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Lillie Langlois
Lecturer and MWFR Faculty Advisor
Online Master of Wildlife and Fisheries Resources Program
Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department
Office: 265 Lehotsky
Email: llanglo@clemson.edu
Vita: Download CV
Educational Background
Ph.D Wildlife and Fisheries Science
Pennsylvania State University 2017
M.Sc. Environmental Sciences
University of Rhode Island 2008
B.S. Environmental and Forest Biology
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry 2004
Courses Taught
GIS Analysis in Natural Resources - WFB 8050/8051 (Spring)
GIS for Natural Resources - WFB 6340/6341 (Fall)
Mammalogy - WFB 6640/6641 (Fall even years)
Ornithology - WFB 6720/6721 (Fall odd years)
Wildlife Behavior - WFB 8610 - 004 (Spring)
Wildlife Conservation Policy - WFB 6300 (Fall)
Wildlife Field Techniques - FOR 8930/8931 (Summer even years)
I received my PhD from the Pennsylvania State University in 2017 and since taught at PSU and the University of Pittsburgh. My doctoral research examined landscape changes associated with Marcellus shale gas development in Pennsylvania forests and in particular the effects of pipeline infrastructure on forest bird populations. My research intertwines ecology, ornithology, and Geographic Information Science (GIS). My previous research experience focused on avian physiology, where I examined energetic stress associated with long-distance migration and nutrient requirements of songbirds. I have conducted field work on birds and mammals in diverse ecosystems including the tundra of Alaska, temperate forests of New Zealand, and landscapes across central Europe. Outside of academia, I lived abroad in Germany and the Czech Republic for several years, taught skiing and snowboarding at multiple resorts in New York and Utah, and enjoy biking, hiking, birding, and gardening. I live in central Pennsylvania with my two adorable children who are 6 and 9 years old.
Research Interests
Avian Ecology, Wildlife Habitat Management, Conservation Biology, Geographic Information Science (GIS), Landscape Ecology, Island Restoration, Environmental Law and Policy
Langlois LA, S Brenner, and MC Brittingham. 2023. Collocating pipelines to minimize fragmentation: evaluating ecological costs of a shale gas mitigation practice. Journal of Wildlife Management e22468. doi.org/10.1002/jwmg.22468
Price, ER, Bauchinger U, McWilliams SR, Boyles ML, LA Langlois, Gerson AR, Guglielmo CG. 2022. The effects of training, acute exercise and dietary fatty acid composition on muscle lipid oxidative capacity in European starlings. Journal of Experimental Biology. doi:10.1242/jeb.244433
Langlois LA and McWilliams SR. 2021. Essential amino acid requirements of granivorous and
omnivorous songbirds and the provision of natural foods. Journal of Ornithology.
McWilliams SR, B Pierce, A Wittenzellner, LA Langlois, S Engel, JR Speakman, O Fatica, KJ DeMoranville, SB Smith, W Goymann, L Trost, A Bryla, M Dzialo, ET Sadowska, and U Bauchinger. 2020. The energy savings-oxidative cost trade-off for migratory birds during endurance flight. eLife 9:e60626.
Langlois LA, Drohan PJ, Brittingham MC. 2017. Linear infrastructure drives habitat conversion and forest fragmentation associated with Marcellus shale gas development in a forested landscape. Journal of Environmental Management 197: 167-176.
Hall ZJ, Bauchinger U, Gerson AR, Price ER, Langlois LA, Boyles M, Pierce B, McWilliams SR, Sherry MacDougall-Shackleton SA. 2014. Site-specific regulation of adult neurogenesis by dietary fatty acid content, vitamin E and flight exercise in European starlings. European Journal of Neuroscience 39: 875–882.
Langlois LA, Murböck K, Bulla M, Kempenaers B. 2012. Unusual incubation: Long-billed Dowitcher incubates mammalian bones. Ardea 100: 206–210.
Nebel S, Bauchinger U, Buehler DM, Langlois LA, Boyles M, Gerson AR, Price ER, McWilliams SR, Guglielmo CG. 2011. Constitutive immune function in European starlings Sturnus vulgaris is decreased immediately after an endurance flight in a wind tunnel. Journal of Experimental Biology 215: 272-278.
Langlois LA and McWilliams SR. 2010. Protein requirements of an omnivorous and granivorous songbird decrease during migration. AUK 127: 850-862.
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