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John Rodgers, Jr.
Director, Ecotoxicology Program
Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department
Office: G-8 Lehotsky Hall, Clemson Universi
Phone: 864-656-0492
Fax: 864-656-1034
Email: jrodger@clemson.edu
Educational Background
Ph.D. Biology/Aquatic Toxicology
Virginia Tech 1977
M.S. Botany/ Ecology
Clemson University 1974
B.S. Botany
Clemson University 1972
Courses Taught
Professional Development
Readings in Ecological Risk Assessment
Limnology and Water Quality
Water Policy and Law
Science Advisor, USEPA
Science Advisory Board, Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation
Science Advisory Panel, National Council for Air and Stream Improvement
Vice President and Board of Directors, Aquatic Plant Management Society
Research Interests
Research Interests:
Effects of perturbations on primary productivity of vascular and non-vascular plants in terrestrial and aquatic systems.
In situ measurements of assimilatory and dissimilatory sulfate reduction by periphytic organisms (algae, bacteria, and fungi), sulfur content and cycling in aquatic systems.
Physical models of aquatic systems as tools for the study of acute and chronic effects of industrial and power plant effluents on structural and functional aspects of aquatic microbial communities.
Production, decomposition and role in nutrient cycling of aquatic macrophytes.
Impact of ash from industrial and power production processes on receiving systems and indigenous biota.
Decomposition and role of autochthonous and allochthonous detritus in aquatic and terrestrial systems with emphasis on the influences of macro-invertebrates, bacteria and fungi.
Invasion rates, population dynamics and elemental accumulation of the Asiatic Clam (Corbicula fluminea).
Extracellular products and other organic compounds as regulating factors of structural and functional aspects of aquatic microbial communities.
Benthic metabolism and physical and biological sediment characterization (using SCUBA-¬implemented techniques) as an index of eutrophication rates.
Electron transport system activity of benthic microflora as a pollution monitoring tool.
Fish as an indicator of the quality and quantity of mixed effluents and their effects on receiving systems.
Ecosystem responses to stress in aquatic systems; Ecological risk assessment.
Relationships between carbon quantity and quality in ecosystems.
Ecological impacts associated with pulp and paper mills as well as other industries.
Biology and ecology of Taxodium distichum (Bald cypress) swamps in the Southeast.
Development of models for integrated control of nuisance aquatic vegetation and aquatic ecosystem management.
Microcosms and mesocosms as tools for ecological and environmental research.
Reservoir limnology and eutrophication.
Secondary aquatic plant products and biocontrol of aquatic plants.
Bioavailability of xenobiotic chemicals (e.g. pesticides) to aquatic organisms.
Sediments as sources and sinks for contaminants in aquatic ecosystems.
Population biology and physiological ecology of aquatic plants.
Artificial Intelligence in ecological problem solving.
Constructed wetlands for rehabilitation and wastewater treatment.
Metal speciation and bioavailability.
Kanagy, L.E., B.M. Johnson, J.W. Castle, and J.H. Rodgers Jr. 2008. Design and performance of a pilot-scale constructed wetland treatment system for natural gas storage produced water. Bioresource Technology 99:1877-1885.
Castle, J.W. and J.H. Rodgers, Jr. 2008. Constructed wetlands treatment systems: Renovation of impaired waters for beneficial reuse. (Introduction: Special Issue 1) Environmental Geosciences 15(1): iv.
Rodgers, J.H., Jr. and J.W. Castle. 2008. Constructed wetland systems for efficient and effective treatment of contaminated waters for reuse. Environmental Geosciences 15 (1): 1-8.
Huddleston, G.M., and J.H. Rodgers, Jr. 2008. Design of a constructed wetland system for treatment of copper-contaminated wastewater. Environmental Geosciences 15(1): 9-19.
Murray- Gulde, C., William Bridges and J.H. Rodgers, Jr. 2008. Evaluating performance of a constructed wetland treatment system designed to decrease bioavailable copper in a waste stream. Environmental Geosciences 15 (1): 21-38.
Tedrow, O.R., B. M. Duke, W. Chao, L. Jolley, W. Frazier, and J H. Rodgers, Jr. (In review) Laboratory and field responses of Lyngbya sp. following exposures to copper-containing algaecides. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management.
Castle, J.W. and J.H. Rodgers, Jr. 2008. Constructed wetland treatment systems: Renovation of impaired waters for beneficial reuse. (Introduction: Special Issue II) Environmental Geosciences 15(3): iv.
Eggert, D.A, J. H. Rodgers, Jr., G. M. Huddleston, and C. E. Hensman. 2008. Performance of Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetland Treatment Systems for Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Waters. Environmental Geosciences 15(3): 115-129.
Johnson, B M., M.M. Chao, O.R. Tedrow, A.D. McQueen, and J.H. Rodgers, Jr. 2008. Responses of Lepomis macrochirus, Pimephales promelas, Hyalella azteca, Ceriodaphnia dubia, and Daphnia magna to Exposures of Algimycin® PWF and Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46: 176-183.
Johnson, B. M., L. E. Kanagy, J. H. Rodgers Jr., J. W. Castle. 2008. Feasibility of a pilot-scale hybrid constructed wetland treatment system for simulated natural gas storage produced waters. Environmental Geosciences 15 (3): 91-104.
Rodgers, J. H., and B. M. Johnson. 2007. Technical Fact Sheet on Lyngbya (Blue-Green Alga) US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Kenagy, L.E., B.M. Johnson, J.W. Castle and J. H. Rodgers, Jr. 2008. Pilot scale constructed wetland treatment systems for simulated natural gas storage produced waters: comparison of hydrosoil conditions and performance. Environmental Geosciences 15 (3): 105-113.
Jones, R.P., S.M. Hassan and John H. Rodgers, Jr. 2008. Influence of contact duration on sediment-associated copper fractionation and bioavailability. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71: 104-116.
Rodgers, John H., Jr. 2008. Algal toxins in pond aquaculture. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center pp. 1-8 (SRAC Publications).
Hall, T.J., R.P. Fisher, J.H. Rodgers, Jr., G.W. Minshall, W.G. Landis, T.G. Kovacs, B.K. Firth, M.G. Dubé, T.L. Deardorff and D.L. Borton. 2009. A long-term, multi-trophic level study to assess pulp and paper mill effluent effects on aquatic communities in four US receiving waters: Background and status. Integrated Environmental Assessment 5(2): 189-198.
Flinders, C.A., G.W. Minshall, T.J. Hall and J.H. Rodgers, Jr. 2009. Spatial and temporal patterns of periphyton chlorophyll a related to pulp and paper mill discharges in four US receiving streams. Integrated Environmental Assessment 5(2): 259 – 269.
Hall, T.J., R.P. Fisher, J.H. Rodgers, Jr., G.W. Minshall, W.G. Landis, T.G. Kovacs, B.K. Firth, M.G. Dubé, C.A. Flinders, T.L. Deardorff and D.L. Borton. 2009. A long-term, multi-trophic level study to assess pulp and paper mill effluent effects on aquatic communities in four US receiving waters: Lessons learned. Integrated Environmental Assessment 5(2): 283-290.
Dorman, L., J.W. Castle and J.H. Rodgers, Jr. 2009. Performance of a pilot-scale constructed wetland system for treating simulated ash basin water. Chemosphere 75: 939-947.
Castle, J.W. and J.H. Rodgers, Jr. 2009. Hypothesis for the role of toxin-producing algae in Phanerozoic mass extinctions based on evidence from the geologic record and modern environments. Environmental Geosciences 16(1): 1-23.
Iannacone, M.M., J.W.Castle and J.H. Rodgers, Jr. 2009. Characterization of flue gas desulfurization particulates in equalization basins. Fuel 88: 1580-1587.
Dorman, L. J.H. Rodgers, Jr. and J.W. Castle. 2009. Characterization of ash basin waters from a risk-based perspective. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 206:175-185.
Iannacone, M.M., J.W.Castle and J.H. Rodgers, Jr. 2009. Role of equalization basins in constructed wetland systems for treatment of particulate-associated elements in flue gas desulfurization waters. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 203: 123-137.
Rodgers, J.H., B.M. Johnson and W.M. Bishop. 2010. Comparison of three algaecides for controlling the density of Prymnesium parvum. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 46: 153-160.
Pham, M. P. T., Castle, J. W., and Rodgers, J. H., Jr., “Application of Water Quality Guidelines and Water Quantity Calculations to Decisions for Beneficial Use of Treated Water,†Applied Water Science, v. 1, p. 85-101 (2011).
Horner, J. E., Castle, J. W., and Rodgers J. H., Jr. 2011. A Risk Assessment Approach to Identifying Constituents in Oilfield Produced Water for Treatment Prior to Beneficial Use, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74: 989-999. DOI 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2011.01.012
Spacil, M. M., Rodgers, J. H., Jr., Castle, J. W., and Chao, W. Y., “Performance of a Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetland Treatment System for Selenium, Arsenic, and Low Molecular Weight Organics in Simulated Fresh Produced Water,†Environmental Geosciences, v. 18, p. 145-156 (2011).
Spacil, M. M., Rodgers, J. H., Jr., Castle, J. W., Murray Gulde, C. L., and Myers, J. E., “Treatment of Selenium in Simulated Refinery Effluent Using a Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetland Treatment System,†Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, v. 221, p. 301-312 (2011). DOI 10.1007/s11270-011-0791-z.
Castle, J. W., and Rodgers J. H., Jr. 2011. Reply to Discussion on Hypothesis for the Role of Toxin-Producing Algae in Phanerozoic Mass Extinctions Based on Evidence from the Geologic Record and Modern Environments. Environmental Geosciences 18:58-60.
Pham, M. P. T., Castle, J. W., and Rodgers, J. H., Jr., 2011. “Application of Water Quality Guidelines and Water Quantity Calculations to Decisions for Beneficial Use of Treated Water,†Applied Water Science, v. 1, p. 85-101.
Alley, B., Beebe, A., Rodgers, J. H., Jr., and Castle, J. W., 2011. “Chemical and Physical Characterization of Produced Waters from Conventional and Unconventional Fossil Fuel Resources,†Chemosphere, v. 85, p. 74-82.
Pham, M. P. T., Castle, J. W., and Rodgers, J. H., Jr., 2011. “Biogeochemical Process Approach to the Design and Construction of a Pilot-Scale Wetland Treatment System for an Oilfield Produced Water,†Environmental Geosciences, v. 18, p. 157-168.
Fuentes, L., L.J. Moore, J.H. Rodgers, Jr., W. Bowerman, G.K. Yarrow, W. Chao. 2011. Comparative toxicity of two glyphosate formulations (Original formulation of Roundup and Roundup Weathermax) to six North American larval anurans. Env. Toxicol. Chem. 12: 2756-2761.
Horner, J., J.W. Castle, J.H. Rodgers Jr., C. Murray-Gulde, and J. Myers, 2012. Design and Performance of Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetland Treatment Systems for Treating Oilfield Produced Water from Sub-Saharan Africa. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 223(5): 1945-1957.
Moore, L.J., L. Fuentes, J.H. Rodgers, Jr., W. Bowerman, G.K. Yarrow, W. Chao, W. Bridges, Jr. 2012. Relative toxicity of the components of Roundup to five North American anurans. Ecotox. and Env. Safety 78: 128-133.
Willis, B.E., B.L. Alley and J.H. Rodgers, Jr. 2013. Bioavailability and analytical measurements of copper residuals in sediments. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 224: 1423-1433.
Alley, B.L., B. Willis, J.H. Rodgers, Jr. and J.W. Castle. 2013. Seasonal Performance of a Hybrid Constructed Wetland Treatment System for Simulated Fresh Oil Field - Produced Water. Water Air Soil Pollut. 244: 1639-1654.
Alley, B.L., B. Willis, J.H. Rodgers, Jr. and J.W. Castle. 2013. Water depths and treatment performance of pilot-scale free water surface constructed wetland treatment systems for simulated fresh oilfield produced water. Ecological Engineering 61: 190-199.
Beebe, D.A., J.W. Castle and J.H. Rodgers, Jr. 2013. Treatment of ammonia in pilot-scale constructed wetland systems with clinoptilolite. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 1: 1159-1165.
Issacs, D.A., R.G. Brown, W.A. Ratajczyk, N.W. Long, J.H. Rodgers, Jr. and J.C. Schmidt. 2013. Solve taste-and-odor problems with customized treatment. Opflow (July 2013) 26-29.
Haynie, R. , J. Morgan , B. Bartelme , B. Willis , J. H. Rodgers Jr., L. Jones, S. Wilde. 2013. Harmful algal blooms and toxin production in Georgia ponds. In: Proceedings of the 2013 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held April 10–11, 2013, at the University of Georgia. 5 pp.
Fuentes. L., L.J. Moore, J.H. Rodgers, Jr., W.W. Bowerman, G.K. Yarrow and W.Y. Chao. 2014. Role of sediments in modifying the toxicity of two Roundup formulations to six species of larval anurans. Env. Toxicol. Chem. 33: 2616-2620.
Getsinger, K., Dibble, E., Rodgers, J. and Spenser, D. 2014. Benefits of Controlling Nuisance Aquatic Plants and Algae in the United States. CAST. 12 pp.
Schwindaman, J.P., J.W. Castle and J.H. Rodgers, Jr. 2014 Fate and distribution of arsenic in a process-designed pilot-scale constructed wetland treatment system. Ecological Engineering 68: 251-259.
Beebe, D. A., Castle, J. W., F.J. Molz and Rodgers, J. H., Jr., 2014. “Effects of Evapotranspiration on Treatment Performance in Constructed Wetlands: Experimental Studies and Modeling,†Ecological Engineering 71: 394-400.
Schwindaman, J. P., Castle, J. W., and Rodgers, J. H., Jr., 2014. “Biogeochemical Process-Based Design and Performance of a Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetland for Arsenic Removal from Simulated Bangladesh Groundwater,†Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 225: 2009 (11 pp.).
Pardue, M. J., Castle, J. W., Rodgers, J. H., Jr., and Huddleston, G. M., III, 2014. “Treatment of Oil and Grease in Produced Water by a Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetland System,†Chemosphere 103: 67-73.
Pardue, M. J., Castle, J. W., Rodgers, J. H., Jr., and Huddleston, G. M., III, 2015. “Effects of Simulated Oilfield Produced Water on Early Seedling Growth after Treatment in a Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetland System,†International Journal of Phytoremediation 17(4): 330-340.
Calomeni, A.J. and J.H. Rodgers, Jr. 2015. Evaluation of six measures for algal (Microcystis aeruginosa, Planktothrix agardhii and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) viability. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 11: 192-198.
Calomeni, A.J., C.M. Kinley and J.H. Rodgers, Jr. 2015. Responses of Planktothrix agardhii and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata to copper sulfate (CuSO4-H2O) and a chelated compound (Cutrine® –Ultra). Water, Air and Soil Pollution
Calomeni, A.J., K.I. Iwinski, C.M. Kinley, A.D. McQueen and J.H. Rodgers, Jr. 2015. Responses of Lyngbya wollei to algaecide exposures and a risk characterization associated with their use. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Kinley, C.M., J.H. Rodgers, Jr., K.I. Iwinski, A.D. McQueen and A.J. Calomeni. 2015. Evaluation of the I3- method to measure sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate algaecide exposures. Chemosphere (in press)