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Clemson University
college of agriculture, forestry and life sciences clemson university

Johnny McGregor

Advisor - 55 Exchange Student Entrepreneurial Center - Home of Clemson Ice Cream
Food Systems and Safety Program Team, Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Sciences Department

Office: 209 P&A Building
Phone: 864-650-0817
Fax: 864-656-0331

Personal Website:


Educational Background

Ph.D. Food Science and Technology
Mississippi State Univeristy 1987

M.S. Dairy Science
Louisiana State University 1984

B.S. Dairy Science
Clemson University 1982

Courses Taught

Dairy Foods Processing
Total Quality Management in the Food and Packaging Industries
Dairy Product Evaluation


Johnny McGregor is a native of Hopkins, South Carolina where he grew up working on his parent’s dairy farm. He received his B.S. in Dairy Science from Clemson University in 1982, M.S. in Dairy Science from Louisiana State University in 1984, and Ph.D. in Food Science and Technology from Mississippi State University in 1987. He is a professor in Clemson University’s Dept. of Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Sciences and led an effort that established the on-campus production and sale of Clemson Ice Cream through the ’55 Exchange. The ’55 Exchange is a student run enterprise focused on engaging students in the management and operation of a commercial food manufacturing and retail business.

Johnny’s teaching and research experience is in the area of sensory evaluation, dairy product processing, and enterprise leadership. He is especially interested in understanding how inter-related activities like speech, writing, and digital communication impact the learning and performance of students engaged in work experiences, internships and Co-ops.

Research Interests

Dairy Product Processing, Enterprise Leadership, and Entrepreneurship

Extension and Outreach

Dairy Product Processing

College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences |