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Julie Northcutt
Food Systems and Safety Program Team, Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Sciences Department
Office: 226A Life Science Facility
Phone: 864-656-3688
Fax: 864.656.0331
Email: jknorth@clemson.edu
Educational Background
Ph.D. Food Science, Biochemistry minor
North Carolina State University 1994
M.S. Food Science
Clemson University 1989
B.S. Biochemistry
Clemson University 1987
Courses Taught
Academic Assignment (75% Extension; 25% Research; 0% Teaching)
FDSC 4200 (3, 0) Food Safety Certifications (HACCP, FSMA, ServSafe) Guest Lecturer 2019 to present.
Before 2016
FDSC 3010 Food Regulation and Policy (1, 0)
FDSC 4020/6020 Food Analysis (Food Chemistry II) (3, 1)- 2009 to 2010
FDSC 4030/6030 Food Chemistry (1, 3)
FDSC 4040/6040 Food Preservation and Processing (3, 0)
Dr. Northcutt has over 100 published Refereed Scientific Journal Articles; 7 Book Chapters; 1 Cooperative Extension Policy Manual; 95 Published Proceedings/Trade-Journal/Bulletins (14 International); and 115 Published Abstracts.
She is currently collaborating with Drs. Paul Dawson (Clemson University, FNPS) and Bridget Trogden (Clemson University, Associate Dean for Engagement & General Education) on a USDA grant that integrates Cooperative Extension Service experiences into the food science undergraduate curriculum. She is also collaborating with Drs. Paul Dawson, Tim Hanks (Furman University, Department Chair of Chemistry), William Pennington (Clemson University, Department Chair of Chemistry) and Richard Hodinka (University of SC, School of Medicine Greenville) on the rapid identification of microorganisms, viruses (including SARS CoV-2 which causes COVID-19) and viral antibodies using platforms based upon polydiacetylenes (PDAs). She is also collaborating with Dr. George Cavender on high pressure processing of foods as a non-thermal treatment to reduce microorganisms.
Her graduate students are working on preslaughter and processing intervention strategies to reduce Campylobacter in poultry; microbiological and quality aspects of pickled quail eggs; methodologies to reduce food waste and novel composite flours for baked products.
Research Interests
Research interests include but are not limited to:
Innovative food processing technologies designed to reduce or eliminate pathogens
Rapid detection of microorganisms and viruses on food-contact and non-food contact surfaces
Quality and microbiology of fresh produce
Quality and microbiology of poultry meat and eggs (including chickens, turkeys, ducks, quail)
Lab Members
Paul Price, Ph.D., 2023
Sara Cothran, Ph.D., 2023
Marie Hegler, Ph.D., 2024
Belinda A. Cochran, M.S., 2025
Extension and Outreach
Cooperative Extension Service Activities include:
FDA-recognized Lead Instructor for the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Hazard Analysis Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food; Hazard Analysis Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Animal Food; and Produce Safety Rule.
USDA and FDA recognized Lead Instructor for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System.
Lead Instructor for a program entitled "Coming Together for Racial Understanding" in collaboration with SC State University.
Book Chapters (7 total; listed are those since 2008)
1. Curtis, P. A., E. L. Steinberg, M. A. Parisi and J. K. Northcutt 2013. Chapter 2: How did we get to where we are today? Pp. 23-54. In P. A. Curtis (ed) Guide to Food Laws and Regulations. Blackwell Publishing Co., Ames, IA.
2. Northcutt, J. K. and M. A. Parisi. 2013. Chapter 4: Major laws and regulations related to food safety and quality. Pp. 73-95. In P. A. Curtis (ed) Guide to Food Laws and Regulations. Blackwell Publishing Co., Ames, IA.
3. Parisi, M. A., E. L. Steinberg and J. K. Northcutt. 2013. Chapter 5: U.S. Federal laws affecting food labeling. Pp. 97-119. In P. A. Curtis (ed) Guide to Food Laws and Regulations. Blackwell Publishing Co., Ames, IA.
4. Steinberg, E. L., M. A. Parisi, and J. K. Northcutt. 2013. Biotechnology and genetically modified crops and food. Pp. 213-226. In P. A. Curtis (ed) Guide to Food Laws and Regulations. Blackwell Publishing Co., Ames, IA.
5. McGregor, J. U., J. K. Northcutt, M. A. Parisi, T. C. Schoenfuss, and C. Thormose. 2017. Chapter 10: Egg and Milk-based foods. Pp. 180-195. In J. Jerry Cousminer (Ed)Culinology: The Intersection of Culinary Art and Food Science. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey.
Research Publications (2018 to present):
1. Northcutt, J. K., A. Buyukyavuz, and P. L. Dawson. 2022. Quality of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) eggs after extended refrigerated storage. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.japr.2022.100280
2. *Hegler, C. M., S. Cothran, R. Martinez-Dawson, P. L. Dawson and J. K. Northcutt. 2022. Impact of emergency remote teaching on university students at a public institution in the United States. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice 22(8):126-141.
3. *Hopkins, D. Z., M. A. Parisi, P. L. Dawson and J.K. Northcutt. 2021. Surface decontamination of fresh whole peaches (Prunus persica) using sodium hypochlorite or acidified electrolyzed water solutions. International Journal of Fruit Science 21(1):1-11. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15538362.2020.1822269
4. *Zhang, Y., P. L. Dawson, T. W. Hanks, J. K. Northcutt, T. R. Tzeng, and W. T. Pennington. 2021. Detecting and correlating bacterial populations to visual color change of polydiacetylene-coated filters. Talanta 221(1): 121482.
5. *Zhang, Y., P. L. Dawson, T. R. Tzeng, T. W. Hanks, J. K. Northcutt, W. T. Pennington. 2020. A proposed mechanism to induce multi-layer polydiacetylene-coated filter color response to bacteria. Results Chem., 2, 100065.
6. Batt, G., M. Lussier, K. Cooksey and J. Northcutt. 2019. Transportation, handling, and microbial growth performance of molded fiber and expanded polystyrene apple trays. Packaging Technology and Science 32(1):49-56.
7. *Baker, K.A., L. Beecher and J.K. Northcutt. 2019. Effect of irrigation water source and post-harvest washing treatment on the microflora of alfalfa and mung bean sprouts. Food Control 101: 151-157.
8. Parisi, M.A., J. K. Northcutt, J. E. McKendry, W. W. Sherrill, C. J. Dye, and J. Z. Snow. 2018. Extension: The backbone organization in statewide population health management. Journal of Extension 56 (2): 2IAW1.
9. *Izquierdo, K. J., M. A. Parisi, and J. K. Northcutt. 2018. Influence of production system and level of dietary soy on bone composition and bone strength in laying hens. Approaches in Poultry, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences 3(1):1-7.
* - denotes graduate student at the time of publication