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Clemson University
college of agriculture, forestry and life sciences clemson university

Jeryl Jones

Professor Emerita
Animal and Veterinary Sciences Department

Office: Room 141 Poole Agricultural Center
Phone: 864-656-3428

Personal Website:


Educational Background

Residency/Ph.D. Veterinary Radiology/Biomedical Sciences
Auburn University 1995

D.V.M. Veterinary Medicine
University of Georgia 1982

B.S. Pre-Professional Studies (Zoology)
Clemson University 1980


I am a licensed veterinarian (WV Board of Veterinary Medicine, and board-certified Veterinary Radiologist (American College of Veterinary Radiology, Current additional appointments include Affiliated Research Professor for the Dept. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech; and Affiliated Professor Emerita for the Dept. of Veterinary Medicine and Sciences, Harvey S. Peeler Jr. College of Veterinary Medicine, Clemson.

Research Interests

Canine Lumbosacral Disease
Animal Diagnostic Imaging
Biomedical Publishing
One Health


Most recent publications (see link below for full list):

Jones, J., Brewer, A., Duckett, S., Harrison, C., Wickstrom, N., Udoka, A. and Greene, M. (2025), Open-Source Image Analysis Software Yields Reproducible CT Measures of Longissimus Muscle Area and Density in Sheep. Vet Radiol Ultrasound, 66: e70020.

Jones J, Ali A, Harrison C, Rimoldi G. Radiographic, computed tomographic, and histologic characteristics of bone for clinically normal laying hens in a free-range housing system. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2025; 66:e13443.

Anderson M, Johnson A, Harrison C, Jones J, Ali A. Influence of perch provision during rearing on activity and musculoskeletal health of pullets. PLOS ONE 2024; 19(7). .

Jones JC, White EE, Holladay SD, Foster JL. Anatomy of the sternum and humerus in the domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus). Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2023; 1-7.

Harrison C., Jones J., Bridges W., Anderson G., Ali A., & Mercuri J. (2023). Associations among computed tomographic measures of bone and muscle quality and biomechanical measures of tibiotarsal bone quality in laying hens. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 84(11), ajvr..23.05.0109.

Harrison C, Jones J, Bridges W, Ali A. Intraobserver repeatability for a standardized protocol to quantify keel bone damage in laying hens using discrete and continuous radiographic measures. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2023; 64: 393-401.

Wise R, Jones J, Werre S, Aguirre M. The prevalence of sacroiliac joint CT and MRI findings is high in large breed dogs. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2022; 63: 739– 748.

Jones, J, Harrison C, Harbold A, Bridges W, Mercuri J. Open-source image analysis software yields reproducible MRI measures of lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration in sheep models. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2021; 62: 568– 572.

Carnevale M, Jones J, Li G, Sharp J, Olson K, Bridges W. Computed tomographic evaluation of the sacroiliac joints of young Labrador retrievers of various work status groups: detected lesions vary among the different groups and finite element analyses of the static pelvis yields repeatable measures of sacroiliac joint strain. Front. Vet. Sci. 2020; 7:528. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.00528.

Gamble KB, Jones J, Biddlecome A, Bridges WC. Qualitative and quantitative computed tomographic characteristics of the lumbosacral spine in German Shepherd military working dogs with versus without lumbosacral pain. Journal of Veterinary Behavior. 2020 July; 38:33-55. doi: Winner of the JVEB Early Career Scientist Award.


Dr. Jones' Publications
Small Animal Clinical Sciences, VMCVM
Harvey S. Peeler Jr. College of Veterinary Medicine
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences |