proceedings of the National Extension Conference: Waste to Worth – Advancing Sustainability in Animal Agriculture, April 22-26, Graduate Minneapolis Hotel, Minneapolis, MN. Available at: https://lpelc.org/impact-of-fluctuating-fertilizer-prices-on-poultry-manure-nutrient-value/.
Chastain, J.P., and W. Smith. 2019. Impact of Anaerobic Digestion on Solids, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, and Sulfur Concentrations of Swine Manure, In Proceedings of the National Extension Conference: Waste to Worth – Advancing Sustainability in Animal Agriculture, April 22-26, Graduate Minneapolis Hotel, Minneapolis, MN. Available at: https://lpelc.org/impact-of-anaerobic-digestion-on-solids-nitrogen-phosphorous-potassium-and-sulfur-concentrations-of-swine-manure/.
Chastain, J.P. 2019. Ammonia Volatilization Losses during Irrigation of Liquid Animal Manure. Sustainability 11(21), 6168; https://doi.org/10.3390/su11216168.
Chastain, J. P., 2019. Solid-Liquid Separation Alternatives for Manure Handling and Treatment. Chapter 4 in Part 637: Environmental Engineering Handbook, 202 pg, USDA-NRCS, Washington, DC. Available at: https://directives.sc.egov.usda.gov/OpenNonWebContent.aspx?content=43926.wba.
Ashworth, A.J., Chastain, J.P., Moore Jr, P.A. 2019. Nutrient characteristics of poultry manure and litter. Chapter 5 in Animal Manure: Production, Characteristics, Environmental Concerns, 63-87, ASA Special Publication 67. H.M. Waldrip, P.H. Pagliari, and Z.He, editors. ASA and SSSA, 5585 Guilford Rd., Madison, WI 53711, USA. https://doi.org/10.2134/asaspecpub67.c5.
Smith, W.B., B. Beer, J. Chastain, L. van Vlake. 2019. Solid Manure Spreader Calibration (LPG 1016), 10 pg, Land -Grant Press, Clemson Extension, Clemson University, Clemson, SC. Available at: https://lgpress.clemson.edu/publication/solid-manure-spreader-calibration/.
Chastain, J.P. and H.F. Massey. 2020. A model for teaching slot inlet theory for ventilation of animal housing structures. Journal of Agricultural Systems Technology and Management. Vol 21, 9-25.
Koc, B.A,. P.T. Anderson, J.P. Chastain, and C. Post. 2020. Estimating Rooftop Areas of Poultry Houses Using UAV and Satellite Images. Drones. Vol. 4(76):17 pgs, DOI: 10.3390/drones4040076; www.mdpi.com/journal/drones.
Confined Animal Manure Managers ProgramCAMM Publications