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James Faust
Professor of Floriculture Physiology
Plant and Environmental Sciences Department, Experiment Station
Office: 165 P&A Bldg.
Phone: 864-633-7227
Email: jfaust@clemson.edu
Educational Background
Ph.D. Horticulture
Michigan State University 1994
M.S. Horticulture
Michigan State University 1992
B.S.Ag Agriculture
Murray State University 1986
Courses Taught
HORT 4400 Hydroponics (Fall semester)
HORT 2110/2111 Greenhouse Production(Spring semester)
HORT 4080 Horticulture Discovery and Inquiry (Fall & Spring semesters)
Current Graduate Students
Melissa Munoz, PhD
Michael Alden, PhD
Paul Millar, MS
Shara Ortiz, MS
Gabriela Calidonio, MS
Alex Carver, MS
I specialize in Floriculture Physiology with a focus on greenhouse production of ornamental flowering crops, both potted and cut flowers. I also do research on Cannabis (industrial hemp).
Samarakoon, U.C, and J.E. Faust. 2020. Shortening the production cycle of clematis. HortScience. In press.
Muñoz, M.E., J. Faust., W. Bridges, and G. Schnabel 2020. Relationship of pink pigmentation in rose petals and Botrytis cinerea. Plant Health Progress in press
Bennett, K., M. Vargo, G. Schnabel, and J.E. Faust 2020. Calcium application method impacts Botrytis blight severity on petunia flowers. HortScience 55:192-195.
Bennett, K., J. Jent, U.C. Samarakoon, G. Schnabel, and J.E. Faust. 2020. Reduction of Botrytis cinerea infection on petunia flowers following calcium spray applications. HortScience 55:188-191.
Muñoz, M.E., J. Faust, and G. Schnabel. 2019. Characterization of Botrytis cinerea from commercial cut flower roses. Plant Dis. 103:1577-83.
Samarakoon, U.C. and J.E. Faust. 2019. Quantifying the effects of chelated calcium and salicylic acid on the postharvest quality of poinsettia cuttings. HortTechnology 29:30-34.
Faust, J., and J. Logan. 2018. Daily light integral: A research review and high resolution maps of the United States. HortScience 53:1250-1257.
Justice, A., J.E. Faust, and J.L. Kerrigan. 2018. Evaluating a novel method to introduce a mycorrhizal-like fungus, Piriformospora indica, via an inoculated rooting substrate to improve adventitious root formation. HortTechnology 28:1-5.
Samarakoon, S. C., G. Schnabel, J. E. Faust, K. Bennett, J. Jent, M. J. Hu, S. Basnagala, and M. Williamson 2017. First report of resistance to multiple chemical classes of fungicides in Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of gray mold from greenhouse-grown petunia in Florida. Plant Dis. 101:1052.
Samarakoon, U., J. Faust, and J. Dole. 2017. Quantifying the effects of foliar-applied calcium chloride and its contribution to postharvest durability of unrooted cuttings. HortScience 52:1790-1795.
Both, A.J. and J. Faust. 2017. Light transmission in greenhouse design and coverings. In: Light Management in Controlled Environments, E. Runkle and R. Lopez, eds. Meister Media Worldwide, Willoughby, OH. In press.
Faust, J.E., P. Fisher, and E. Runkle. 2017. Light management for stock plants. Chapter 12. In: Light Management in Controlled Environments, E. Runkle and R. Lopez, eds. Meister Media Worldwide. Willoughby, OH. In press.
Faust, J.E., H. Verberkt, R. Heins, and T. Blom. 2017. Supplemental lighting of potted plants. In: Light Management in Controlled Environments, E. Runkle and R. Lopez, eds. Meister Media Worldwide. Willoughby, OH. In press.
Faust, J.E., J.M. Dole, and R.Lopez. 2016. The Floriculture Cutting Industry. Hort. Reviews In press.
Leatherwood, W., J. Dole, B. Bergmann, and J. Faust. 2016. 1-Methylcyclopropene improves ethylene tolerance of unrooted herbaceous cuttings but delays adventitious root development in Angelonia, Calibrachoa, Impatiens, Portulaca, Sutera, and Verbena. HortScience, 51:164-170.
Justice, A., and J.E. Faust. 2015. Phosphorus-restriction as a potential technique to control Impatiens stem elongation. Acta Hort. 1104:9-14.
Faust, J.E., E. Will, and P.C. Korcznynski. 2015. The stock plant irradiance environment influences stem breakage of flowering poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima). Acta Hort. 1104:137-142.
Chong, J.A., U.C. Samarakoon and J.E. Faust. 2014. Effects of daily light integral and canopy density on shoot growth and development in a poinsettia (Euphorbia pucherrima Willd. Ex. Klotsch) stock plant canopy. HortScience 49:51-54
Faust, J., U.C. Samarakoon, and P.C. Korczynski. 2014. Quantifying the effects of hanging baskets on the greenhouse light environment. HortTechnology 24:369-373.
Currey, C.J., R.G. Lopez, V.K. Rapaka, J.E. Faust and E.S. Runkle. 2013. Exogenous applications of benzyladenine and gibberellic acid inhibit lower-leaf yellowing of geraniums during propagation. HortScience 48:1352-1357.
Losenge, T, J.E. Faust and S.W. Scott. 2012. The transmission and management of Tobacco Mosiac Virus in a greenhouse environment. Acta Hortic. 937:85-90
Atkinson, J.L., L.B. McCarty, H. Liu, J. Faust and J. Toler. 2012. Diamond Zoysiagrass golf green response to reduced light environments with the use of trinexapac-ethyl. Agron. J. 104:847-850
Ball RedBook 2012. Light. In: Ball RedBook, 18th ed., C. Beytes (ed.), Ball Publishing, Chicago IL
Faust, J.E. and A.L. Enfield. 2010. Effect of temperature and storage duration on quality and rooting performance of poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima 'Prestige Red' cuttings. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 877:1799-1807
Faust, J.E., Lewis, K.P. and Rapaka, V.K. 2010. Identifying the storage potential of unrooted shoot-tip cuttings of eight ornamental species. Acta Hortic. 877:1771-1776
Leatherwood, W.R., J.M. Dole, and J.E. Faust. 2009. Ethephon residual catalysis on unrooted Impatiens hawkeri cuttings and stock plants. HortSci. 44:532-535.
Rapaka. V.K., J.E. Faust, J.M. Dole, E.S. Runkle. 2008. Endogenous carbohydrate status affects postharvest ethylene sensitivity in relation to leaf senescence and adventitious root formation in Pelargonium cuttings. Postharvest Biol. Technol., 48:272-282