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Clemson University
college of agriculture, forestry and life sciences clemson university

Jeremy Dertien

Post-Doctoral Researcher
Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department

Office: Lehotsky 118

Personal Website:


Educational Background

Ph.D. Wildlife Biology
Clemson University 2021

M.S. Ecology
Colorado State University 2016

B.S. Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
Colorado State University 2011


I am an applied ecologist that studies how wildlife populations, wildlife communities, and environmental landscape structure are influenced by human global change. My research interests span across many taxa and analytical methods with concentrations in the occupancy and connectivity of birds and mammals. I am primarily concerned with how my research can be used to advance the conservation of imperiled species and habitats; thus, I engage with interdisciplinary teams to develop systematic conservation plans that balance competing conservation and land use interests. Currently, I am working with the Tigers United University Consortium to study ways of reducing human-tiger conflict in India by using a new artificial intelligence camera trap system. In addition, I serve on the U.S. Biosphere Reserve Working Group.


Dertien, J.S., R.F. Baldwin. 2022. Importance of Private Working Lands for Neotropical Birds on an Urban-Wilderness Gradient. Global Ecology and Conservation. 38.

Miththapala, S., J.S. Dertien, N. Liyanage, N. Mirando, A. Ratnayaka, A. Thudugala, D. Wijesinghe, S. A. Goonatilake. 2022. The jungle cat in Sri Lanka: Using citizen science to improve the known distribution of a little-studied but common carnivore. Oryx. 56(5): 782-788.

Thomsen, J.M., K.L. Cerialo, S.M. Gaines, J.S. Dertien. 2021. Engaging the United States network of Biosphere Reserves in a changing social-political context. Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management: 13: UNESCO-MAB Special Issue.

Dertien, J.S., C.L. Larson, S.E. Reed. 2021. Recreation effects on wildlife: A review of potential quantitative thresholds. Nature Conservation. 44: 51-68.

Baldwin, R.F., R. Daniel Hanks, J.S. Dertien. 2021. Landscape ecology contributions to biodiversity conservation. In. The Routledge Handbook of Landscape Ecology. 1st ed. Routledge Press, London, UK.

Dertien, J.S., S. Self, R.F. Baldwin, B.E. Ross, K. Barrett. 2020. The relationship between biodiversity and wetland cover varies across regions of the conterminous United States. PLoS ONE. 15(5): Biodiversity and Conservation Collection.

Dertien, J.S., C.F. Bagley, J.A. Haddix, A.R. Brinkman, E.S. Neipert, K.A. Jochum, P.F. Doherty, Jr. 2019. Spatiotemporal habitat use by a multi-trophic Alaska alpine mammal community. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 97: 713-723.

Dertien, J.S., C.F. Bagley, J.A. Haddix, A.R. Brinkman, E.S. Neipert, P.F. Doherty, Jr. 2017. Evaluating Dall’s sheep habitat use via camera traps. Journal of Wildlife Management. 81(8): 1457-1467.


TEDx Tiger Conservation using AI Camera Traps
The Conversation: Don't Hike So Close To Me
The AI Podcast-NVIDIA: AI of the Tiger
Systematic Conservation Planning of the Congaree Biosphere Region
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences |